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Claremont to the CBD

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On my way to the CBD!!!

Cape Town, South Africa

Hi! I'm John Bartmann, a 27-year-old guy from Cape Town. Let me introduce the purpose of my travels to you!

For a while, I've been planning a massive, year-long trip around the city, one that would ignite my passion for travel and leave a wake of inspiration for others to follow, while following in the awe-inspiring trips already performed by other brave souls.

It all began 17 minutes ago when I performed my final check - car keys, wallet, phone - grabbed my compact 5kg shoulder-bag and hit the famed M3, which connects the Southern Suburbs of the region with the city of Cape Town proper.

As I will be in Cape Town for the next year, I managed to organise part-time work through a web publishing agency called Teamtalk, ironically owned by a British company! Travelling from Claremont to Teamtalk will be the main challenge. I'll keep you updated as things pan out.

Here we goooooo!!!!!

permalink written by  johnbartmann on July 16, 2009 from Cape Town, South Africa
from the travel blog: Claremont to the CBD
tagged DayOne and Teamtalk

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Filter coffee and air conditioning - I've arrived!!!

Cape Town, South Africa

Whew! What a journey! I arrived at the Teamtalk parking lot just as the clock turned 1pm, and I was a little behind schedule. I was supposed to be inside the office and actually behind my desk by 1pm, but my co-worker Michael wasn't upset, because he himself been a bit late before.

The roads here are in good condition, considering the horror stories about African buses! I was fortunate enough not to have to rely on public transport. In fact, most of the locals drive cars in the cities of South Africa, so buying a cheap car was first on my agenda.

Now I ALWAYS name my cars. I met a local guy called Johan (he's Afrikaans, which actually means 'African', even though he's white). I mentioned that I was looking for a name for my new car in one of South Africa's 14 local languages.

After brainstorming car names which would reflect a local flavour, we decided to call him 'Oupa' the Opel! So meet, Oupa, which means 'Grandfather' because he's so old! Oupa (like, 'oh-par') will be assisting me with my travels around Cape Town for the duration of my trip, precluding the need to test out the African roads - I don't care what the guidebook says, I'm not taking any chances!!!

permalink written by  johnbartmann on July 16, 2009 from Cape Town, South Africa
from the travel blog: Claremont to the CBD
tagged CapeTown and Office

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