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Flat Stanley

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Sharon Springs, United States

Weary from travel - The final destination . . . back to school.

permalink written by  pbtich on May 12, 2008 from Sharon Springs, United States
from the travel blog: Flat Stanley
tagged Sharon and SSCS

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I am on my way!

Waidhofen, Germany

Ah yes success . . . I have safely arrived in Europe!!! I made it through security & customs and I am about to embark on the adenture of my life! VW van - we are traveling in comfort! Check out the old fire truck or as they have labeld it "Time Machine" a blast of the past, re-made as a kids play vehicle. This is one of the new houses I got to see - I think I would be very comfrotable here maybe they'd like to adopt me - I don't eat much! Would you check out htat steam roller - I can envision a whole flat family . . .

permalink written by  pbtich on May 12, 2008 from Waidhofen, Germany
from the travel blog: Flat Stanley
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FJ's travels around Boston

Boston, United States

Flat Jeremiah brought the sun to Boston.
It had been a long winter and, fortunately, when Flat Jeremiah got here we had the first day where we could leave the house without having to wear many layers of clothing.
On such a nice day we couldn’t stay at home and went for a walk on the "Freedom Trail": A walking route marked by a painted red line on the sidewalks that links important sites of the American Revolution. Since this trail is 2.5 miles long, we decided to follow it only within our neighborhood, the North End.
The first stop on our journey was at one of the best known landmarks in Boston: The Old North Church. The church was made famous on April 18, 1775, when the British planned to march to Lexington to capture Samuel Adams and John Hancock, and then on to Concord to seize arms. To warn of the arrival of the British troops, sexton Robert Newman hung lanterns in the tower of the Old North Church and, so legend has it, Paul Revere undertook his “midnight ride”. Revere’s ride is immortalized in Longfellow’s epic 1863 poem Tales of a Wayside Inn.
Later we went to see the Bunker Hill Monument, a granite obelisk that towers above the Charlestown waterfront commemorating the battle of June 17, 1775 that ended with a costly victory for British forces against an irregular colonial army that finally ran out of ammunition. British losses were so heavy, however, that the battle would presage future success for the colonial forces. Also in Charlestown we saw the U.S.S. Constitution, also known as the “Old Ironsides” for the resilience of her live oak hull against cannon fire. Every day, at exactly 8 o’clock in the morning, a cannon shot from the U.S.S. Constitution wakes us up, and another shot gets fired every day at sundown, announcing that it is time to go home.

Continuing on the trail we passed by what is left from the “Big Dig”, a $15 billion and 15 years project that built a six-lane underground highway without disrupting the nearly 200,000 cars that use Boston's highways daily, and without disrupting 29 miles of underground utility lines. This project has been compared to the digging of the Panama Canal, the English Channel Tunnel and the Alaskan Pipeline.

At the end of our journey we went to see a basketball playoff game with the Boston Celtics at the TB Banknorth Garden.

And again Flat Jeremiah brought us luck! The Celtics won against the Atlanta Hawks with 96-77!

permalink written by  pbtich on April 19, 2008 from Boston, United States
from the travel blog: Flat Stanley
tagged Boston and FlatStanley

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Campus Life

Providence, United States

Iam just Lovin' campus Life! Did you know they even have a library here!!! I didn't actually go IN it but that's what they said the building was . . .cool!

. . .GO BULLDOGS!!!!

permalink written by  pbtich on April 14, 2008 from Providence, United States
from the travel blog: Flat Stanley
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Love that City!!

Paris, France

Ahhh yes, Paris - the wine,the women, the food and did I mention the women . . .

permalink written by  pbtich on March 29, 2008 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Flat Stanley
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On my way . . .

Sharon Springs, United States

I am leaving today on an adventure. I am very excited about visiting lots of new places and seeing people that I like. See me here in the window waving Good-bye! (not really, I just needed a photo to kick off this blog!) LOL

permalink written by  pbtich on March 21, 2008 from Sharon Springs, United States
from the travel blog: Flat Stanley
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