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Europe Trip 2007
youthfulheart9's Travel Blog

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Rome, Italy

Hello everyone! Sorry that it's been so long. I'm in Rome right now and tomorrow we are doing a tour. That should be a lot of fun. I guess I'll update on what we have been doing but I probably won't be able to remember all of it. I left off with Norway so I guess I'll pick up there. After Norway we went to Belfast, Ireland and I had so much fun there. We went to a youth service with the people we were staying with the first night. The next day we went to Giant's Causeway. It was absolutely beautiful. We saw three rainbows and while we were driving there were sheep in the road. It was very Irish! At the Giant's Causeway it was really windy and it started to rain. But the water was crashing up on the rocks and they said that that was the best way to see it. The next day I was with my Grandma Megaw's brother ( Uncle Mosey )and daughters ( Iris and Geraldine). They took me to the Mourne Mountains and to get really good Fish and Chips. Being with them felt like I was with my Grandma and Grandpa Megaw and Aunt Emily. I really enjoyed it. The next day we went to London and had a service and it was really good. This woman came in late and I really felt like she needed prayer. After the service she came up to me and asked me to pray with her for different reasons. So me and Cherie prayed with her and I really felt that God was doing something for her. So that was really encouraging. The next day we went to Kelsterbach, Germany. I'll have to finish later. I'm to tired and i have to get up kind of early. Goodnight!

July Star ( Lizbeth )

permalink written by  youthfulheart9 on November 7, 2007 from Rome, Italy
from the travel blog: youthfulheart9's Travel Blog
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Wella Wella!

London, United Kingdom

I'm in Norway right now, but I'm going to start in London. We got to London on Wednesday morning and met Bro. Jonathan Goodwin and his family. The little boys were soo cute, and the littlest one reminded me of Aidan so much. And we had an English breakfast! Is was delicious. We spent the day with them and we did the London Tower tour. I LOVED the tour. It was totally my thing. They talked about all of the beheadings. (that kind of sounds morbid that it's my thing LOL) The next day Cherie, Jayda, and I went shopping. I bought a skirt for 1 pound (2 dollars) at H&M. I wish we had one in Tn. I would probably spend all of my money there though. Lol! We were taking our time cause our plane wasn't supposed to leave until 7:25. So after we were done shopping it was about 1:30. Then we went to eat at this incredible Indian place. They closed at three and kind of kicked us out which was good because if we would of stayed any later we wouldn't of made our flight to Norway. We started making our way to the train station about four, all the while thinking we had time to kill. So we stopped to get a Starbucks. Oh and while we were walking the oldest boy which is eight kept trying to take Jayda's luggage and gave her a hug goodbye. So we were teasing her about her new "boyfriend". LOL We got to the train station at 4:30 and bought our tickets and they said that we should get to the airport about 6:40. We only thought it would take thirty minutes to an hour on the train. Obviously we didn't have time to kill because that only gave us forty-five minutes to check in at the airport. That's NOT enough time for Stansted! I hate Stansted!! We started out on the train then took the subway and then took another train. It was SO crowded. When we got there it was 6:50 and our plane left at 7:25. We checked in and went through security pretty easily. And as if going through one security isn't enough they make you go through a whole other line just for your shoes! So we are running to get to our gate and we find out that you have to take a train to the gates! At least we were gate six! So now it's 7:23. We get off the train and we all run up two LONG flights of escalators. And we send Jayda ahead to see if they will hold the plane for us but when we got there, there we still a couple of people in line. So we made the flight. The flight was pretty smooth until the landing. It was really foggy and at the end they pulled up to much and then went back down fast so it was a pretty hard landing. So now we are in Norway and enjoying the food. The lady, Ingrid, made homemade, hand-picked blueberry pie. It was incredible! On Friday we had the first service and they had a choir of about twenty people ready with some of the worship songs. And they also had a band that has been working on different stuff. I really felt something when the choir was singing "God Won't Give Up". We are going to have another service tonight so please pray for it. I was going to put pictures up but we don't have the right chord. Sorry. Love you guys!

July Star

permalink written by  youthfulheart9 on October 26, 2007 from London, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: youthfulheart9's Travel Blog
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We're Here

Frankfurt, Germany

Well.... Today's been a looong day!! Right now I'm running on about 4 hours of sleep since 7:00 on Monday! So if this sounds all weird I'll have my mom look at it and check it. The plane rides were smooth. The first thing I ate was bread, cheese, and butter!! It was delicious!!
When we got here I was wearing sandals and the temperature was 32 degrees. I had to change my shoes. When we checked the weather it said it would be about 50.
This is a short blog, but I'll try to blog later. I better go to sleep.

July Star
( since they put July on my ticket again I'm just going to use my stage name to sign off with! )

permalink written by  youthfulheart9 on October 23, 2007 from Frankfurt, Germany
from the travel blog: youthfulheart9's Travel Blog
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12 Days Till I Leave

Nashville, United States

Yay!!!!! Only 12 more days till my trip! I'm so excited this time because we'll be there when its not cold. This is my third trip and I'm not getting bored yet. I love going and enjoy being with Neal, Cherie, Wil, and Jayda. I wish Sharon could come this time but she's coming next time! : ) I don't know if I will keep this up while I'm gone or if I will even be able too. But I will try. The first week will be the hardest. In the first week we will be on 7 or 8 planes. We fly to Frankfort, Germany, the next day we will fly to England. I think we stay their for a day or so then we fly to Norway for three days. Then back to England for a day, then on to Ireland. I love Ireland!!!! It may just be because my Grannie's from there, but the last time I went it was absolutely BEAUTIFUL! It was so green in the middle of winter. I know I could live their for awhile. Then we will fly back to Germany, then drive to the different places. All of the places that we go to over their are pretty close except the 7 hour drive from some place in Holland to Berlin, Germany! That's the worst drive that we have to make. At the end of the trip we go to Rome!!! I'm so excited about that. I haven't been to Rome yet so its one more place to put on the map!! Well, this is just the trip in a nutshell ,so when I'm actually there I can give more details on what we did that day. This is all of the places we're going, but the actual reason for going is to continue what God's starting there! The first time we went it seemed a little bit darker than the last time we went. The last time I remember seeing more people respond during the services. I just pray that they keep responding to Him. And I also pray that I'm where God wants me to be. I would love to keep doing these trips. I love traveling and that's part of the reason ,but if God wants to use me there for Him then I'm willing. But I also want to be willing that if the time comes when he wants me to stay home than I will do it happily. Lol! Well, I don't know if I'll do any more before I leave but at least I started!! (This is for my mom and dad, they want me to write more and I need to. I'm an awful writer. So if you don't understand what I say just ask me and I'll try to explain.)

permalink written by  youthfulheart9 on October 10, 2007 from Nashville, United States
from the travel blog: Europe Trip 2007
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