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33 Blog Entries
9 Trips
834 Photos


Exit Stage Left: Saying Goodbye
New Zealand: Santa Wears Burmudas
Australia: Hot Days and Cool Reefs
Evolution: Additional visa pages & other prepatory adventures
Indonesia: So many islands, so little time
Malaysia: Historic Ports and Jungle Forts
Thailand: You Want Massage Mista?
Cambodia: Light, Shadows and a Layer of Smog
Ya Ready to Go Home? Yeah, Me Too...

Shorthand link:


We are going to explore the unknown and there's no turning back now. Why explore? Here are a few reasons why we start on this journey...

- To breathe deeply, appreciate the moment and SLOW DOWN
- To let go of our fears
- To rebel… prove that we can live outside the system
- To challenge ourselves mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually
- To stretch our wings and do things we’ve - never done before
- To share stories and inspire others to take risks
- To send silly postcards to our loved ones
- To make lifelong friends across the globe
- To embrace diversity, open our minds and find ourselves
- To take advantage of having no ties (kids, mortgage, debt, etc.)
- To strengthen our marriage
- To gain insight & beauty by seeing the world
- To meet and learn about different people & cultures
- To live simply – understand core needs vs. learned desires
- To learn about political & social situations around the world (NPR is good, but this is better)
- To re-set and reconsider the rat race

So please follow us as we set out to see the world and gain insight into who we are, individually and as a couple.

If you friends or family abroad that you'd like us to say hi to, send along their info. If you have good stories or advice to share, we are all ears. If you are thinking about a vacation abroad, find out where we'll be and meet up with us! And if you can't, just remember that there is beauty right there in your backyard... all you have to do is take a deep breath and open your eyes.

Lots of love,
The Hulls

A Few Steps Closer

Scotts Valley, United States

The countdown is on... and we continue to scoot our way through the pre-trip planning. It hasn't been easy - Tim and I have been a little edgy with one another the last couple of months, but we also understand that it too, is a part of the journey. Dealing with such a big transition during our first year of marriage is tough - we are dedicated to the process, thankful that we are learning so much about each other and excited about what is to come.

Here's a quick run down of some of the pre-trip planning:

- Give our notice at work. Done - offical Letter of Resignation is filed away safely in HR. It feels excellent.
- Purchase a GSM Smart phone & accessories. Done - we decided on the AT&T 8525 and Tim's had his nose rubbing up against it for days
- Purchase a lightweight digital camera & accessories. Done - Canon A720IS... we wanted a camera that could recharge on AA batteries rather than carrying a separate charger
- Purchase travel insurance. Done - to the tune of $1079 - yikes
- Sell Tim's motorcycle. He's dragging his feet... go figure
- Write up LIving Will and Heathcare Directive - just in case. This should be easy due to our lack of assets, but we probably will wait for another month to check this off the list
- Jen get a haircut. Round one - Done. I figured if I didn't do it now, I'd probably never do it. It is likely to get another snip snip before we hit the road
- Finish immunizations. Done - and no nasty side effects. Free flu shots at Plantronics will wrap it all up
- Visas. Done as they are going to get for now. Indonesia and Vietnam are a bit of a problem since they will expire by the time we get there, so we decided we would handle them at the Consulate in the country we are in before entering (Australia and Thailand) - we'll get the others at the border and save money (not likely to save time though)
- Print up travel cards. Done. No, no, no - we won't lose touch with our friends and yes, yes, yes - we will meet oodles of new ones!
- More to come...

permalink written by  TwoSouls on October 2, 2007 from Scotts Valley, United States
from the travel blog: Evolution: Additional visa pages & other prepatory adventures
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Mission Accomplished: Labor Day Sale at REI

Saratoga, United States

I never thought I was the type of girl to salvate over shoes, but at REI, Tim has to follow me around with a mop. We had a GREAT time at the second PLT Flea Market on Saturday... sold another round of stuff and got a kick out of seeing our "trash" become "treasure" once again. The sales were never really about money, but more about passing along good energy and lightening our load. Because of the time of year, we had the opportunity to bestow our funky stuff to a handful of Burning Man goers on their way out of town, so it was very cool... totally worth having to re-feng shui the house last night!

On Sunday, we headed up to REI to take advantage of their annual holiday sale and we SCORED some great clothes and gear. We felt a little guilty when we saw the total on the cash register, but the money we made at the Flea Market covered it all and we were able to take our goodies home with a clear conscience. We are only shy a few things on our pack lists, but I'm hoping we can grab those on-line for a discounted price. We'll have the opportunity to break in some of the gear on our backpacking trip this weekend up near Auburn - I'll be sure to post some pics next week!

permalink written by  TwoSouls on August 27, 2007 from Saratoga, United States
from the travel blog: Evolution: Additional visa pages & other prepatory adventures
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Do we get a Lollipop?

Watsonville, United States

On August 11th, we tore ourselves out of bed and drove to Watsonville to meet Dr. Dover for our travel vaccinations consultation. After reviewing pages and pages of dizzing information about side effects, we decided to take the plunge. Luckily, neither Tim nor I are afraid of needles... and his assistant was very gentle. Getting our vaccinations are top 3 on our list of "events that make this trip a reality" - the other 2, giving notice at work and buying our first leg tickets to New Zealand, are already checked off the list.

Dr. Dover was an ABSOLUTE pleasure to visit with... so much so that we barely felt the needle pricks! We'll look forward to visiting him again next month to finish up the series and ask more questions about his adventures abroad. Come to find out that our insurance covers about half our expenses at the office - sweeeeeeeeet!

permalink written by  TwoSouls on August 21, 2007 from Watsonville, United States
from the travel blog: Evolution: Additional visa pages & other prepatory adventures
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