My mother tells me that when I was five and she took me by train from Vancouver to Edmonton, we had barely left Vancouver when I declared "Enough train. Get down now." But, at age 11 when my paternal grandmother took me from Edmonton to California and Disneyland, the trip instilled in me a sense of travel being adventure, living intensely, having pie for breakfast, grilled cheese and pickles in bus stations for lunch, and encountering the unexpected. After my first year of university, I traveled to Rome on an archeology course; I recall that flying through an abbreviated night and landing in Rome at dawn was like being reborn. My travel in Canada, Europe, South American and Asia may have been escape, or finding myself, but always made life "ever so much more so." (The profile photo is of me in Maui, Hawaii, loading images into my computer, apparently dazzling images, judging by the sunglasses).