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The Cost of Ignorance

Hanoi, Vietnam

So far, the running tally on the cost of ignorance (defined as the amount of additional money we've spent because we didn't know better) is somewhere around $75. The first major incident was a few weeks ago in Bali, when a taxi driver accepted 3 thousand-rupiah notes from Carl, who thought they were hundred dollar notes. Too bad. The second occurred today, and was far more conniving.

We departed Chiang Mai today and flew to Bangkok, spending part of our 3-hour layover researching places to stay in Hanoi. We arrived in Vietnam armed with a phone number for our selected hotel. After a bit of wandering we found a public telephone that didn't require a special credit card and placed the call, aided by a kind gentlemen (hint 1: "kind gentleman") who helped us dial. Carl made the reservation, during which time the kind gent showed us a card for a guest house of a friend of his in the same area of town we were targeting. We took the card, thanked him, and told him we were heading to the first hotel but that if the rooms weren't good, we would check out his friend's place. Hint 2: the woman behind him made eye contact with Viv and mumbled "no good" and made a face. At that time, we didn't know whether that meant the place, the man, or the deal.

We exited the airport, heading for the Airport Taxis that the Kind Gent instructed us to take (advice that seemed verified by the other Farange's (foreigners) filing into other taxis in front of us). 30 ridiculous minutes later (driving in Vietnam appears to be one constant horn-honking fest; immediate headache), we arrived at what appeared to be the backpacker strip. At an intersection, to my recollection, suddenly the taxi driver gestured to the side, as a fellow stepped up to Carl's front seat window to tell him that while we were there, the hotel was full. All three of us were confused: the hotel he was pointing at didn't say Golden Lotus, but the driver seemed to corroborate that we were there. The man was telling us not to worry, there was another hotel owned by the same company that was just around the corner and they had room. Carl asked again where the Golden Lotus was, the man pointed again at something that didn't look like the Golden Lotus, then opened my door and asked if he could get in with us. I said no, there's no room! (There wasn't, really, and the request seemed too weird). So he then said, "ok, I meet you there" and closed the door.

We exchanged another "what's going on" as the taxi took off again, and minutes later pulled up at another hotel. As we got out of the car, our bags were being whisked inside, leaving us to catch up. They offered to show us the room; Viv and Carl went up while I watched the bags and tried to figure out where we were on the map. They returned from upstairs with a shrug, confirming that at least it was clean and seemed relatively secure. So, we booked.

At some point we mentioned we had other friends coming into the city, and the folks at the Star hotel were excited to get them lined up to. We hedged, and they then said "here's our card - you show them?". (Sinister music). It was the same card the guy at the airport had showed us of his friend's place. Duped.

Our best guess is that the "kind gentleman" from the airport called a friend of his and told him that there were three of us headed to the Golden Lotus. Said friend then intercepted our cab (somehow before we reached the Golden Lotus - either the cab driver was in on it (seemed unlikely as he was making disapproving noises when he drove us from the first to the second hotel) or we were close, and they spotted us (we do stand out)). So then we got rerouted, and hustled along enough that we never got to catch up because we were too preoccupied watching ourselves and our stuff.

Knowing that somehow we'd gotten nailed, we then went to the Golden Lotus on foot, confirmed that they were not booked and in fact had our reservation and were waiting for us. Taking a lesson my dad taught Carl a few years back, we decided to consider the $20 we had paid to the Star hotel "F@%^ You Money", checked out 30 minutes after we had checked in, and went straight to the Golden Lotus hotel, where we were greeting with sympathy and even some anger towards fellow countrymen and feel we are being treated well. Chalk it up once more as the costs of ignorance; annoying/upsetting, but in this case pretty painless in exchange for toughening us up a bit. Welcome to Vietnam!

We just booked our next two adventures, and I am very excited. We're getting the heck out of this noisy, busy city and head tomorrow night by overnight train to Sapa, in northwest Vietnam. We'll do a 25km trek over two days, staying with hill tribes both nights, and then returning to Hanoi also by overnight train. We'll turn right around that morning and head out to Halong Bay for a 3-day excursion there. I have been to both places, found them breathtakingly gorgeous and a lot of fun - looking forward to continued adventures!

permalink written by  GoBlue on June 13, 2007 from Hanoi, Vietnam
from the travel blog: Joc's Journeys
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The Wolverines have landed

Luang Prabang, Laos

Did you know that Lao Airlines, the government-run carrier in Laos, is not required to make its safety records public? For that reason, many companies and foreign governments apparently advise employees to find other means of transportation. However, after much due diligence, Christi and I decided that our chances of getting to Luang Prabang by air safely were actually pretty good, so we hopped in the Russian-made ATR-72 prop plane and landed in Laos just fine.

And thus, here we are in the sleepy, UNESCO world-heritage town of Luang Prabang. So far, we've sat lazily on the porch of our guesthouse and watched an amazing late afternoon thunderstorm roll through, and also spied on the young monk at the monastery across the street doing an exercise regimen of handstands and cartwheels (all in a saffron-colored robe). Cool. This place has a wonderful vibe to it -- calm, almost lazy. I think it's right up our alley.

We're off to find dinner and later, with luck, catch up to our Michigan friends Matt, Neda, Jeff, and Tanuka. Hope all is well back home!

p.s. for those of you actually following my travels closely (hi, Mom, Dad and Chris!), please note that I sneakily posted a report from Cambodia but back-dated it to June 4. So, you'll have to scroll down to find it. :)

permalink written by  GoBlue on June 12, 2007 from Luang Prabang, Laos
from the travel blog: J-Mac's Junket
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This time, I almost got bit by a bat...I think

Chiang Mai, Thailand

Yes, the animal adventures continue. This time, I think I was almost bitten, and I think it was a bat. Here's how it goes...

Carl and I returned to the Crazy Horse Buttress crag for the third time in our Chiang Mai stays, this time again with Viv and with newcomers Aaron and Ben. We rented a car, successfully navigated our way out there, and had a great morning of climbing. Viv did her first lead ever (and did it quite well, I may add. Yay Viv!), and Aaron and Ben both learned quickly on both the belay and climbing side.

We went to lunch at the local spot (delicious, once again), and when we returned to the crag decided we were too full to climb right away, so we did some exploring. While searching for a local troupe of monkeys, we happened upon our first cool discovery: a monk hill camp, complete with monk hard at work (we left him undisturbed) (we never found the monkeys unfortunately).

Next we explored Aircon cave: a giant cavern that according to the book rises 80m above the floor! (It was very dark, difficult to verify the height). Then we returned to the wall, did one quick warm-up climb prior to the next chosen adventure: a new route up the inside of a big archway. As I descended from the warm-up, however, we noticed incredibly black storm clouds rolling in. At first glance, it seemed like we would likely get rain within the hour; 2 minutes later, it was clear it was going to be much faster than that; 5 minutes later we were huddled inside the archway marveling at the galeforce winds that were suddenly whipping through the area; 5 minutes later we were in a torrential downpour. Crazy!

We dashed back to one of the bamboo huts to see if it was going to blow through. Other than watching in awe the force of the sudden storm, the excitement there was when a giant (5-6 inches long) toad hopped up beside me. We named him Solomon (arbitrarily), and after a dramatic initial entrance, he just watched us.

The rain was relentless for about 20 minutes and then started to let up. Carl and I went to check out the archway and found it dry! So, we proceeded with the plan. Carl led the climb quite competently considering we had no route map and the light was weak with lingering storm effects. Aaron went next and for a first-ish day climbing did an awesome job. Viv then followed, and also did a great job, making it through the first 2 cruxes of the climb. In doing so, however, she had the first "bat" encounter: about 12 feet off the ground, suddenly snatched her hand back with a yelp (not falling, she would like me to note), saying that "something's in there!" We chuckled and encouraged her to forge on without using that pocket.

My turn next. I got to the same pocket, and, knowing there was someone at home, but knowing I needed the hold, I inserted just the first two "pads" (to the first knuckle) of two fingers into the pocket. Despite my care, I was immediately barked at (BAKKAW!!!!), loudly enough that everyone below heard loud and clear. Our best guess is a bat, though we never saw it. It was certainly a noise I have never heard before, with a meaning all too clear. (Footnote: I recognize that it wasn't as close to a bite as the monkey bite was, but the repeated close encounters beg for a tad of hyperbole). In the fading light, I finished the climb, which was "way cool". Aaron took pictures - hope to upload those soon.

Such great adventures! Chiang Mai has been a definite highlight so far....

permalink written by  GoBlue on June 12, 2007 from Chiang Mai, Thailand
from the travel blog: Joc's Journeys
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Northern Thailand--Part 2

Chiang Mai, Thailand

After a great introduction to Northern Thailand, we set off for a few days of cooking school. I think Joc, Viv and Jennie have all written about this, so I won't spend much time on it. But I will say it was a fantastic few days. If you are a Thai food fan and find yourself in Chaing Mai, I highly recommend the Thai Cookery School (http://www.thaicookeryschool.com/). We had the luxury of spending some time with Sompon Nabnian, the school's owner, and it was a great experience to see a successful entrepreneur in Thailand.

To finish our time in Chiang Mai, we hit the crags for another two days. We enjoyed the climbing destination so much the first time we went, we decided to return for our last two days. Our last day was an adventure on a number of fronts . . .we rented a vehicle and drove to the crag--very entertaining. Turns out by renting a vehicle, we actually just borrowed someone's personal car for the day and paid her for it. Seemed crazy, but it worked. Then during the last hour at the crag, we noticed a large, ominous cloud coming our way and we thought we had maybe an hour before it would start to rain. We actually only had about 20 minutes before an incredible wind and rain storm came through and left us huddling under the bamboo hut for dry warmth (that's right, after non-stop heat for a week, it actually was a bit cool!). However, the rain didn't keep us down. We retreated to a nearby cave-like structure and climbed there till dark. We then drove back to the city in the rain (3rd adventure of the day) and finished our last night in Northern Thailand with a simple meal at a nearby restaurant. Again, I hope to post some pictures soon . . .

permalink written by  GoBlue on June 12, 2007 from Chiang Mai, Thailand
from the travel blog: Carl's Circuit
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Rubbing bellies and hugging rocks

Chiang Mai, Thailand

5 pounds heavier and with loads of Thai cooking knowledge packed into my head, I successfully wrapped up 3 days of cooking classes. Can't wait to try out some recipes when I get home! Ben and I opted for 3 days with Aaron joining us on days 2 and 3. The rest of the crew opted to give their stomachs a break after two days and explore a bit more of the city. I really enjoyed the cooking classes, particularly day 3 when class started in a local market. Ben, Aaron, and I walked around with one of the school's teachers and were explained the different produce and products being sold. It was really cool to see the market set up, locals shopping for food, and the mounds and mounds of expertly stacked fruits. Most impressive were the rambutans; currently in season and stacked to Aaron's height.

I followed up cooking school with another day of climbing with Carl, Joc, and new to the rock Ben and Aaron. We rented a car and found our way back to where I'd spent my first full day in Chiang Mai climbing and where Carl, Joc, and Jennie had spent the prior day when Aaron, Ben, and I were cooking up a storm. It was great fun all around. My extra pounds from eating non stop for three days luckily didn't hold me back too much. ;) Big thanks to Carl and Joc for continuing to mentor me on the ways of the rock. Joc taught me the basics of lead climbing and talked me through my first lead climb ever. Whee!

After a brief stop at a delicious local restaurant (and by restaurant I think it was the back of someone's house) that Carl, Joc, and I had been introduced to by our guides the first time out to the rock, we went back to Crazy Horse and kept climbing. We didn't let the ominous black cloud that then let forth intense rain hold us back. Well, ok, it trapped us under a bamboo hut for a while. We climbed a route under a rock archway where both Joc and I were barked at from a hole that we wanted to use for a hold by something...a bat? an insanely large insect? Let's just say I didn't hold on long enough to find out. I made it about 2/3 of the way up before I could go no further. Literally hugging a large piece of rock, trying to move laterally right and having nothing below me, and feeling no hand holds or foot holds (sigh), I conceded to the rock. I got to enjoy a few moments of swinging around and pushing off the rock before Carl finally lowered me all the way down. Good times. :)

permalink written by  GoBlue on June 12, 2007 from Chiang Mai, Thailand
from the travel blog: Viv's Voyage(s)
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Cooking School Graduation

Chiang Mai, Thailand

Back in Chiang Mai now after a few days at the cooking school - fantastic! I really like Thai food, and the school we chose was a great find (Vivian's friend had been there two years ago). The fellow who started the place (Sampon) is a renown cook around here, and he recently opened a resort nearby where we stayed. The school started around 11am (picked us up in the city the first day) and we cooked 5 dishes throughout the day. Each one was first demonstrated for us in an air conditioned classroom, and then we went to our own wok station and prepared and cooked the ingredients. Then we ate! (5 dishes, 4 different eating sessions - by the end I thought I was going to explode! The food was fantastic though, and I think I can replicate the recipes competently).

The resort was a great find too - it opened 3 weeks ago and wasn't quite fully complete. We were the biggest group to stay there yet, so Sompon was there the whole time to make sure it went well. He's a funny guy - doesn't smile much until he teases slightly, and then he breaks into a huge grin. I think he liked us, and we certainly were treated like royalty. He has a pool that we spent a lot of time in, the rooms were great, and when we finally were hungry (the second day I disciplined myself better and didn't nearly die of gluttony), he cooked us an amazing meal that included several local flavors we hadn't had yet. It was truly fantastic.

Carl, Jennie and I did 2 days of it and then came back into the city for today and hired a driver to go back to the climbing area, where we enjoyed five hours of great climbing. I led a 5.10b/c cleanly (my hardest lead ever, which is pretty cool given we haven't been climbing. The power of visualization).

The Chapmans left today to fly back to the states. We'll miss them - they were a great addition to the trip! We did pick up Ben Johnson again (friend we'd last seen in Indonesia) and Aaron Verstraete (who will be doing the Bain habitat trip with me). Jennie and Christie go to Laos tomorrow, and Ben, Aaron, Viv, Carl and I are planning to rent a car and do another climbing day as well as a Wat (temple) around here. I'm looking forward to it.

Then Wednesday morning we head for Hanoi for the next country! We decided to skip Laos to be moving a little less frequently, though now we're thinking of trekking in Sapa (Northwest Vietnam, and I stop that had not previously been on the itinerary). Since we didn't end up trekking here (the minitrek didn't count) I think it would be fun to add. Then to Halong Bay, which I have been looking forward to revisiting ever since I left there 6 years ago. Very exciting.

Now, off to feast!

Hope everyone's doing well ...

permalink written by  GoBlue on June 11, 2007 from Chiang Mai, Thailand
from the travel blog: Joc's Journeys
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Cooking in Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai, Thailand

We've all just finished two days staying at a boutique resort just outside the city (Jasmine Rice Village) and taking cooking classes (Chiang Mai Cookery School) - it's been relaxing and A LOT of fun. Learning to cook with lots of chillies (the joys of having half the class coughing from the chillies' smoke! =) ), the difference between coconut cream and coconut milk and when to you use what, all the different spices, etc. - just awesome! Granted, having "prep fairies" who hand you everything from the meats to the spices that you need in the correct amounts and already cut up makes things easier. I guess I now know how the chefs on the cooking channel do it? ;)

Our main lesson yesterday was an introduction to the basic Thai ingredients (basil - 3 types, galanga, coconut milk, chillies, palm sugar, etc.) in a classroom setting before we struck out on our own at individual "wok" stations to prepare 6 dishes over the course of the day. Today's lesson was all about curry...and just how many types are out there! Everyone learned how to make red curry from scratch using dried spices and fresh herbs using a mortar and pestle. Once that was done, we all cooked our own chicken red curry - YUM!! We then went on to make 5 additional dishes. Did I mention that we eat everything that we cook? Talk about needing to rub my belly... =)

permalink written by  GoBlue on June 10, 2007 from Chiang Mai, Thailand
from the travel blog: Viv's Voyage(s)
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Elephants, Cliff Jumping and Rock Climbing - oh my!

Chiang Mai, Thailand

We've made it north to Chiang Mai now and are continuing to have a blast! We arrived Monday afternoon in time for some logistics and a settle-in evening. Carl and I got some great information from a local climbing company about a nearby crag called Crazy Horse Buttress. Tuesday, Carl, Viv and I headed out there to scout the climbing and had a fantastic day! We hitched a ride with two local guides and their one Finnish beginner. There were only two other people other than our group the entire day, there were no biting insects, the wall stayed shaded almost the whole day, and the climbing was fantastic. My forearms are pretty fried out from it, but it was a blast. Today the seven of us joined up for a mini trek that began with an elephant ride, involved brief tours of hill tribe villages, a 30-minute stay at the base of a gorgeous waterfall, and a 1-hour bamboo rafting jaunt the passed by a great cliff jumping spot. (Hopefully we are all parasite free after swimming in the river!). It was a great day...

Tomorrow we start our cooking class - exciting!

Hope to do more reflecting soon but need to switch over to Skype to deal with BankOne's inconveniences. Hope everyone is doing well!

permalink written by  GoBlue on June 8, 2007 from Chiang Mai, Thailand
from the travel blog: Joc's Journeys
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Northern Thailand--Part 1

Chiang Mai, Thailand

Our first few days in Chiang Mai were incredible. Joc and I found a great place to rock climb about 40 minutes outside the city. We booked transport with some local guides, rented a guide book for the day and Joc, Vivian and I headed out for a great day of climbing on some solid Limestone crags.

The next day we booked a local tour that included an elephant ride (they are huge, powerful, and hungry animals--they also blow elephant snot in your face if you don't feed them bananas on a frequent schedule), trek through two hilltribe villages, a waterfall and bamboo rafting down the Maung River (I think that is what the river was called). Toward the end of the rafting trip we stopped for some swimming and cliff jumping (video and pictures to come soon).

After touring the countryside we stopped at the Wat Suen Dok Buddhist temple for "Monk Chat" where we spent 1.5 hours discussing Buddhism with young monks who were finishing their university studies and wanted to practice their English. So, we got a very enlightening discussion about their religion and they got to practice English--win-win (and also a fantastic experience).

After our first few days in Chiang Mai, it is definitely one of my favorite cities on the trip so far.

permalink written by  GoBlue on June 8, 2007 from Chiang Mai, Thailand
from the travel blog: Carl's Circuit
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"I got bit by a monkey" and other adventures

Bangkok, Thailand

The monkey adventure was in Ubud, on Bali. But I am getting ahead of myself...

We arrived last night in Bankok after another great location where upon departure we wished we had a few more days. The retrospective summary on Bali was that it was beautiful, though also in the stage of development where motorcycles are everywhere and the exhaust is a little overwhelming. Although the hawkers accosted us about every three steps, we each developed several different techniques for managing these situations, and all in all the trip was great.

After returning from Yogya, we did end up opting for the cultural excursion. First stop was some Balinese dancing, which was more of a theatrical performance set to incessant cultural music. Then we hit the monkey forest. While we had been expecting to need to search for the monkeys, it turns out they were everywhere! I continue to have camera difficulties, so Viv has most of the pictures, but in short there were 1-foot tall monkeys everywhere, and they were not at all phased by our presence. In fact, several were interested in grabbing whatever you were holding (in my case, my map, which I was loath to part with given that 1) I needed it and 2) I thought the little guy would probably eat it, and I didn't think that would be good for him). So the story unfolded as follows: I tugged back a bit, which was fun, and then when he grabbed my arm with his hand, I paused to marvel at how cool and smooth his skin was - reverie interrupted when he then munched down on my knuckles, holding on as I then lifted my hand (and thus him) off the ground slightly. He didn't break the skin though (I didn't pull away too quickly hoping that he would just release, and he did). So that was that adventure - fun in retrospect, but quite unexpected. The rest of the day involved touring some crafts markets, no biting there, and a Thai massage. Very nice.

Monday morning Carl and I rented surf boards and hit the beach. The first break of waves was 2-3 feet, the second 1.5-2 feet, the latter being on the larger side of a good step for us as beginners. We hacked around ourselves for a while while Viv watched from the beach and struck up a conversation with a fellow who eventually gave us a 30-minute lesson, which turned out to be quite helpful in that he corrected my board stance (too far back) and then pushed us into the waves so we had a few opportunites to ride waves without worrying about the challenge of catching them. We were pretty successful in the end, and it was quite a blast!

Today we did "Bangkok in one day": the Grand Palance, and three notable Wats.

Incredible. We spent the most time at the Grand Palace, learning from our guide about the architecture and meaning behind the various buildings. It's a mass of glass and gold plating that's astounding. The reclining Buddha was our second stop, also amazing, and then we enjoyed some adventures in pollution crossing the river and returning to our hotel. Next stop: another massage.

One PS on the birthday, by the way, for those of you who were tracking my 3-year long back handspring goal. Although the initial aspirations had been to "train" for the 3 years leading up to my birthday, I actually never got to try anything much more than a bridge. Nonetheless, I decided to give it a go, with Carl's experienced spotting at my side. The results were effective, though not pretty and involved my head to a certain extent. Thus while according to Carl, I technically did it, it wasn't videotape-worthy. (For some reason my left arm was coming down in a weird way that caused it to buckle (without pain) whenever I hit, so I kept bopping my head slightly on that side). In terms of the original goal of proving to myself that just because I am 30 doesn't mean I am decrepit, I succeeded quite well this way - with no training, I almost did it well! Nonetheless, I am extending the goal period indefinitely at this point, until I can do them well and easily on my own. Fun times...

permalink written by  GoBlue on June 5, 2007 from Bangkok, Thailand
from the travel blog: Joc's Journeys
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