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Naples, Italy

ok so these past two weeks have really been a mix of emotions. Last week we found out my roommates mom died and all went to the funeral...it was super sad she was the coolest lady always made us call her momma. We all then dedicated our game last saturday to her. We wore t-shirts did a moment of silence, and I wrote my housemates name on my hand(its a thing I do but signifies importance). We won the game which also secured our first place spot so now we are champions of our league and the team will be promoted to serie a1.
The said, now the fun part of the last week. After the game we went out dancing because we won and also because it was one girls birthday. Met up with a teammate and her "uncle" at a club. So don't wanna make anyone worried but that uncle was def mafia. Found out a little later in the night from one of my housemates. He was really cool though we got everything for free of course, entrance drinks, basically anything we wanted. Had a sick BMW Mike would love, super fast. We were supposed to all go to Capri with them yesterday but decided one mafia experience was enough.
These past two weeks really bonded with my of my housemates we talked a lot more and learned more about eachother, so that has been nice feeling a connection. So monday her, Roby, and I went with our asst. coach to her little girls game then to her house where she made us a delicious meal. Was linguine with whole shrimps, and it was soo delicious! We got home late which was a bummer because both Roby and I had school the next day and both of us were late getting out the door. Wednesday Roby, silvia and our friend VIve all went out in the morning and some bfast and betted on some soccer games. Then silvia roby and I went to our coaches for lunch. Had pasta pieces of pizza bruschetta type of steak then strawberries, oh man were we stuffed. He has a lil boy who is 3 so I played with him a bunch and then we watched some soccer games and played playstation. Then the three of us had to go to an event, kind of promo for the team. TO a water polo match then to a theater where they were doing a tv broadcast. The night didn't end till 11:30...then since no one had had dinner one of our presidents took us out to a restaurant, where we were there till 2:30. Thursday was chill just ran and went to class then we hung out at the basketball girls house.
oh and friday we had to go to another promo event. It was for a cruise line which I think could be a possible sponsor for next year. Was some conference but basically we were there for 30 min ate some cake took some pics then went home. All of us laid out after since spring has come back after two weeks of storms. All in all a good week, today is just a low key day as tomorrow we travel for a game.
hope all is well back home

permalink written by  katieandboo on April 28, 2012 from Naples, Italy
from the travel blog: Italian adventure
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Pozzuoli, Italy

Had the best time with the family these past couple weeks. Was able to meet each of them at the airport when they arrived. First came mom and we quickly went out on the town walking around trying pizza and gelato. Then we went to Capri for the day which was absolutely beautiful! We had so much fun that day even though we were unable to rent the scooters we wanted we still got around to everything. We also found the cutest restaurant for lunch off the beaten path which was very good, lil family run place.
Then in time for easter arrived mike, we quickly hoped a train up to Siena where we spent easter evening and dinner with out friend Chiara. The next day we walked around Siena went up in the Duomo and Chiara was giving us lots of History lessons about the city. Had lunch with her mom which was of course delicious, then headed out to San Gargano which is a really cool open church, also got to see the true sword in the stone!! Came back had another nice meal with Chiaras mom then returned home for our early train the next day.
I had practice that night so mike and my mom slaved away in the kitchen making chickens flattened and stuffed with cheese and mushroom rolled in prosciutto along with side salads and bread. My housemates and some friends that came over loved it! Oh they also made zucchini patties which are my fav!
Next day arrived my dad, and again we were quickly back out to do some walking around. Took the whole family to my favorite pizzeria for lunch, and they all seemed to enjoy it. Although we had rain most of the time we still got out and saw the sights. The biggest sight seeing days were sat and sun and mon. Sat we went and saw herrcaleum in the rain but it was still really cool. Sunday after my game we headed down to sorrento and positano. Thankfully once we got to positano the rain stopped and it ended up being beautiful for us. Monday we got no rain in the morning as we walked around in Sorrento then just as we were leaving the rain started. Then sadly the fun had to end and they left tuesday morning back for the states.
All in all it was a great time having its ups and downs, as most family dynamics do, but really just a good trip!

ill keep posting more pics too

permalink written by  katieandboo on April 18, 2012 from Pozzuoli, Italy
from the travel blog: Italian adventure
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dead leg syndrome

Napoli, Italy

Since last we had a game in Bari and won 2-0, we played crappy first half 0-0 then second picked it up after coach yelled at em. Think everyone was tired from travel and the hour time change, prob didn't go to sleep earlier. Monday I took the train out to Aversa where chad, the dad, picked me up and brought me to base. I had a really good workout in there gym then subway :p then went and helped coach the high school team. Afterwards caught the train home and made a delicious dinner. That week I worked out really hard cuz we don't have a real game till after easter. Ran in the morning before classes worked out at the field and had practice. So ran a few triple days and the rest double days. Friday we headed to Sperlonga and stayed in a really nice hotel. The next morning we played this mens team for a fundraiser for them. I had a hard collision and got the worst dead leg I have ever had. I could barely walk or kick, Tried to finish the half but after two goals, cuz of lack of ability to move, my coach finally let me exit. Still super knotted today hoping its better by tomorrow cuz I am already going through workout withdrawls. ANyway after the game we went to the beach where we had an apertiv(?) THen to a restaurant where we got lunch at about 3.
Food was just ok but the location was awesome right on the beach really beautiful. When they were finally done serving us, around 5:30, we headed back to Napoli. Today Just been studying and doing some patient work for the pops.
Oh thursday night after practice there was a surprise party for my housemate, cuz her bday was friday. There was all sorts of mini food items lots of wine and beer and good company. It was a mild night so you weren't freezing sitting outside, so it was really nice. At midnight they brought out the cake and then everyone went home. Was a good week.
This week I am super excted my mom arrives on wednesday then the bro on sunday! Then the pops the following week, so excited to show them around!
Oh also added a few photos from finale ligure

Hope your all staying dry

permalink written by  katieandboo on April 1, 2012 from Napoli, Italy
from the travel blog: Italian adventure
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Naples, Italy

So this past weekend was awesome and much needed! We had it off from games so I asked if I could go travel for the weekend. I got the green light and found out my good friend liz(known since elementary is a pro skier and avid outdoors crazy person) was going to be in Finale Ligure so I flew up north sat morning and met up with her her bf and 4 other peeps. We right away went to some rock walls and started climbing. I have only bouldered indoors so this was very different but fun. I only climbed twice and only one did I make it to the top. It was such a reward, even tho I have a lil fear of heights over looking the ocean and city was truly breath taking!! We then went back changed and headed for the town. Super cute lil square and the bar we went to served food as you drank so we got free dinner! Because I could speak Italian I made fast friends with the bar tenders. I got to go behind the bar pour some drinks and needless to say got a lot of free drinks. We were all having a good time they went Ice skating and one guy split his chin open glad I didn't ha. After a long night and way too much to drink headed to bed at 4.
Next morning we all felt like crap so had bfast cleaned the house then went for lunch and walked around. It was a lot of fun being around people who live the same type of crazy lifestyle an understand your thoughts and worries. What it's like to be away from people all the time. Think that's why her and I have always been such good friends. Anyway I caught a train back to genoa got a hotel for the night and returned to Naples Monday.
One of the American dads picked me up and we went to the base. Basically hung out and I went to the gym but then I went an helped coach the high school team. I told them I would try to come twice a week and coach their goalkeepers. They are both really nice and very quick learned my favorites to teach.
The rest of the week worked out went to class and that's about it. Oh and of course still working on my training certificate.
And it has been beautiful all week spring is here. In the 70s then cooling by night or afternoon with clouds

Hope all is well in the states

permalink written by  katieandboo on March 22, 2012 from Naples, Italy
from the travel blog: Italian adventure
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slow slow

Napoli, Italy

Ok so I realize I am getting worse and worse at keeping this thing updated ha my bad. Since the last update lots has happened had two big games both of which we were down first 1-0 and came back to win 3-1. We went to Sicily, to Palermo, was really pretty and a tough game we kinda played like crap, but waking up at 5am traveling all day then playing can have that affect ha. Our most recent game was this past saturday, played the second place team at our home, basically the winner would secure first place. After they scored on a penalty kick, which I touched, in the first half it was a battle. Second half was even worse, cuz oh ya it was windy as all heck, and we were against it. but we got a pk, scored, they had a few more oppertunities, I shut them down. Then we scored and then again in the last seconds scored.
Sunday a bunch of us went to Sorrento for lunch which was really nice and a lot of fun but also pricey meal...but soooo good! Then went to a teammates shop near by and had graffe (which is like a bigger donut) those were also very good. After that we all headed back to Agnano, Oh and let me just say we started lunch at 2 left the restaurant at 5 then left the graffe place at 6:30 so needless to say I didn't have dinner ha.
Oh they had a womans and sports day meeting/confrence that we all had to go too. Every woman get mimosas which is a type of flower.
Lets see another than that we just been working hard now we'll start preparing for our big coppa italia game in may. Oh went with one of my housemates and teammate to watch a Napoli game close to vesuvious then went and played fuseball after was fun night out. One of my housemates and I have been connecting a little more which has been nice. We have very similar tastes and were both in school so we tend to eat lunch together and talk about our days etc. Have gone out a few times with some teammates for dinner which was fun.
Oh I am going to meet up with my friend liz in france this weekend, super stoked about that.
Well I will work harder on keeping this thing up to date, think thats all for now hope all is well!

permalink written by  katieandboo on March 14, 2012 from Napoli, Italy
from the travel blog: Italian adventure
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it arrived!!

Naples, Italy

Ok so that dinner was AMAZING!!! We went to a really fancy restaurant near the center of Napoli. Coach and I arrived first so as we waited for the others they brought us champagne and we looked at pics of the mens Napoli team hanging above our tables. we had a huge meal starting with individual cheese plates everyone got lil mozz balls and ricotta, very good. Then there was classic fried appetizers the zeppoline bruschetta and something else. then we all got a seafood plate, had a lil salmon cake a small white fish and baby fried shrimps all with this sauce, which was very good! Then fusili sicilliano and riso with shrimp and lemon. Oh not done, then we had a bigger white fish with a side of potatoes which was delicious the slow cook their chicken over the potato so you get some of the grease sooo good. Then finally came dessert, which was a chocolate cake type thing. Oh yes and we did have many bottles of white, red, and frizzante wine. I had to be rolled outa there I was so dang full. Then the president said some nice words and gave all a 100 buck bonus. All in all a great night! Friday tried to recover then saturday I finally made it down to Sorrento! Luca picked me up in the morning and we drove there looked around then drove to positano, where we walked around and looked since everything was closed. Very beautiful old city built on a hill. We then headed back towards sorrento for lunch at his favorite restaurant. Where once again had soo much good food. At this place you have different options you can do the classic app dinner dessert or you can have them bring you sample plates as your meal, we did a combo. They sent out sample plates for apps then for lunch I had pasta vongule and he had ravioli caprese (we split). The apps that came out were a squid and potato, a octopus salad-which is my new fav thing- artichoke and potato, homemade olive oil on toast, zeppoline, eggplant and mozz,and a few others I can't remember. after the lunch course we got desserts to split, I of course ordered the tiramisu-bomb- and he ordered this lemon nut thing which was also very good. We shared a bottle of local wine and finished the meal with limoncello. After this we went and walked around sorrento looking at shops buying some limoncello from the factory then returned to my side.
Actually had him drop me off at the military base where I hung out with one of the families we went cosmic bowling had some beers, good night. Next day went and played soccer tennis with two of the girls in the rain was lots of fun. One of the primavera girls had her first ever seizure and although things are coming back clear she of course has been on house arrest and parent watch. So I came by to say hi and took her out to the tennis courts with me. After tennis courts got cleaned up cuz we were off to the movies to watch mission impossible. Was cool to be in a movie theater have popcorn etc. Oh and before every movie on base you stand for the playing of the national anthem. After the movie They returned me home with a few treats of american cereal.
Monday was my bday and very chill, went to montesanto for the day walked around had lunch then had practice in the pouring rain!! I mean it was dumping but it was actually a lot of fun we ran a bit in the begining then my coach shot on my and I was sliding everywhere, lots of fun. Then a few teammates went out to get pizzas and beer with me at a local place was very good and fun.
Rest of the week didn't do much went to school workedout watched Napoli games had practice. Oh started my personal trainer program so that has been fun and exciting. Then saturday we played at home and won! Got a package from my parents which I had been expecting since before xmas and it finally arrive after my bday!!
Yesterday hiked over to pozzuoli had a chocolate croissant and cappucino walked along the strip went to the port had a nice day out on the town. Getting excited to show my parents around.
Today worked out went and got my official id for Italy so now I am an official resident if the police stop me haha.
Think that does it for now hope all are well!

permalink written by  katieandboo on February 27, 2012 from Naples, Italy
from the travel blog: Italian adventure
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Napoli, Italy

Ok so lets see sunday we went to Sicily for a game and it was brutal, the travel not the game! Woke up at 5 got to the airport to find our flight had been cancelled, then took a 2.5hr bus ride up to Roma where we caught our other flight to sicily then a hour bus ride up to the field near the mountains. Got there one hr before kick off so we quickly got our gear on had a fast pregame meeting warmed up and played...thankfully we won 6-0! ha The return home was simple one flight back to Napoli but first I bought a bunch of cannolis, some for me but the rest for the American families that have been helping me out so much.
Monday mornning I got up early and trekked it out to Pompeii, it was awesome! With the walk to train then train to the right line prob took me about 2.5 hrs to get there then spent about 2.5 hrs there. Sat in the middle of some ruins and ate lunch with a view of Vesuvious on my right and some others on my left. The city was a lot bigger than I had imagined I kept getting lost getting overwhelmed with not knowing which direction to go because there were so many streets, but overall it was really cool. I returned went for a run then to the store to buy some things for a nice dinner. Oh forgot to mention all my other housemates went home cuz we had monday and tuesday off. I made some cod poached in a tomato sauce, used a zucchini as pasta, which I totally recommend because it was delicious!! Also made a caprese salad with some bread broccoli and proseco. Tuesday I went to school learned a lot then came home ran and worked out at the field then relaxed until my coach came and got me. I went to his house for dinner with his family, his wife made big sandwiches with hot dog cheese and crispy potatoes was very good. Then a dessert that reminded me of pylo dough type pastry with nutella inside, also very good.
Wednesday I went for a run studied a lil read and made a lunch with boiled chicken then add lil lemon juice garlic powder pepper spice and salt. Added to the zucchini pasta with a calabrese type sauce and bread it was very good!! Then chicken and broccoli for dinner after a very hard training(but very fun). Oh ya last night I got my package in the mail!! I have enrolled in a PES (performance enhancement specialist) certification class, once I pass I will be certified to physically train any level from amateur to professional. I got very excited looking at the material.
Today went for a run then went to class for a long hard day, then on my way home stopped at the grocery store for the whole house, returned at 5. . They have kept letting me go by myself to the store because when I do we get the most out of our money haha. ALthough it gets a little tough to bring back all the groceries by myself but its worth it to get veggies and fruit! So I also made friends with this barista at a cafe accross the street from the school every day before class I get a cappuccino and we talk about what we have done when were playing soccer next etc. Its a lot of fun because I get to practice my Italian and he helps correct me when im wrong after practice I guess our president is taking the team out to a nice dinner and apparently were getting some sort of gift again. I'll keep ya posted and post some pompeii pics soon :)

permalink written by  katieandboo on February 16, 2012 from Napoli, Italy
from the travel blog: Italian adventure
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lazy days

Pozzuoli, Italy

Its your lucky day since for some reason the previous post did not post in Jan 28th you get two postings. So one thing I left out on the last post was that I tweaked my knee the friday after the big game have been sitting the past week and a half just doing therapy and rehab. Thankfully it was something small just a lil sprain. Missed one game but we won so it was fine. Went to the miitary base again this past weekend for the superbowl. Got there sat night watched a Talent show ate popcorn then we had pizza and wine for dinner and chocolate chip cookes!!! NExt day we went to the outlet malls had some chix quesaidllas with quac and margaritas!! oh so good, how I miss the simple things of America. Around 11pm one of the dads and I headed to the pub to watch the game, it was cool they put out a free little buffet with hot dogs chili popcorn and fried treats. We stayed till half time before heading home. Had a great time once again hanging at the base the families are super duper nice here. besides that I haven't been out much been chained to the House due to my knee and needing it to recover. Needless to say that makes me a lil down in the dumps but trying to stay positive and soon be back out to double days and exploring the city. Oh it has also been super cold here the past week has been between 36-42. Even hailed here once, some tried to claim it snowed but im betting it was just hail on the ground. Although Rome got dumps of snow, if you have seen any mens games you have probably seen some teams playing in lots of snow.
Lets see this weekend we go back to Sicily for a game so im going to buy canollis and save so

permalink written by  katieandboo on February 9, 2012 from Pozzuoli, Italy
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finally released

Pozzuoli, Italy

Sorry it has taken me so long to post haven't had internet on my computer for about a week. Anyway I will start with the most recent. I got released to play on tuesday, I was coming home from school and Maria came running out of the house screaming your cleared your playing tomorrow (Of course she is screaming this in italian)!!! We jumped around hugging eachother so excited that I could play! So Wednesday I played in a game against Lazio in the quarter finals of Coppa Italia (same as the mens side, italian cup) It was a very intense game both coaches got kicked out of the game by the second half. Yellow cards and fouls were flying left and right in the second half as well. The game ended with a 1-1 score(yes I coulda stopped the goal but was out of position) going straight into pks. My girls were making their shots the other team missed first two made third and I stopped the 4th to secure our win. The semi finals will be in end of May against Torres which is the number one team.
Yes I did start school!! Its really funny, basically I go to a high school sit next to the teacher she gives me an exercise to work on and she goes on teaching her class. She will then look over my work when im done and give me another assignment. I stay for about 2.5 hours then go home and she gives me homework. I think I will go every tuesday and thursday.
Last weekend I went out to dinner with my housemates and four basketball girls that live behind us...because they have the cars. We went to dinner in Pozzuoli which was really good and continued to walk down the strip stopping a bar for drinks. Its really cool this part of Pozzuoli reminds me of venice or miami because there is a big long boardwalk along the water with basketball courts and on the other side it is lined with restaurants and bars, for maybe a mile. The bar we stopped at was an outside bar which is odd considering its winter and freaking freezing but the shots helped warm us up :) We then went to anther bar that was by the port, very small but cute. We pretty much closed down the place finally leaving around 5! The best part of staying so late is that we kinda became friends with the bar tenders owners and the dj. Some of us were mixing music some were behind the bar mixing drinks, all in all it was a fun night.
Last week one night we came home from practice to find the power out in one of our houses, which was the cooking house!! So we all went out to the local pizzeria for dinner. I had the fried pizza which was bombb!!! We also had some good conversations mainly of them making fun of words that I say.
Oh last night after prac we went to have pizza with prof, who is our fitness coach, and then dessert. It was really good pizza I had one with mozz prosciutto crudo and rucola...veryyy good! We talked about the game and the penalties and how someone was pissed they werent on the list to take a pk. Talked about next year and how we'll play games in Ischia. Was a really good night.
Oh last thing there has been a bunch of strikes down here lately...there is little gas, so lines are crazy at gas stations, there is NO and I mean NO fruit or vegtables in the grocery stores, and now they are starting to run out of flour products!! It is quite a sad state we used up the last of our veggies two days ago so now were all back to a strictly complex carb diet. Hoping the strike ends soon but one of the

permalink written by  katieandboo on January 28, 2012 from Pozzuoli, Italy
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tropo freddo

Pozzuoli, Italy

oh man tonight was super cold at practice 28-30 degrees! Although for you guys probably normal considering all the snow your getting...Anywho super cold but was actually a good practice I am feeling much healthier and faster which is great my lil athlete program is working splendidly.
Oh So Timbah came and we had so much fun showed him around downtown Naples, took him on the hike to see Pozzuoli think he had a good time. I also found out just how good my Italian has gotten. My roommates would try to speak with him but when they wouldn't understand they would ask me and I was able to convey in pretty good Italian what they wanted to know.
I went to the American base on saturday, and holy moly that was a weird experience. I felt like I was dropped on some planet or something. Was super excited about everything American I saw and the people would just look at me like I was crazy. For example, I walked into the food court and they were selling girl scout cookies!!! I just about jumped into their laps with excitement saying I'll take two boxes!! Then continued to taco bell, ya i know bad but oh man soo good!! After being submerged in this Italian culture for so long it was like culture shock to be able to understand everyone around me. The reason I went to base is the American families that are on the Primavera team have also created this American League Soccer which is for all americans in Italy so twice a month they meet up for the weekend and train then participate in tournies and such around europe. So I was there to help them coach, think mainly they just wanted to show me off. Met some cool people and possibly good contacts for other areas in Italy for me to visit. Overall great experience and hope to be going back to visit soon. Oh when I returned to the house everyone said how much they missed me all day but how glad they were I finally had a phone so they could text me. I felt the same way :)
We had a game in SIcily again but this time I didn't get to go due to funds I think...but Roby brought me back 2 cannollis soooo good!!
Other than that just been walking aorund a lot, oh and im starting to try out a lot of different wines. Yesterday I brought home a vino rosso frizzante, which is a slightly sparkling red wine, and Roby told me that this is a famous well known wine in Italy and that it is very good. After tasting I would have to concur, very delicious . Other than that have not been up to too much drawing, reading(thats right dad reading) and doing some work for the paps.

Gonna hit the hay hope you are all enjoying the snow back home, be safe!

permalink written by  katieandboo on January 17, 2012 from Pozzuoli, Italy
from the travel blog: Italian adventure
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