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Around the World (1987)

a travel blog by shoshtrvls

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Day 35

Pokhara, Nepal

Walked to Sanaogkot (?) for lunch. Walked down. Almost like Lombard Street -- very crooked. Then to Pokhara. Diner at Mona Lia. Saw cute guy, decided we wanted to meet him. Had brownie at hotel. All in all, trek not nearly as interesting as Thailand. Good views but people not as interesting.

permalink written by  shoshtrvls on September 4, 1987 from Pokhara, Nepal
from the travel blog: Around the World (1987)
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Day 36

Kathmandu, Nepal

Fly to Kathmandu. Met guy from NY -- Patrick. shared cab to guest house. got flat tire. Had breakfast with Patrick at his guest house (right next door). Ran errand.

permalink written by  shoshtrvls on September 5, 1987 from Kathmandu, Nepal
from the travel blog: Around the World (1987)
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Day 36 (continued)

Bhaktapur, Nepal

Went to Baktipur with Patrick, discussing jurisdiction on the bus, where we ran into Margaret. Went to museum full of Hindu art.

permalink written by  shoshtrvls on September 5, 1987 from Bhaktapur, Nepal
from the travel blog: Around the World (1987)
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Day 36 (continued)

Kathmandu, Nepal

Took bus back to Kathmandu (and got ANOTHER flat tire). Dinner at KC's and then beer at Patrick's.

permalink written by  shoshtrvls on September 5, 1987 from Kathmandu, Nepal
from the travel blog: Around the World (1987)
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Day 37

Kathmandu, Nepal

With Patrick. Saw the open Buddha for Indrajata. Walked around Kathmandu, then planted ourselves on stupa in Durbar Square to watch paraded Kumari - Indrajata Festival. Waited a long time. Very slow. First demon, then nothing. Then band, then nothing, etc. Men were separated from women -- many people. Police protected the Westerners. Never thought we'd make our plane. All on stupa, interesting clothing, etc. Finally diplomats arrived and King's brother (King out of town). Finally chariots came out -- couldn't get them around the corners! Cleared out quickly. Said good-bye to Patrick (and Margaret, who we also saw). Taxi driver gave us lesson in Nepalese politics.

Flew to Delhi -- Hans Plaza hotel.

permalink written by  shoshtrvls on September 6, 1987 from Kathmandu, Nepal
from the travel blog: Around the World (1987)
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Day 38

New Delhi, India

Walked around Delhi, got shoe shine, made travel arrangements. To underground. Palika Bazaar and Cannaught Place. Lunch at Narula's and then to the Red Fort. Rivers through fort, inlay, and drove by Mosque. Then room service.

permalink written by  shoshtrvls on September 7, 1987 from New Delhi, India
from the travel blog: Around the World (1987)
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Day 39

Agra, India

Bus tour to Agra. Very hot. Taj mahal -- inlay (pieta dor) with stones, gems, marble factory, Agra fort and mosque. Return to Delhi.

permalink written by  shoshtrvls on September 8, 1987 from Agra, India
from the travel blog: Around the World (1987)
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Day 39 (continued)

New Delhi, India

New Dehli, India overnight.

permalink written by  shoshtrvls on September 8, 1987 from New Delhi, India
from the travel blog: Around the World (1987)
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Day 40

Srinagar, India

Fly to Srinigar. Houseboat on Nagin Lake, New Zenith, Shikara around lake then tour of old city. Two very interesting mosques and carpet factory.

permalink written by  shoshtrvls on September 9, 1987 from Srinagar, India
from the travel blog: Around the World (1987)
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Day 41

Sonamarg, India

Drive to Sonamarg. Ponies to Glacier. Very pretty. Met couple from Santa Barbara.

permalink written by  shoshtrvls on September 10, 1987 from Sonamarg, India
from the travel blog: Around the World (1987)
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