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Back to Work at Eastbourne - Night 78

If, in a fit of literary flair, I were to assign some decidedly anthropomorphic qualities to the weather in Wellington, I would have to say she was a woman…and a difficult one at that. She changes moods so frequently here that between taking off and putting back on of coats, applying and...

permalink written by  exumenius on December 27, 2007 from Wellington, New Zealand
from the travel blog: Kiwis and Kangaroos

Boxing Day - Night 77

Today was Boxing, a National Holiday, so once again we had the day off from volunteering. I spent the sunny morning hiking the Hutt River Trail, a flat walk along the levees. Around noon the weather turned sour again, to the point of even bringing a bit of hail in the afternoon. The remainder...

permalink written by  exumenius on December 26, 2007 from Wellington, New Zealand
from the travel blog: Kiwis and Kangaroos

Christmas in Kiwiland - Night 76

Christmas morning brought an absolute downpour. After everyone awoke and shook off their hangovers, we continued to open the remaining presents. Our Christmas morning movie was The Shawshank Redemption, an interesting choice for the day. The rain continued unabated and threatened to cancel...

permalink written by  exumenius on December 25, 2007 from Wellington, New Zealand
from the travel blog: Kiwis and Kangaroos

Will the Real Cape Palliser Please Stand Up - Night 75

The windy, rainy weather doomed our sailing plans for the day. To compensate for our cancelled plans, we drove the two hours out to Cape Palliser to perform another seal count. At this point, I must confess to you, dear reader, that I have lied. Last week I errantly stated that we had done a...

permalink written by  exumenius on December 24, 2007 from Wellington, New Zealand
from the travel blog: Kiwis and Kangaroos

South Island Planning - Night 74

Not much of any significance occurred today. After a quick run to town to pick up some vitals, I spent most of the afternoon trying to plan my month on the south island. Most of the multi-day hikes on the south island require booking campsites or huts along the way. Since January is the...

permalink written by  exumenius on December 23, 2007 from Wellington, New Zealand
from the travel blog: Kiwis and Kangaroos

Night on the Town - Night 73

Like nearly all weekends here at Kowhai House, I began the day with a hike to Belmont Park. The sheer size of the park has allowed me the luxury of taking a different trail each and every time I have been there. I finished weeding the garden and took a well deserved nap in the afternoon. ...

permalink written by  exumenius on December 22, 2007 from Wellington, New Zealand
from the travel blog: Kiwis and Kangaroos

Nga Manu, Take Two - Night 72

Once again the old red van made its way up to Nga Manu. The sun was finally shining today, the first time in over a week, making the already scenic drive all that much more enjoyable. This morning we caught the feeding of the Kiwi birds. The emblematic, flightless bird feeds only at night so...

permalink written by  exumenius on December 21, 2007 from Wellington, New Zealand
from the travel blog: Kiwis and Kangaroos

Nga Manu, Take One - Night 71

Today’s destination was the Nga Manu, a bird sanctuary/nature reserve just outside of Waikanae. The hour long drive took us over the Tararua Range, through Paraparaumu and up the scenic west coast. As I was riding shotgun, the DJ duties fell on my shoulders. Believe it or not, this was the...

permalink written by  exumenius on December 20, 2007 from Wellington, New Zealand
from the travel blog: Kiwis and Kangaroos

Rain Out - Night 70

Yesterday’s slow, consistent rain continued on through the night and was eager awaiting us this morning. Our plans were to head up north for some weeding and plant watering (which was no longer necessary) but around 9am our contact called and cancelled the project for the day, much to our...

permalink written by  exumenius on December 19, 2007 from Wellington, New Zealand
from the travel blog: Kiwis and Kangaroos

Rain in Ngaio - Night 69

We began a completely new project today, one which has yet to see the helping hand of GVN. Our task: weed out a revegatation plot at Ngaio Gorge Park, divide it into 10 plots and do a full native plant survey. The morning weeding session was going along wonderfully as our progress was swift...

permalink written by  exumenius on December 18, 2007 from Wellington, New Zealand
from the travel blog: Kiwis and Kangaroos

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