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Trash Palace - Night 58

Rather than our usual natural conservation activities, today’s job occurred on the other end of the human material consumption spectrum: recycling wastes. The Trash Palace is an electronic waste refurbishment and recycling center owned and operated by a non-profit entity. Working in conjunction...

permalink written by  exumenius on December 7, 2007 from Wellington, New Zealand
from the travel blog: Kiwis and Kangaroos


Due to the boys having rather stringent requirements about where they spend their weekends - basically demanding a large settlement well populated by females, beer and dancing venues, we spent a couple of days here but shamefully I have little to report. After a month of fairly non-stop...

permalink written by  Alex Kent on December 7, 2007 from Wellington, New Zealand
from the travel blog: On the Varieties of Nature

Otari Wilson's Bush - Night 57

We awoke to a dark sky and howling winds. It looked, smelled, and sounded like rain, but as fate would have it, New Zealand is in a drought and no rain would fall today. We drove to Otari Wilson’s Bush, one of the last remaining stands of native timber in the Wellington. Our morning chores...

permalink written by  exumenius on December 6, 2007 from Wellington, New Zealand
from the travel blog: Kiwis and Kangaroos

Eastbourne Dunes - Night 56

Today’s project took us to the east coast of Wellington Bay to the town of Eastbourne. Much like West Seattle, Eastbourne offers stunning views of the city skyline from across the water. The work itself, however, was less than stunning. Hours of weeding the sand dunes was quite boring –...

permalink written by  exumenius on December 5, 2007 from Wellington, New Zealand
from the travel blog: Kiwis and Kangaroos

Maintaining Makara Peak - Night 55

Toby arrived at the house around 9 and we all piled into the red van for a drive up to Makara Peak. Today’s work would include track work and weeding at the Makara Peak, the City of Wellington’s world famous (at least in biking circles) mountain bike park located just minutes from downtown. ...

permalink written by  exumenius on December 4, 2007 from Wellington, New Zealand
from the travel blog: Kiwis and Kangaroos

Cleaning the Pauatahanui - Night 54

Thicker clouds filled the morning sky, for this, our first day of volunteer work. After a short introduction session by Toby and Rachel (Ray), our team leaders, we packed our lunches and loaded up the van for a drive to Pauatahanui Wildlife Reserve. A salt-marsh wetland, the Pauatahanui was...

permalink written by  exumenius on December 3, 2007 from Wellington, New Zealand
from the travel blog: Kiwis and Kangaroos

Up Normandale Road - Night 53

I awoke to a cloud filled sky, the first since my arrival in NZ. Entrenched in finishing Luke Rinehart masterpiece, The Dice Man, I spent the morning voraciously inhaling chapter after chapter of his daring prose. Around 11 am, exactly the time I finished the book, the clouds broke and the sun...

permalink written by  exumenius on December 2, 2007 from Wellington, New Zealand
from the travel blog: Kiwis and Kangaroos

Down Normandale Road - Night 52

Another gorgeous New Zealand day brought sunshine through my bedroom window much too early. After a second long day in a row, I desperately desired to sleep in, but as I am completely incapable of staying in bed past 7 am, the morning sun likely only cost me 45 minutes of actual sleep. The...

permalink written by  exumenius on December 1, 2007 from Wellington, New Zealand
from the travel blog: Kiwis and Kangaroos

Long Ride to Wellington - Night 51

Our bus left the YHA at 8 am. We had a long day of driving, heading all the way down the west side of the Tararua Mountains to Wellington, at the very southern end of the north island. The driver made a few pit stops for photo ops of Mt. Ruapeho and Mt. Ngauruhoe, as well as a stop at a pie...

permalink written by  exumenius on November 30, 2007 from Wellington, New Zealand
from the travel blog: Kiwis and Kangaroos

Last Week

Well chaps and chapessess. This is it. The big one. The one we've all been waiting for. The countdown has begun until I'm on the plane and going to the USA. Accomodation: Sorted. Paid for. Done. Army worries: Punishment for minor crimes taken and discharged. I'm free to go - (a bit...

permalink written by  Crosswood on August 12, 2007 from Wellington, New Zealand
from the travel blog: New Zealand Student, American University.

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