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i cracked a 6b+ !

What a successful day! I led the 6b+ today (that i mentioned in my last blog, getting half way up it). i did take on the rope at a few quickdraws but i got up it. i did the crux first time when i just committed to the move and was very releived to find a hidden crimp hold next to the next bolt!...

permalink written by  Clairesj on October 5, 2009 from Yangshuo, China
from the travel blog: Clairesj's Travel Blog

the good and the bad and a random naked man!

A good day following a bad day- i climbed a total of one route yesterday and felt quite rubbish becasue it wasnt going my way! but today we got up early- left the camp by 7.30 to get to a crag that comes into the sun at 1pm. when i had cycled there i discovered i had no rock shoes- so i cycled...

permalink written by  Clairesj on October 3, 2009 from Yangshuo, China
from the travel blog: Clairesj's Travel Blog

Goodbye air conditioning, goodbye hot shower.. i will miss you!

I have just come back from an interesting experience at the local private hospital. its nothing serious, although im glad i decided not to take a hot air balloon ride in Yangshuo as a westerner did not look too good as he was wheeled into another ambulance with a neck brace on- the result of a...

permalink written by  Clairesj on September 29, 2009 from Yangshuo, China
from the travel blog: Clairesj's Travel Blog

cycling, beaches and moon hill

The newbies have arrived- all 12 of them. it was a surprise when they all turned up a day before we expected them. their first night was Hannahs last night, sao we all went to a western restaurant, then a roof top bar for the rest of the night. it was a great place to get to know everyone, and...

permalink written by  Clairesj on September 27, 2009 from Yangshuo, China
from the travel blog: Clairesj's Travel Blog

Gong Bao Chicken or Sweet and Sour Pork? place your orders!

I think im beginning to make small gains in my climbing- i led 3 routes yesterday, and one was a 6a that i did by hanging on a few bolts and at one point i climbed up until i could just reach the bolt, but the the last one was below my feet and i was in an unbalanced position to place the...

permalink written by  Clairesj on September 21, 2009 from Yangshuo, China
from the travel blog: Clairesj's Travel Blog

is that a bird, a plane? no its BiRT in Yangshuo!!

yes, thats what i thought when we were sitting in the bus after a good day climbing and 2 climbers get on at the next stop. The guy, called Eban, asks us if we are from Hot Rock, and we reply that yes we are. Oh i met the Hot Rockers when they were here last year, he says, and i saw your truck...

permalink written by  Clairesj on September 17, 2009 from Yangshuo, China
from the travel blog: Clairesj's Travel Blog

bolt clipping and slack lining

not much to update apart from more climbing, and a rest day today after only 2 days of climbing, but finger tips have lost a lot of skin and muscles are hurting! we are planning to put a slack line up in the park, then go and get a chinese massage (im a bit scared of what it will be like!). the...

permalink written by  Clairesj on September 11, 2009 from Yangshuo, China
from the travel blog: Clairesj's Travel Blog

tattoos and limestone karsts

im afraid that my Mount Kailash blog will have to come in a couple of weeks, because as usual i forgot to sort it out before i left, and i left my notebook with it in on BiRT! Lhasa was a lovely city, very relaxed and nicely touristy. more to come in the other blog. i got a tattoo while i was...

permalink written by  Clairesj on September 6, 2009 from Yangshuo, China
from the travel blog: Clairesj's Travel Blog

"Yangshuo is Paradise"

Yangshuo is paradise," according to one street hustler that we made the unfortunate aquaintance with after immediately stepping off the bus from Guilin, after our long sojurn from Zhengzhou to Guilin. Looking at the surroundings it's not hard to believe that this is paradise. I have only been...

permalink written by  zachel on March 22, 2009 from Yangshuo, China
from the travel blog: Zack and Rachel's Asian Chronicles

From Gongyi to Yangshuo

After our busy week in Beijing, we spent a relaxing week in a city called Gongyi visiting my old college roommate, Rose, at Chenggong College where she lives and teaches. Since Rose only teaches about 2 hours a day, she had lots of time to hang out. Our first day was spent exploring the small...

permalink written by  zachel on March 19, 2009 from Yangshuo, China
from the travel blog: Zack and Rachel's Asian Chronicles

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