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First inner trip ever

We don't know exactly how many there are. But they number in the tens of thousands. They are everywhere among us. They intend to tear down the world as we know it. And there are more on the way. No, not al-Qaida; I'm talking about bloggers. What's a blogger? While it may sound like...

permalink written by  travel102 on May 12, 2008 from Moscow, Russia
from the travel blog: Inner trip

My first day in eRepublik

Russia is gone!!! The vikings (Norway) have conquered Russia yesterday. I guess I will move from this country in a few days. We'll keep in touch.

permalink written by  erepublik on May 9, 2008 from Moscow, Russia
from the travel blog: Trip to eRepublik

Red square and beyond

I've managed to land on my feet with this hostel. The French guy that runs it, Francois, is awesome. I only booked for the first night and they were full after that, but he sorted it out so that I got a mattress on the floor for the next 2 nights. We get 'authentic' Russian breakfasts here -...

permalink written by  olliejohnson on August 8, 2006 from Moscow, Russia
from the travel blog: A man from Cockshutt.

Crazy Russians.

Free breakfast?! Since when does did meat and cheese go with croissants? (how is that spelt?) Sent the bleeper off again going through security. "Francais?" "English." "Come with me please Sir." Oh shit. This hasn't happened before. I begin to fear that...

permalink written by  olliejohnson on August 5, 2006 from Moscow, Russia
from the travel blog: A man from Cockshutt.

The Trans-Siberian

Made it to Moscow OK, and I'm enjoying the benefits of being back in Europe. That being, I'm typing from my laptop in a coffee shop in a mall under Red Square. The train was fun, though not quite the grand adventure it's made out to be. Mostly it was the easiest part of my trip thus far....

permalink written by  Jason Kester on May 28, 2004 from Moscow, Russia
from the travel blog: Southeast Asia, the Trans Siberian and Scandenavia



permalink written by  shoshtrvls on July 30, 1984 from Moscow, Russia
from the travel blog: France, Austria and Russia (1984)



permalink written by  shoshtrvls on July 25, 1984 from Moscow, Russia
from the travel blog: France, Austria and Russia (1984)

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