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Breakfast, bling, art and a great day

So I had a wonderful weekend and some awesome pictures to prove it. Li Nar and I met up for a dim sum brunch to start our day on Saturday and I'm so glad I had a guide to navigate the menu... or lack of menu. The staff goes around with carts and calls out the names of what they're carrying and...

permalink written by  Jetsetter P on June 25, 2011 from Singapore, Singapore
from the travel blog: Dim Sum, gem stones, Art & Science Museum & a river side stroll

Singapore Zoo & Bare Your Sole

You would not believe this zoo!!! The animals are as free as I've ever seen them. I mean obviously its a zoo so they're still captives but this zoo has no glass walls or nets or barriers. Just a little bush or moat to keep them from the humans. The animals look so free and happy, it truly was...

permalink written by  Jetsetter P on June 18, 2011 from Singapore, Singapore
from the travel blog: Sinagapore Zoo & Bare Your Sole charity walk

Settling In (oh, and EATING!)

So it's the end of work week two, and I must confess, today is the first day I actually walked anywhere. I've been working extremely long hours, like 8am to 10pm, which apparently is the Asian way. It's mostly to do with my particular job, and straightening out the cleanup work, while trying to...

permalink written by  Jetsetter P on June 17, 2011 from Singapore, Singapore
from the travel blog: Exploring & Eating in Singapore


Wed April 13.Docked at 6am.I took "Singapore's Iconic Tour"The city state is 710sq km with a population of 5 million.Very clean and safe.17% of the land has been reclaimed.When I was here 3 yrs.ago the symbol of Singapore,the Merlion(head of a lion,body of a fish)was at the mouth of the...

permalink written by  edoyle on April 15, 2011 from Singapore, Singapore
from the travel blog: World Cruise


Singapore is a fne city. We escorted an elderly gentleman who has lived on this ship over five years to a medical facility for an eye treatment that is supposed to stabilize his macular degeneration problem in one eye. After the procedure he cannot see well, so we wanted to help him. It was...

permalink written by  rcodel on April 13, 2011 from Singapore, Singapore
from the travel blog: World Cruise - 2011

Beste vliegveld

Op het vliegveld van Singapore moet ik overstappen op een vliegtuig naar Sydney. Ik vind dit niet erg want Singapore heeft het beste vliegveld dat ik ooit heb meegemaakt. Het is ruim, rustgevend en ze hebben er vanalles. Ze hebben slaapruimtes met relaxte ligstoelen, je kunt zwemmen, gratis...

permalink written by  Harmen1000 on December 8, 2010 from Singapore, Singapore
from the travel blog: Harmen in Australië


Zo stap een daar staan we dan om zes uur sochens maar even een pilsje gaan halen hier en nu nog acht uur wachten voor we door vliegen naar Cambodja (een vlucht van anderhalf uur). we gaan maar weer terug naar de kroeg.

permalink written by  janenjor on November 27, 2009 from Singapore, Singapore
from the travel blog: zuid oost azie alles

My Backpack Makes Me Look Like a T-Rex

12 Steps to Packing for the Big Trip 1) Get reacquainted with backpack bought 2 months ago. Remove pricetag. 2) Place clothing items carefully selected 1 month ago inside. Attempt to zip. Freak out at sight of bag violently trying to vomit excess content. 3) Check inventory against...

permalink written by  DanYilin on March 27, 2009 from Singapore, Singapore
from the travel blog: go.

A few days in Singapore

Sad as I was to leave Fiji, i think I maybe left just in time. My last day there was wet beyond belief but as I was just getting back to the mainland it didnt really matter. So I headed off to Singapore. I went with ideas of english women drinking tea and men smoking pipes - too much Tenko...

permalink written by  Sarah Coles on March 27, 2009 from Singapore, Singapore
from the travel blog: Sarah's Voyage from South Africa to Hong Kong

An Interview With DanYilin (Part 1)

In anticipation of the possibility that we might get famous as a result of our newly acquired blogging skills, we thought we should prepare for media who might just come a-knocking on our backpacks to interview us… (NatGeo, Discovery, anyone out there? Hellooo?) Tonight, the Imaginary...

permalink written by  DanYilin on March 26, 2009 from Singapore, Singapore
from the travel blog: go.

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