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Chang mai

Chiang Mai

permalink written by  joe91 on July 15, 2009 from Chiang Mai, Thailand
from the travel blog: To Singapore and beyond in 6 weeks.

Chiang Mai and the 300 temples.

So, dispatches from Thailand have Nuttter wandering around Chiang Mai absorbing the local customs and snapping away at the amazing world she is now part of. Unfortunately I could not get any photos from her as the internet cafe she is at is powered by hampsters. I have it on good authority...

permalink written by  Groovespook on July 14, 2009 from Chiang Mai, Thailand
from the travel blog: Nuttter's S.E. Asian Escapade

Chiang Mai - Direct from the source.

I left Singapore ridiculously early today and, this afternoon, find myself in northern Thailand. Chiang Mai to be precise. It's pretty full-on. An assualt on the senses. The city is surrounded by a moat and cars and motos and tuk-tuks zip by constantly, filling the air with noise. Side streets...

permalink written by  Groovespook on July 13, 2009 from Chiang Mai, Thailand
from the travel blog: Nuttter's S.E. Asian Escapade

Come With Nothing Go Home Sick

We are 5 days into our Come With Nothing trip, and things have not exactly gone according to plan. It started out well. We picked up 13 of our kids on Thursday........they are a crazy bunch. We spent the next day exploring Chiang Mai and getting them ready to head into the villages. We also...

permalink written by  brookejason on July 6, 2009 from Chiang Mai, Thailand
from the travel blog: Thailand 2009

Backpackers, Tigers, and Temples - Chiang Mai

Yes, they let you chill with tigers here. Gotta love Thailand. We arrived in Chiang Mai Tuesday evening and finally were greeted with a scene full of foreign travelers. I guess we finally picked up the typical backpacker trail. We met a guy named Adam, an Israeli living in LA, who was...

permalink written by  bhkann on June 25, 2009 from Chiang Mai, Thailand
from the travel blog: Ben's SE Asia Voyage

Come With Nothing Staff Training

So, Brooke made it to Thailand and we have spent the last week together scouting villages to use for the Come With Nothing trip. We took off into the mountains with 10 American staff and 10 local staff to look for good villages to help this year. We also used the time to train the new staff on...

permalink written by  brookejason on June 16, 2009 from Chiang Mai, Thailand
from the travel blog: Thailand 2009

Finally Here

I made it! It was quite the trip, but I'm finally here. I left CT early last Sunday, drove to New York, flew 13 hours to Tokyo, then 6 more to Bangkok. I spent a night in Bangkok then flew to Chiang Mai the next morning. I was greeted at the airport by Jason's friend, Rob, who I thought I...

permalink written by  brookejason on June 13, 2009 from Chiang Mai, Thailand
from the travel blog: Thailand 2009

Finally Here

I made it! It was quite the trip, but I'm finally here. I left CT early last Sunday, drove to New York, flew 13 hours to Tokyo, then 6 more to Bangkok. I spent a night in Bangkok then flew to Chiang Mai the next morning. I was greeted at the airport by Jason's friend, Rob, who I thought I...

permalink written by  brookejason on June 13, 2009 from Chiang Mai, Thailand
from the travel blog: Thailand 2009

I'm a Jungle Man, That's What I Am

There is no good time to get diahorrea but the morning which marks the start of a three day jungle trek is definitely one of the least desirable. However, by the time we had driven up north to the National Park I was back to normal; we stopped at a huge staircase and at the top we found a...

permalink written by  steve_stamp on May 31, 2009 from Chiang Mai, Thailand
from the travel blog: The art of being lost

Chiang Mai

The train up to Chaing Mai was very different to the sleeper trains we were used to and after 2 hours I could tell it wasn't going to be fun. It resembled a tram - uncomfortably upright seats, only a few carriages and a clear view of the endless track in front of us. After 5 hours I felt the...

permalink written by  steve_stamp on May 18, 2009 from Chiang Mai, Thailand
from the travel blog: The art of being lost

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