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Waehrend wir hier sitzen und Euch ein paar Erlebnisse zeigen, kommt hier urploetzlich ein richtig heftiger Monsunregen herunter, Blitz und Donner, und eimerweise Regen... Wir werden sehen muessen, wie wir jetzt zu unserem Guesthouse zurueck kommen...das sind ein paar Meter zu Fuss...selbst...

permalink written by  ninandi on May 7, 2009 from Chiang Mai, Thailand
from the travel blog: ninandi's Travel Blog

Der Norden

15 Stunden Zugfahrt koennen anstrengend sein, besonders wenn alles rappelt, unter einem das Dieselaggregat fuer die Klima und Strom die Abgase und Vibrationen mitgibt...naja, irgendwann ist man so muede, dass man dann doch einschlaeft... Gestern morgen gegen 12:00 mit knapp 1 1/2 stuendiger...

permalink written by  ninandi on May 6, 2009 from Chiang Mai, Thailand
from the travel blog: ninandi's Travel Blog

Chiang Mai

Since coming to Asia I've been reading and hearing about how amazing Chiang Mai is and I'm relieved to say that this city mostly lives up to the hype. After taking the first flight of our trip from Bangkok to Chiang Mai, we arrived in the midst of the bustling weekly Sunday handicraft...

permalink written by  zachel on May 3, 2009 from Chiang Mai, Thailand
from the travel blog: Zack and Rachel's Asian Chronicles

Flight of the Gibbon

(Michael) Greetings all again from the wonderful north of Thailand. Alright guys, I'm going straight to the point. Imagine, if you will, zipping along through the jungle canopy, far above the floor below. You're flying from tree to tree, hooked into a harness, using a network of cables that...

permalink written by  katieandmichael on April 20, 2009 from Chiang Mai, Thailand
from the travel blog: Katie and Michael's Travel Blog

Market Time

Day 23 Well, Friday….supposed to have class, except for Professor Kerbo got food poisoning at and Italian restaurant. So no sociology class, but language. Not bad. Came back and played some music. Day 24 Woke up and rented some bikes to bike to some local ruins. It was going to...

permalink written by  Matt Eastlick on April 20, 2009 from Chiang Mai, Thailand
from the travel blog: Thailand Study Abroad


Day 20 Well, didn’t do much today……slept, read for class, played the guitar. It actually rained today which was really cool……bedtime. Day 21 Well………I actually did homework today, took another nap, but nothing exciting. Talked to the fam!!! Bedtime.

permalink written by  Matt Eastlick on April 16, 2009 from Chiang Mai, Thailand
from the travel blog: Thailand Study Abroad

Happy Easter!

(by Katie) Greetings from the peaceful north! Not sure if you've been watching the news, but in case you haven't, there's been a little unrest in Bangkok recently and we're not anywhere near it. To briefly explain what I've surmised, in 2006 the elected president, Thaksin, was kicked out...

permalink written by  katieandmichael on April 15, 2009 from Chiang Mai, Thailand
from the travel blog: Katie and Michael's Travel Blog

Chiang Mai: Songkran at its craziest!

(S)he only really belongs at the end of the blog, but I think the photo deserves prominence. Waiting for the bus from Chang Rai to Chang Mai, we bought some drinks and snacks for the journey from the 7-11 in the bus station. 7-11 is absolutely everywhere in Thailand, although they've been...

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on April 15, 2009 from Chiang Mai, Thailand
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon

Happy Songkran!

(Katie) Or, in English, Happy New Year! Yes, that's right, it's here again already! If you've ever had trouble keeping your resolutions and wished for another, mid-year chance to scrap them and start over, the Thais have you covered. They like New Years festivities so much, they...

permalink written by  katieandmichael on April 13, 2009 from Chiang Mai, Thailand
from the travel blog: Katie and Michael's Travel Blog

Week Three

Came back and thought about an easy night of reading and doing a little R & R. Ya right! We went down to a jazz club where there was an acoustic band playing covers of Clapton, Eagles, Cat Stevens. They were great. Then we went inside to where there was another live band playing Hendrix,...

permalink written by  Matt Eastlick on April 10, 2009 from Chiang Mai, Thailand
from the travel blog: Thailand Study Abroad

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