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Jenolan Caves in den Blue Mountains. Sehr beeindruckend. Und dann waren wir bei den 3 Sisters

permalink written by  Alex & Magda on January 5, 2010 from Katoomba, Australia
from the travel blog: visiting the World

blue mts

took a train to the blue mts and a hop on hop off bus around the area. Also bought tickets for scenic world. cable car train and another calbe way up the mt. I then took a walk through the rainforest. After getting back on the bus, I took a hike along the cliff, and then another hike down to...

permalink written by  hallanniem on December 2, 2009 from Katoomba, Australia
from the travel blog: Great Australian Fun Filled Expedition (my GAFFE)


Prepare yourself for a photo loaded entry. As many, many more acomplished writers have quoted before me...a picture says a thousand words... We entered a National Park area, a couple of hours West of Sydney, called the Blue Mountains. The area is known as the blue mountains due to the mist...

permalink written by  johnnoble on May 6, 2009 from Katoomba, Australia
from the travel blog: John's year off...

Blue Mountains

Vi tog tåget upp i morgonen för ett besök i Katoomba i Blue mountains. Förutom att Tomas misstog "tag vänster när ni kommer ut från stationen" för "tag höger när ni kommer ut från stationen" så kom vi, efter en bilskjuts av en...

permalink written by  heleneogtomas on September 18, 2008 from Katoomba, Australia
from the travel blog: Australien & Nya zeeland

A Blue Haze and a Swiss Chalet

A two hour drive from Sydney saw us to Katoomba. It was a glorious bright sunshiny day though the air was icy cold. We arrived soon after lunch, checked into our hotel and armed with our guide book headed off in the direction of Echo Point and what proved to be a really wonderful afternoon. ...

permalink written by  rickandsuejohnson on October 29, 2007 from Katoomba, Australia
from the travel blog: From the Shire to Middle Earth and back

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