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First hos-tel

Today as we had been kicked out of our friends house (Tigger) we made the journey along the coast to Maroochydore to a lovely little hostel run by a bizarre and overly friendly lady. Very little to do here but we are using this time to buy maps and plan the rest of the journey. we have been...

permalink written by  Ben Garside on May 22, 2009 from Maroochydore, Australia
from the travel blog: Oz 2009

Sunshine Coast - Queensland

The adventure continues....... Have arrived in Queensland, flew in to Maroochydore from Melbourne, got up late and wash a bit of a dash to the airport, as id been out on the lash with Kay and Sharm the night beforeā€¦for a few last Melbourne beers !! But anyway got there in time and a couple...

permalink written by  tomrendell on July 28, 2007 from Maroochydore, Australia
from the travel blog: Melbourne and the East coast

Traffic Jam

We didnt make it to Noosa, on the M1 we encountered a horrendous traffic jam due to an accident and we spent ours waiting in the traffic. First available opportunity we headed off and thought we were being clever by taking a back way. Alas, this was the diversion by the road authorities and it...

permalink written by  michelle62 on May 27, 2007 from Maroochydore, Australia
from the travel blog: Travelling around Australia

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