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Shark Bay und Monkey Mia

Hat schon einmal jemand Delphine gefuettert? Nein?? Ich auch nicht ;) Wenige Besucher wurden rausgepickt und hatten die Ehre einen Delphin zu fuettern. Naja, wenn es mir wichtig gewesen waere, waere ich zur zweiten oder dritten Fuetterung gegangen wo im Gegensatz zur Ersten wesentlich...

permalink written by  Chrizzy on April 3, 2011 from Monkey Mia, Australia
from the travel blog: Australien und Neuseeland

A week on the Coral Coast Part 1

After 7 weeks working to keep Western Australia’s plumbers in check, we decided we’d had quite enough of earning and saving, and thought we’d spend our last week on this side of the country exploring the west coast as far north as Exmouth (about 13 hours’ drive north of Perth.) Our planned...

permalink written by  olliejohnson on July 5, 2007 from Monkey Mia, Australia
from the travel blog: A Brit and a Canuck Down Under

West Coast Mission: Day 7

It was about 6.45am when I woke the others up for Dolphin O' Clock, we were here for the dolphins and damnit, I wasn't going to let a mere thumping headache and stomach churning waves of nausea stop us. Kitted out with a camera and the grim determination not to collapse before breakfast we made...

permalink written by  Koala Bear on May 8, 2007 from Monkey Mia, Australia
from the travel blog: Sod Off Great Big Mission Round Oz

West Coast Mission: Day 6

The Shark Bay area is about 130km up a peninsula that has loads of side roads where you can pull over and marvel at... well... pretty stuff. Loody had heard about Hamelin Pool, the first turn off after the highway so we dutifully drove down and checked it out. It's the home of the stromatolites...

permalink written by  Koala Bear on May 7, 2007 from Monkey Mia, Australia
from the travel blog: Sod Off Great Big Mission Round Oz

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