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Stanthorpe premier essai

Je préconise Stanthorpe, une ville qu’on a déjà traversé en redescendant de Bundaberg pour aller a Tamworth il y a si peu de temps. A la télé des images nous parviennent de Rockhampton, quelques 500km au nord de Bundaberg, ils sont apparemment atteints par les mêmes pluies qu’on a prises sur...

permalink written by   on January 2, 2011 from Stanthorpe, Australia
from the travel blog: Oz trip year one of two

Un autre étape sur la New england Highway

On continue sur la New England Highway direction le sud. Lorsque nous sommes montes la première fois, on avait bifurque juste avant Stanthorpe dont on sait qu’elle peut aussi nous apporter du travail. Cette fois ci on s’y arrête pour dormir. On n’aura pas le temps de voir grand-chose ici, la...

permalink written by   on December 11, 2010 from Stanthorpe, Australia
from the travel blog: Oz trip year one of two

Going Away Dinner - Night 22

All that remained of work for the day was chopping the remaining wood and moving a large stone in the backyard. As such we were finished with our conservation duties before morning tea. The Hobbas were planning a large going away dinner for this evening, so the rest of the day was spent...

permalink written by  exumenius on November 1, 2007 from Stanthorpe, Australia
from the travel blog: Kiwis and Kangaroos

Halloween in the Granite Belt - Night 21

The work load here at Dragonweyr is beginning to thin considerably. We put the finishing touches on the long bike trail this morning by pulling the last few remaining rocks and chipping off those that were too big to remove. After morning tea, I grabbed the axe to Split some wood for Adrian. ...

permalink written by  exumenius on October 31, 2007 from Stanthorpe, Australia
from the travel blog: Kiwis and Kangaroos

A Hike Down the Escarpment - Night 20

We spent the morning building a fire break near John and Jane’s home. Wide enough for a truck to come down, in the case of a fire it will serve two purposes; 1) allowing vehicular access to the forest, and 2) eliminating the fuel, thus hopefully stopping the fire. Jane had us inside for...

permalink written by  exumenius on October 30, 2007 from Stanthorpe, Australia
from the travel blog: Kiwis and Kangaroos

Repair and Relocation - Night 19

Last night’s storms flooded our tent and washed away the first 30 meters of our gravel track. To remedy the first concern, we moved all of our belongings up into the loft above the kitchen. Though a bit draftier, our new home will certainly keep us drier in the event of any more violent...

permalink written by  exumenius on October 29, 2007 from Stanthorpe, Australia
from the travel blog: Kiwis and Kangaroos

Pizza Night - Night 16

Last night’s downpour produced just a few minor washouts along the trail, though much standing water remained on the path, suggesting we need to increase the convexity of the gravel cross sections. A task for next week. By the lunch hour, the second track was nearly finished, so we knocked...

permalink written by  exumenius on October 26, 2007 from Stanthorpe, Australia
from the travel blog: Kiwis and Kangaroos

Ambitions of Lumberjackery - Night 15

Checking the rain gauge in the morning, showed only 5 millimeters of precipitation last night, hardly the storm event the weathermen were calling for. A quick check of our track showed no damage, the rain, however, had help to pack down the crushed red granite. Today we began work on the...

permalink written by  exumenius on October 25, 2007 from Stanthorpe, Australia
from the travel blog: Kiwis and Kangaroos

Manning the Forge - Night 14

By noon we had finished grading and laying red granite along the short, 150 meter trail. My primary chore today was assessing the natural drainage of the area and digging in the woo-boys (Australian slang for drainage channel). While most of trail work is rough and physical, drainage...

permalink written by  exumenius on October 24, 2007 from Stanthorpe, Australia
from the travel blog: Kiwis and Kangaroos

Day Trip to Stanthorpe - Night 13

I awoke to a brisk morning at Dragonweyr. Team Leader John was already up and watching a group of parrots frolic in the bushes. These large, noisy beasts are quite beautiful. Bright red in color with long blue tail feathers, they are also rather good at eluding an amateur photographer such as...

permalink written by  exumenius on October 23, 2007 from Stanthorpe, Australia
from the travel blog: Kiwis and Kangaroos

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