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Jason Kester

126 Blog Entries
14 Trips
250 Photos


Central America
Africa, 2003
Middle East, 2003
Pre-Thailand Roadtrip
Southeast Asia, the Trans Siberian and Scandenavia
Living in Spain
Southeast Asia Again 2006
Surfing Oz in the Hooptie
Southeast Asia, 2000-2001
Building Blogabond
Europe, North Africa 1998
Morocco for no apparent reason

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Hey! I wrote Blogabond so I guess that makes me your host. Welcome!

I spend about 9 months a year on the road, chasing the sun around the world in search of good climbing and surfing. I carry a laptop along with me, and take on small programming contracts to take care of expenses.

The lion's share of Blogabond was written over the winter of 2005/2006 on Tonsai beach in Thailand. I spent the winter there, climbing rocks in the sun for 4 months. Along the way I'd skip the occasional happy hour to implement new features from my bungalow. Since then, about a dozen of our users have made the pilgrimage to Blogabond TransGlobal Headquarters at Andaman B7.

If you're headed out there for the winter, look me up. We'll grab a bucket!

I totally claim Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador in the name of Wassailry!

Copan, Honduras

Listen up, Ace. We're in Copan Ruinas now, kicking it at the Posada Honduras. That's the first place on the left as you get into town. Let us know what day & what time you're likely to arrive, and we'll have a frosty Port Royal waiting for you in the courtyard.

It is all good here. Bust ass!

permalink written by  Jason Kester on January 30, 2002 from Copan, Honduras
from the travel blog: Central America
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Livin' Large in the Third World

La Libertad, El Salvador

So after a few days holed up in Guatemala, I made it down to El Salvador, and am currently hanging out in La Libertad. This place is pretty cool, and it's definitely not been discovered by the tourist industry yet. I've seen six European faces in the two days we've been here. This is a pretty rough town. You don't really get to walk the streets after dark unless you're a local. (especially last night, since the USA just beat the Salvadoran soccer team, and the locals were not taking it well!)

We headed up the coast a ways today to check out the surf. I guess the waves had been great the few days before we showed up, but not so much today or yesterday. We managed to find our way onto a nice deserted stretch of black sand beach to try to make some headway on a suntan. Definitely a lot nicer than the trash strewn beach back in town.

Anyway, if the surf doesn't pick up tomorrow, we'll probably head back inland for a while. Maybe into Honduras to check out the ruins at Copan.

permalink written by  Jason Kester on January 28, 2002 from La Libertad, El Salvador
from the travel blog: Central America
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Re: Have fun

Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala

Just a quick note to let you know that I made if to Guatemala ok. I managed to catch a bad cold before I left, and it has followed me here. I've just been resting the last couple days, and seem to be getting better.

This is a great place to relax though. I'm in the town of Antigua, up in the mountains. It's all cobblestone streets and Mayan vendors selling scarves and blankets. The architecture is really neat. The buildings are very plain on the outside, just stone walls with wooden doors. Inside though, it opens up into big gardened courtyards.

Hopefully, I'll be ready to travel by tomorrow. I think El Salvador is the next destination.

permalink written by  Jason Kester on January 25, 2002 from Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala
from the travel blog: Central America
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Re: Back in Thailand yet?

Kuta, Indonesia

(a quick geography lesson for the parents...)

--- DRKester wrote:
> We haven't heard from you for a while. Have you made it back to Krabbe yet?
> ...
> Take care, and stay out of Indonesia (they don't like Americans right now).
> Love,
> Mom and Dad

Uhhh... Bali is sort of in Indonesia. They seem to like americans just fine so far, though I guess they bombed a church or two over on Lombok the other day. That's the next island to the right from Bali.

I spent a few days on Nusa Lembongan, a tiny island off the coast. It was just beautiful. I had this dream bungalow on the second story fronting the beach, looking over the lagoon and out to the reef where they have a great surf break. Pretty much the primo room on the whole island. Two bucks a night.

Yeah, the whole thing where they kill all the foreigners is doing great things for the exchange rate over here. And realisticly, it would take quite a while to kill them all. I think I'll last at least another week!

Well, happy new years! Keep me posted about the dot com situation. Maybe I'll just have to stay over here until the market improves!

permalink written by  Jason Kester on December 31, 2000 from Kuta, Indonesia
from the travel blog: Southeast Asia, 2000-2001
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Re: back across the equator

Kuta, Indonesia

So they got rocks here. I spent an afternoon bouldering at one of the local surf breaks and getting strange reactions from the locals. I guess nobody had ever climbed there before. I'll be renting a motorbike and doing some exploring over the next few days. There seems to be some good potential.

permalink written by  Jason Kester on December 31, 2000 from Kuta, Indonesia
from the travel blog: Southeast Asia, 2000-2001
tagged Climbing

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Re: back across the equator

Kuta, Indonesia

(clarifying the Bangkok lady-boy remarks from the previous report...)

I generally try not to actually engage them in conversation. You can usually tell from a distance, though some do a really good job of looking the part!

Bali has some truly amazing waves that I have no intention of paddling out to anytime in the near future. I spent part of today day at Ulu Watu when it wasn't even on, and it looked plenty mean. There's rock here, by the way. I'm going to do some scoping over the next week to see if we should be planning a future expedition w/ Hilti in tow. There's definately enough bouldering on the beach to keep a fella occupied for a while.

permalink written by  Jason Kester on December 25, 2000 from Kuta, Indonesia
from the travel blog: Southeast Asia, 2000-2001
tagged Climbing and Surfing

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Merry Christmas

Kuta, Indonesia

Good to hear from you. I was getting a bit homesick as the big holiday approached. It turns out I had a pretty good time down here though. Xmas eve was spent with fellow travelers and Islanders eating curry in this festively decorated little restaurant with Indonesian christmas carrols in the background. Selamet nasi goreng and a happy new year!

So it turns out that my buddy Jay doesn't function all that well in the tropics. The five weeks he was in Thailand, he was never quite healthy, wavering back and forth between a stomach bug and some sort of bronchial thing. It worked out great for me, because he was always healthy enough to belay me on climbs, yet he could usually be counted on to eat less than his share at mealtimes. The perfect traveling companion as far as I'm concerned, but somehow he didn't see it that way.

Anyway, I'll be embarking on an informal tour of Bali and the surrounding islands tomorrow. It should be fun, I managed to get down the coast a ways today and It was quite a bit nicer than around town. Happy holidays!

permalink written by  Jason Kester on December 25, 2000 from Kuta, Indonesia
from the travel blog: Southeast Asia, 2000-2001
tagged Christmas

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back across the equator

Kuta, Indonesia

Do you have any idea how cheap a flight to Bali is when you book it in Bangkok? Well I do now, and I'm loving it here. All I knew was that there's surfing to be had in Indonesia, and that was pretty much enough. Indeed there is, as I found out first hand today. There is also really good food, friendly people, sun and remarkably cheap accomodation.

In fact, everything is pretty cheap here. They actually have paper money that is worth less than a penny. You give the guy on the beach the equivilant of a two dollar bill to pay for a bottle of water, and he has to scramble among his friends to break it for you.

So I'm pretty much Bangkok'd out by now. It's a great place to visit for a day or two on the way to somewhere. But I've done that three times now on this trip alone, and there's really not all that much to do. They've got temples, they've got crowds, they've got people selling you fried, barbequed, and otherwise dead things to eat, but that's about it. About the only amusement I have left is playing "is that prostitute a man?" at night. She usually is.

permalink written by  Jason Kester on December 22, 2000 from Kuta, Indonesia
from the travel blog: Southeast Asia, 2000-2001
tagged CheapLiving

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Re: life philosophies

Ban Ao Nang, Thailand

Life remains unpredictable for me these days. I'm actually in Bangkok now, holding a ticket to Bali for tomorrow morning. It occured to me that I since I have another climber friend enroute to krabi in a couple weeks, I would need to strike now if I had any desire to go see non-thailand things. Malaysia was the first candidate, followed by chaing mai. Then I stumbled across a cheap fare to Densapur, and it got me thinking about surfing.

This works out well for our kid Jay, as his body hasn't reacted well to tropical environs and poor sanitation. As weeks of never quite being healthy enough to climb piled up, he's been talking more about rafting, snowboarding, and other things you can do in sub-95% humidity. He hopped a flight back to the states this morning.

permalink written by  Jason Kester on December 19, 2000 from Ban Ao Nang, Thailand
from the travel blog: Southeast Asia, 2000-2001
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Re: Hawaii

Ban Ao Nang, Thailand

So they have cats all over the place here. They are somewhat wild, though aparently you can claim one as your own by putting a collar around its neck. As far as I can tell, most of them are filling in the duty normally performed by pidgeons. They'll hang out next to you at the restaurant and wait for you to drop some rice.

They have all sorts of chickens and ducks running around too. In fact everything on the menu is present and accounted for except beef. That sort of sets the mind wondering as to the true purpose of all those cats...

Anyway, we set off traveling tomorrow, so hopefully I'll have more interesting stories to report.

permalink written by  Jason Kester on December 15, 2000 from Ban Ao Nang, Thailand
from the travel blog: Southeast Asia, 2000-2001
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