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Sandra Torres

¡Viva Guatemala!¡Guatemaltecos son UNE!

permalink written by  sandratorres on December 7, 2014 from Peten, Guatemala
from the travel blog: Sandra Torres

Santa Cruz

Yesterday we arrived in Santa Cruz La Laguna. A small village off of lake Atitlan. While here we will be doing two days of professional development with the teachers here. The schools here are not very well developed and most teachers do not have more than a high school education. The teachers I...

permalink written by  gracegoestosantacruz on July 30, 2012 from Santa Cruz La Laguna, Guatemala
from the travel blog: Waves of Friendship helps Guatemala

Did she just call me a Gringo?

So, week one is almost over and i have had an absolutely fabulous time. I have been speaking in Spanish and interacting with locals and living the Antigua life! Our days, this past week consist of... 8:00 - 12:00 - Spanish lessons at The Sevilla School. So wonderful to wok on my...

permalink written by  gracegoestosantacruz on July 23, 2012 from Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala
from the travel blog: Waves of Friendship helps Guatemala

De La Antigua al lago de Atitlán

Salgo a las 6:30 de la Posada Don Rodrigo en la Antigua al terminal desde donde sale el bus a Panajachel. Es un bus de parilla o chicken bus para los americanos (¿?), lo que en Maracaibo sería un Ruta. Hasta ahora sólo me he movido en autobuses ejecutivos (incluido el Zonda chino) o vans. El...

permalink written by  chriscol on March 7, 2011 from Panajachel, Guatemala
from the travel blog: Centroamérica


Sigo en La Antigua tras la invitación de Tony y Mariana a hacer un pequeño paréntesis en su casa de www.lareunion.com.gt. La Reunión es un complejo de residencias y resort con campo de golf en las faldas del volcán del Agua (la página web lo dice todo). Tony y Mariana tienen una boda por la...

permalink written by  chriscol on March 6, 2011 from Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala
from the travel blog: Centroamérica

Antigua Guatemala y Volcan Pacaya

Luego de registrarme en el hotel y cuadrar la subida al Pacaya para las 14h00, doy una vuelta por el pueblo. Las calles empedradas y las casas coloniales me recuerdan un poco al centro de Maracaibo pero con clima de montaña. Una de las calles principales tiene un arco colonial amarillo y una...

permalink written by  chriscol on March 5, 2011 from Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala
from the travel blog: Centroamérica

Visita a Tikal y viaje a Antigua

Tikal es bestial! El minibus nos recogio a las 4 30 am en el hostal y llegamos a la puerta del parque a las 6. Supuestamente es la mejor hora porque con la salida del sol todos los animales del parque se ponen de acuerdo para humillar al gallo. Pero lo cierto es que amanece a las 6, a esa...

permalink written by  chriscol on March 4, 2011 from Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala
from the travel blog: Centroamérica

LLegada a Guatemala

Ya estoy en Flores que no es poco! Ayer llegué a Guate (así le dicen aquí) a las 5pm tras un vuelo sin mucha historia (salvo que tarda 11 horas). Tony y su hermana Amy me recogieron en el aeropuerto. Llevaba unos 12 o 15 años sin verlos, pero tardamos unos 12 o 15 minutos en ponernos al día...

permalink written by  chriscol on March 2, 2011 from Flores, Guatemala
from the travel blog: Centroamérica

Colonial exploration in Nicaragua

Coming over to Nicaragua was the first of many crazy border crossings, which have turned out to be fairly hectic affairs with people trying to rip us off left, right and bloody centre! Luckily a local Costa Rican American (possible drug smuggler) told us the 411...essentially just pay everyone...

permalink written by  coopsandbets on September 26, 2010 from Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala
from the travel blog: We are off to find the wizard!

Colonial exploration in Nicaragua

Coming over to Nicaragua was the first of many crazy border crossings, which have turned out to be fairly hectic affairs with people trying to rip us off left, right and bloody centre! Luckily a local Costa Rican American (possible drug smuggler) told us the 411...essentially just pay everyone...

permalink written by  coopsandbets on September 26, 2010 from Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala
from the travel blog: We are off to find the wizard!

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