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Indonesian yhteenveto

Viimeinen yö ennen Australiaan lähtöä kului Kutalla, menin samaan bed&breakfastiin minne jätin matkalaukkuni. Kulutin päivän erilaisissa hoidoissa ja hieronnoissa ja shoppaillen vaatteita jotka ei näytä siltä, että niillä on reissattu ympäri maailmaa viimeisen vuoden ajan. Australia oli...

permalink written by  rosabella on November 2, 2012 from Kuta, Indonesia
from the travel blog: Kaukana kotoa: Siperian halki ja matkantekoa Itä-Aasiassa

Building castles in the sun and singing 'fun fun fun'.

My final week in Indonesia is being spent in Bali. We are staying in the resort town of Kuta, which is full of tourists, bars and restaurants. It's not exactly the white sands and beaches you imagine when you think of Bali (think Blackpool instead!) but we're still having a good time. We went...

permalink written by   on June 30, 2010 from Kuta, Indonesia
from the travel blog: And now for something different...

End of the road

I decided that I'd take a few days off from doing anything when I got to Kuta (the tourist/backpacker haven in the south of Bali), and spent the time sleeping, eating and going to the beach. I had 2 weeks in which to accomplish more, and had great plans to travel the Island, and maybe even...

permalink written by  olliejohnson on October 28, 2006 from Kuta, Indonesia
from the travel blog: A man from Cockshutt.

Re: Back in Thailand yet?

(a quick geography lesson for the parents...) --- DRKester wrote: > We haven't heard from you for a while. Have you made it back to Krabbe yet? > ... > Take care, and stay out of Indonesia (they don't like Americans right now). > > Love, > Mom and Dad Uhhh... Bali...

permalink written by  Jason Kester on December 31, 2000 from Kuta, Indonesia
from the travel blog: Southeast Asia, 2000-2001

Re: back across the equator

So they got rocks here. I spent an afternoon bouldering at one of the local surf breaks and getting strange reactions from the locals. I guess nobody had ever climbed there before. I'll be renting a motorbike and doing some exploring over the next few days. There seems to be some good potential.

permalink written by  Jason Kester on December 31, 2000 from Kuta, Indonesia
from the travel blog: Southeast Asia, 2000-2001

Merry Christmas

Good to hear from you. I was getting a bit homesick as the big holiday approached. It turns out I had a pretty good time down here though. Xmas eve was spent with fellow travelers and Islanders eating curry in this festively decorated little restaurant with Indonesian christmas carrols in the...

permalink written by  Jason Kester on December 25, 2000 from Kuta, Indonesia
from the travel blog: Southeast Asia, 2000-2001

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