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The Happy Couple

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Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon
Joanne's Round the World Honeymoon
Michael's Lonely post-Honeymoon

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Snoozing in Snooky

Sihanokville, Cambodia

Surprisingly (to me anyway) the internet speed is much much better in Laos, however it's more expensive even than Cambodia. $6 an hour is not uncommon here, but I've found a place for less than $1 and the better speed makes it much better value than Cambodia. However, I'm now so far behind the blog, I'm going to have to spend hours and hours catching up... so here goes!

The arrival in Phnom Penh was quite a let -down. The city didn't seem nice, the wealth gap was evident, and the menus were much dearer. Soon we discovered that Cambodian food is nothing like as nice as Vietnamese food and the coffee is similarly poor by comparison. To be fair, neither are that bad, it's just that Vietnam is excellent for food and coffee. The street food is less available and not so good, and there's no bia hoi (how were we to survive such a country?)! We decided to get out of Phnom Penh quickly and go to the "chill-out" town of Sihanoukville, where the last battle of the Vietnam war was fought, and where we planned to plan the rest of our time in Cambodia; we'd been spending too much time on novels and not enough time on guide books.

Phnom Penh was hot. Vietnam had been increasingly hot as we headed south, and certainly by Saigon we noticed the increasingly greasy and sweaty appearance we have in all the photos. You'll be glad to hear that this all gets worse in Cambodia. The temperature was over 35C every day for the first part. The humidity was high; 60+ the only time I checked, but it felt like a Turkish bath the whole time. I think part of the problem is that, although Vietnam is hot, you usually have a sea breeze, whereas Cambodia is mostly not on the sea and always feels still. Another thing we noticed quite quickly about Cambodia is that there are even more francophones than Vietnam; as you pass people (tourists only) on the street they say "bonjour" rather than hello. The Cambodians say "hello".

We had also discovered (observe our fantastic organisation and foresight) that it's not possible to get a visa for Laos on the border coming from Cambodia, although every other border allows you to. So the plan we came up with was arrange a visa in Phnom Penh, which takes several days, go to Sihanoukville to get some relaxing beach time for several days, while the visa is being processed, then return and continue with whatever plan we came up with while chilling.

Of course before we headed off to "Snooky" we met Marty and Jochem who were (of course) staying in the same hotel as we were. Where we were seemed very expensive so, before we left, we had a look at the Lakeside area, which the guide book had scared Joanne and Hollie away from. The Lakeside seemed OK, if a bit "ultra-backpacker", and the hostels were all built around slums; the atmosphere in the hostels was very nice and relaxed, the prices were a bit lower, and there was a suspiciously relaxing aroma in the air. While we were there I sampled the national specialities of Luc Lac and Mekong "Whisky". And Joanne and I encountered our first ever "bucket".

We organised our Laos visa swith the hotel and were off. Snooky is a beach resort. Actually there is a town, but we were on the the Serendipity Beach stretch. It is very nice and relaxing, but there is no "unesco tourism", only backpacker tourism, so nothing much to do but lie around on sun lounger and get wasted, which is more-or-less what we did. We also went diving one day, which was a bit disappointing, but prepares us for Thailand where we'll hopefully dive again. There's not really much to say about Sihanoukville except it's easy to relax there, they have the cheapest beer in Cambodia (it's made there), and it's easy to get wasted there (which we did). Oh - and they have the biggest geckos I'd ever seen.

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on February 27, 2009 from Sihanokville, Cambodia
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon
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Intro to Cambodia

Phnom Penh, Cambodia

I think you can forget any blogging for the next 3 weeks. Connection speed in the big towns of Cambodia has been nearly impossibly slow and I've just take 50 minutes to get to the stage where I can start writing this. We are in a smallish town now (actually it's the regional capitol), and it's only going to get worse until Thailand. At $1 an hour we can't afford it with these speeds either, not to mention wasting whole days just to upload a few photos.

It's too late to write anything substantive now as we have to catch the bus. Cambodia is a big rip-off! Tourists are just cash-cows and the money only goes to line the already well-lined pockets of the bratty elite VIP crowd. The wealth gap here is shocking after Vietnam and China, where we never saw any sign of poverty. Here there are loads of huge Hummers and other massive black 4x4s with no number plates and "VIP" in the windscreen; there are lots of expensive clubs, restaurants, and bars full of swaggering spoiled youths (with guns apparently); yet here there are lots of people begging; people in dirty raggy clothes; children up to the age of about 10 walking around the capitol city naked. The government is ostensibly socialist, but nothing we've seen suggests that it is anything other than extreme right wing (maybe it's following the nu-lab socialism), and nothing any of the Cambodians have told us about how politics works suggests otherwise: without money you have no education, no health, no pension, no unemployment benefit etc. By all accounts the government exists only to keep the elite in the money.

And the food is terrible (and expensive of course) after Vietnam.

I've just come back to this and I am being a little unfair on Cambodia, my anger at being exploited forthe last two weeks being focussed by the terrible internet speed I was enduring before I changed place to a slightly faster one.

We just expected Cambodia, being a poorer country than Vietnam or China, to be cheaper; in fact we've blown our budget time and time again here, using up all 4 "free days" that we didn't use in Vietnam. I mentioned the expense here on the couchsurfing website and go some angry responses. Yes it is a lot cheaper than Euorope, but it's still much moire expensive than the neighbouring countries.

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on February 23, 2009 from Phnom Penh, Cambodia
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon
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Carry on up the Mekong Delta

Chau Doc, Vietnam

As the Mekong Delta tour continued into the second and third days, I became more convinced that what we should have done is just organise three days of boat trips up the river system because I was really enjoying all of the travel up (and inevitably back down to get the bus) the river, but I couldn't really be bothered with most of the activities the operators seem to think are the whole point of the tour. Anyway, we didn't realise it would be easy to do (apparently it is), and the main reason to go this way was to take a pleasant and hassle-free route into Cambodia.

The second day was all about floating market, for which we had to get up really early. The first market was quite interesting, but quite small; the next one is the really big one, we were told. Strangely we stopped for lunch before heading off back up the river to the second market. It was strange because we were told the reason we had to be up so early was to make sure the market was still on, but they knew what they were doing I supposed. It was about an hour up river to the second floating market where there was one boat selling some sort of fried bread snacks, then we turned around and it was another hour back to the bus. Hollie, Allan, Joanne, and I installed ourselves at the back of the bus where the bad kids sit, and drank beer, talking tipsily the whole way while the other passengers tried to sleep off the early morning rise.

It was quite a way to Chau Doc, and when we arrived everyone was booked into the hotel except us, who had to be shunted up to the next hotel because the first was full. Both hotels were infested, we discovered the next morning. Worried we would miss out on everyone else socialising we rushed back to the original hotel, where most people seemed to have opted for an early night, but Hollie and Allan were there and still ready to go out for dinner. Eel.

The next morning we were taken to a fish farm, which I expected to be the same as the one we'd seen in Halong Bay, but it was actually a lot more intensive. I don't know how many fish they ad packed into a tiny wee space, but they went totally berserk when some food was thrown in. Next it was off to visit an ethnic minority village. I can't even remember which ethnic group they were now, but it may have been Khmers (or maybe Cham Muslims, I can't remember...), but weaving and living in houses on stilts seemed to be the definitive features of their culture. Actually the stilts is really just about not having you house washed away when the Mekong Delta floods, but I suppose it is a cultural choice whether you do this or build floating houses, which seems to be the most common Vietnamese solution. Again all OK, but not terribly exciting. Next it was onto the slow boat to Cambodia. Actually the speed wasn't so much the problem as the really uncomfortable seats, but the scenery was lovely, so I didn't really notice that my bum was numb until I tried to stand up for the border crossing. This has to be the easiest, most laid-back customs I've ever been through: dock your boat, spend a minute queuing to pick up your already stamped and visa'd passport, cunningly couriered ahead by the guide on motorcycle, so that they were ready for our arrival. Then it was on into Cambodia for a few more hours before docking and getting a bus to Phnom Penh.

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on February 22, 2009 from Chau Doc, Vietnam
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon
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Latest Itinerary

Chau Doc, Vietnam

After the flight changes we made in Saigon, here is the latest itinerary.

16th March: Into Laos
30th March: Into Thailand
4th May: Fly to Mumbai
10th June: Fly to Tokyo
29th June: Fly to Beijing
21st July: Into Macau
24th July: Fly to Auckland
11th Aug: Fly to Santiago de Chile
13th Aug: Fly to Easter Island
16th Aug: Return to Santiago
2nd Sep: Fly to Rio
28th Nov: Fly to London

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on February 21, 2009 from Chau Doc, Vietnam
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon
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Bed bugs in the Mekong Delta

Can Tho, Vietnam

Well we had been prepared for mosquitoes in the Mekong Delta, but not what we found. Never having seen a bedbug before in real life, we weren't sure what the little beetle crawling across the bed in Can Tho was, but I had my suspicions. I took the photo thinking that I could later check to see whether it matches. Of course what we should have done is go to the reception and demand to be moved, but we weren't sure enough. The next morning an online ID check proved redundant: a good few splashes of blood on the bed and a really itchy bite on my ankle confirmed what we had suspected. The next night in Chau Doc, Joanne was covered in lines of bites, although we never saw the culprits there. A chat to several of the other people on the tour confirmed that both hotels were hoaching with the beasties, probably because the tours that TNK runs mean that they have guaranteed visitors, so they don't need to make the effort. Of course when one hotel has them and everyone who stays there is moving to the other hotel the following night, it is no surprise that both hotels are infested. We intended to complain, but haven't got around to it.

Anyway, the tour itself was quite pleasant, and the tour guide was pretty good. In the bus on the way he pointed out all the new building around Saigon. Apparently they are building to Singapore standards and the government have a plan for the city to be "better" than Bangkok by 2020. Certainly the rentals he quoted are aimed at international city levels. He also told us that, not only is Vietnam the second exporter of coffee after Brazil, but it is also second rice exporter after Thailand, and the biggest exporter of both black pepper and cashew nuts.

When we first arrived at the boat there was a slightly scary moment as it seemed like it was going to capsize when all the first few people filed in and sat on the same side of the boat, when the captain intervened and indicated that some people should sit on the other side, returning a less worrying camber. I had memories of boat accidents on the Mekong Delta news stories flashing through my mind, and it's quite easy to see how it could happen. All it took was for one person to decide to sit on the other side to take a better photo and the boat would lean massively in that direction.

We had been advised to buy a traditional hat each as sitting in the sun all day on the boat would be very hot without it, but we were herded onto the boat so quickly we didn't have a chance to fall prey to the hawkers. It turned out that the boats were all covered and there was no need to look silly after all, but that didn't stop some people, least of all the Vietnamese.

In the first day they took us to a coconut "candy" (I think they mean sweet) factory in Ben Tre province, which was just a little cottage industry business really. It was all done in the one room from juicing the coconuts to packing the finished product, and all using simple hand-operated machinery. Everything of the coconut is used: the milk and the flesh go into the sweets; the shell is used to fuel the fire that boils up the liquor; the ash is used to augment the soil the tress grow in; building is made from the leaves and branches; and so on. We bought some sweets at the end of it since they seemed to be quite tasty. Of course I couldn't resist buying a packet of the coconut and durian sweets, since my quest for actual durian was still unfulfilled. Joanne was not please about this, as the crisps had made her ultra-sensitive to the heady aroma of durian.

The factory itself wasn't really all that interesting, and I'd have been happy enough with all the chugging around the rivers in various motorised boats, and schlurking around the narrow tributaries in the little oar-powered boats.

Anyway, after that we were taken to a honey tea and banana wine farm, which was even less interesting, although I did buy some banana wine based on a tiny wee taste they gave us. I thought they were just being stingy, but later I realised that the wine is disgusting if you have more than half a thimble of it; then it was on to a crocodile park (if you've seen one you've seen them all; "this is what you do on a rainy day in Natal" said Joanne); then on to see a show of traditional music and sampling some tropical fruits. Great! I thought... durian, surely? But no, it was just dragon fruit and other relatively mundane fruit everyone must have already tried if they'd been in Vietnam more than a day. So we actually had a really nice day, relaxing of various boats as we were chauffeured around the Mekong Delta, but I could have done without all the activities really.

On the way back we got chatting to a couple when the girl asked if I was Scottish. Hollie is from near Loch Tay and travelling with her English boyfriend, Allan. After we'd visited all the proscribed sites we docked and (disappointingly) got on a bus to travel to the ferry crossing to Can Tho, where I ate snake curry, and then I was eaten by the first batch of bed bugs.

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on February 20, 2009 from Can Tho, Vietnam
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon
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Wedding Gift Fund Closing

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

First, we'd like to say thank you to everyone who's given us something as a wedding present. We really appreciate it and we will get around to thanking you all individually...

Anyway, we need to start thinking about what we are going to use our STA fund for, so we'll be closing the account in about two weeks. So, if you were going to put something in it, but haven't got around to it yet... you are running out of time! Details in one of the first blog entries.

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on February 19, 2009 from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon
tagged Gift, Wedding and STA

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Last day in Saigon

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

We finished the previous day off with a lovely Korean meal, which was by far the most expensive meal we've had, but thought we deserved it after getting the blog up-to-date. Ah, those were the days! We decided it was OK to eat Korean since we're not going there; we've been avoiding the temptation of cuisine from any country we are going.

We also discovered that the reason all the travel agents appeared to have moved address is that Joanne was looking at the Hanoi page in the information booklet, which would not have worked at all in most countries, but in Vietnam all the same street names are used in every city, which can be quite confusing when travelling from place to place.

Anyway, apologies for not blogging for so long, but we're now in Cambodia and the internet speed is not generally good at all, it's too hot to sit around on a PC, and it's also a lot more expensive to get online. Anyway, I'll do some now. Also, I've made a wee change: I've deleted all of the places from the map that we've not yet been, so you can easily see where we actually are. I'll update the map before doing anything else. I'll post our intended schedule soon, so anyone who wants to meet up with us in, say, Rio, will know when we plan to be there.

I've built up a few wee observations about Vietnam that I keep forgetting to write about in the blog, so I'm going to try and round them all up now.

The first thing, which I don't think I've mentioned, is that the coffee is really really good. And cheap. It's extremely strong, but very compex and tasty. Even the iced coffee is really strong (we ignore that advice about avoiding ice). Apparently Vietnam is the second exporter of coffee after Brazil and they are very proud of their coffee.

Another little thing is that the Vietnamese sit on their haunches a lot. It seems to be the most comfortable, relaxed way for them to stay in the same place, but it looks like knee-breaking, thigh-straining agony to me. Joanne's theory is that their smaller frames makes it easier. People did it in China a bit too, but you see it all the time in Vietnam. Another couple of things, both captured in this photo is that you often see men playing a board game at the side of the road, and you often see people with circular marks all over their skin; we have since discovered that this is the result of a therapy where glasses are placed all over the skin, after holding a flame in them, and when the air inside cools and contracts it causes them to stick and draw some blood out.

Another weird one is that they seem to lose their cool quite often. We've seen plently of shouting altercations, rising to screaming on occasion. The only reason this is strange or remarkable is I had believed Asians generally do not like conflict and losing your cool means losing face, which is the ultimate fear. Anyway, they don't seem to mind losing face here.

I've been surprised to see lots of Americans here. There were quite a lot in China too, which was also surprising. I would expect them to avoid the great evil of communist countries, but when I asked on American guy about it he just said "No, we love it!" but he didn't seem to want to elucidate. There are also loads of French and Quebecois, which I suppose must have something to do with the collonial links, or maybe indirectly because of Tintin; but definitely more francophones that you usually find on holiday.

The last thing worth remarking on is the wearing of masks. We also saw this in China and Hong Kong. I put it down to disease after we saw an public information advert in Hong Kong advising that you should wear a mask if you are ill. Pietro seemed to confirm this when he told us that they've become very illness aware since avian flu and SARS. However, we have also seen women wearing long gloves that cover the arms and women often hold a book or folder up to shade their faces when riding on mopeds, both of which suggest that most women wear all this stuff to stay white; we were told that "here light skin is more beautiful". One final theory that someone told us is that people who are doing work they deem below their status tend to cover themselves up as much as possible, so that they are effectively in disguise. True enough people selling wares on the streets are often very well covered, but I had put this down to the fact they are in the sun for longer. Anyway, we've been finding it very hot since arriving in Saigon, so the idea of wearing loads of extra clothing is horrible!

For the whole time we were in Saigon there was a wake on the corner of the street our hotel was on. Three days of music pumping out and people sitting around drinking. I thought that it was a young person (and assumed a moped accident) as there was a huge picture up of a young man, but we were told that they have a ceremonial photo taken when they are in their prime, so that they will always be remembered that way.

Anyway we started our last day in Saigon with a cup of tea thanks to the kettle we'd bought the day before. We had tea all the time in China, but none of our rooms have had a kettle since, so we decided it was time to add to my huge pack, although the kettle's not really that big. The great Saigon food continued with a grapefruit salad for breakfast and a custard apple shake. Then we headed off to the supermarket in search of (non-whitening) moisturiser for Joanne and pro-biotic yogurts which are meant to combat the digestive damage caused by the doxycycline we were about to start as a malaria prophylactic for the Mekong Delta onwards. On the way to the supermarket I bought what I've since discovered is a water apple; a strange tasting fruit like an apple crossed with a carrot. At the supermarket I got a chance to look for the Vietnamese for fruits I wanted to identify and for some of the herbs that come with all the noodle soup dishes i.e. most breakfasts. On of the herbs tastes like coriander, but isn't, one like tarragon, but isn't, and another one tastes like cinnamon. The cinnamon one was the only one I've been able to identify: Vietnamese Perilla (Tia To in Vietnamese).

When I saw durian crisps at the supermarket, I just had to buy them, even though they were quite dear, after all I hadn't found any real durian. On the way back from the supermarket I saw someone selling strange cups of stuff from a stall, so I had to buy some of that too. It turned out to be hot soya with ginger syrup over it; really nice. Just as we were walking away from that stall I saw someone selling durian, so I bought a small bag of pieces. It was surprisingly cheap for such a delicacy and I didn't notice it smelling quite as much as I expected. Then when I got home I found out why: I had bought jackfruit! Jackfruit is delicious, but I had wanted to try durian.

The afternoon was spent following the Lonely Planet walking tour. After all the walking we'd done the day before, we realised that we had already been along most of the streets the tour follows, but we persevered nonetheless, taking in the rooftop bar at the Rex Hotel, where the beer was a ridiculous 60,000 dong. It took us past a couple of nice buildings, past Fanny Ice Cream (snigger) for lunch, where I had one scoop of anise, one of chilli chocolate, and one of green tea; very nice, but again way over our usual budget. The walk also took us to the War Remnants Museum, where there is lots of captured American military hardware on display, as well as plenty of photo displays. Who would have thought that the Americans would be capable of such war crimes, atrocities, and human rights abuses? Unfortunately we only got about halfway round the museum when a guard told us it was closing and kicked everyone out. A pity, I was looking forward to the gallery of torture by the Americans. They quoted a statistic in the museum, which I cannot reliably remember now, but I think they said that on Vietnam they dropped twenty times the quantity of explosives used by all parties in the Second World War. Anyway, the walking tour finished off at the Sheraton Hotel for rooftop sundowners. The price was ridiculous: we spent significantly more on two (cheap) beers than we had on the expensive meal the night before, but the view was excellent from the 25th floor.

On the way home we stopped off at a food market, which looks like it is in transition from a place for locals to one for tourists only, but it's still fairly cheap and the food was excellent. We had some more of the fantastic Saigon style ("fresh") spring rolls, which are just prawns and fresh herbs and bean sprouts wrapped up in rice paper, steamed, not fried. I think the key is the fresh ingredients, but they always taste exactly the same: delicious. I followed that with a green papaya salad, also very nice, and a sapodilla shake, which is a bit strange: caramel flavoured fruit. As soon as we stood up our chairs were gone as a bus load of Japanese tourists arrived. We passed another market on the way back to our hotel, where I bought some t-shirts. They really think the tourists are stupid. I tried on a t-shirt sized L, which they told me fitted. I said I thought it was a bit small and I'd prefer an XL, which prompted on of the ladies on the stall to disappear into the back with the t-shirt I'd just tried and reappear with a very similar t-shirt with a sticker saying XL fixed over the label. Amazingly it seemed to be the same size as the L.

We rounded the day off by changing some dong to dollars (yuk), as we thought they'd be handy in Cambodia until we could get some local currency. On the final stretch back to our part of town (which is very back-packery, a bit like Khao San Road in Bangkok) we passed a restaurant with Jochem and Marty, and now Marty's cousin, who had joined them. We managed to towns without bumping into them, but clearly they were still following us...

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on February 19, 2009 from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon
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Admin in Saigon

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

If Mui Ne taught me one thing it's that I'm spending far too long on this blog! The problem is the more we do, the more I have to write about, but the less time I have to do it. Now, after Mui Ne, and doing nothing fun in Saigon I think I can catch up... but I'm going to try and be more brief in future AND keep up to date.

The bus on the way to Saigon broke down, but we didn't have to wait long before we were decanted on the another tour company's bus. The room we got here is another step down: on the fifth floor, the roof, which was fun with a 30kg bag, with construction work going on just outside our room, on the roof of the next hotel. And we suspected bed bugs, but I think that was just paranoia after realising the bed had not been properly changed: there was hair on the undersheet. Saigon seems like a lot of fun though, and the food is excellent again. But all we've done is find a dentist, plan when we are going to re-schedule our flights to, got pissed with a couple of Americans who were celebrating getting a long-term lease. English teachers of course (just like most of the ex-pats here). Then, today, we got Joanne's tooth fixed, spent ages looking for travel agents, which have all moved since our information was printed, so that we can reschedule our flights; this turned out to be a lot more expensive that we expected i.e. free, with a possible SMALL admin fee. Hmpf!

At least we found a large German bier halle during our wanders, where they make excellent beer, and have unusual fans which disperse water aerosol as a low-tech aircon system (while the barman picks his nose). The one down so far, is that I was cheated at a bia hoi place. The old woman who was in charge, pretended I'd given her 50000 rather than 100000. I think a lot of people land here, so she must take advantage of their unfamiliarity with the money. Of course she loses, really, because this place was the cheapest around and just opposite our hotel. There is no way we'd have spent anything like as little as 50000 over the next three days. It's very annoying though. More the insult than the two pounds she stole, really! So the last thing we had to organise here is our trip to Cambodia via the Mekong delta, which Joanne is off doing right now.

The last thing you need to know about Saigon is that there are LOADS of mopeds.

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on February 18, 2009 from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon
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Mui Ne is a hole and it stinks

Mui Ne, Vietnam

For breakfast, we returned to the lovely vegetarian cafe we'd discovered the previous day in Da Lat. Little did we know but it was to be the last decent meal for several days.

We arrived in Mui Ne (strictly speaking, Mui Ne Beach, I think -- Mui Ne Village is a little along the coast) and immediately I wondered where the centre was; on the way in we just passed resort after resort, but no "real" town. Luckily our hotel / resort was close to where the bus stopped, so we were able to get there without giving in to the constant harassment from "xe om" drivers; and we had booked in advance because we'd heard it books up at the weekend, so we could completely ignore the hotel touts as well. The hotel room was OK, but smaller than we had become accustomed to; we had finally discovered that in Vietnam (and China it seemed as well), ALL hotel beds are double beds, so we only really need to ask for a single room. The beach however was a massive disappointment: we'd been looking forward to the beach here for the whole trip so far. Both guide books described the place as a nice quiet place for enjoying the beach. But there is no beach! Not unless you are booked into an expensive resort. Our more modest resort has only a few feet of beach (tide is out in the photo). Two resorts up from ours has none at all: the waves lap up against a concrete wave-break where the hotel ends. Most resorts, including ours, seem to have private beaches, which are really just sandpits with loungers in them.

After the disappointment of the lack of beach, we had a wee wander outside. There really doesn't seem to be any centre or town or anything apart from a strip of resorts and very empty bars, cafes, and restaurants. We soon discovered that the prices of everything are between two and three times what we'd been paying elsewhere in Vietnam. This meant that we felt we couldn't afford a moped, which would have been the obvious way to try and find something worth seeing nearby. We were planning to pay for a trip to see the nearby sand dunes anyway, so reasoned we really wouldn't need much transport. We had come here to sunbathe primarily, so we'd just sit on our private beach and make the most of it.

Heading back to the hotel I asked an older gentleman on a bicycle how much he paid for it; yet again the going rate was about three times what we'd paid before, but it was more affordable than a moped. In kind he asked us how much we were paying for our accommodation, and when he liked what he heard he asked if he could follow us back. On the way back, we discovered he was originally from Hawaii and had moved to Asia when he retired; he'd been living in Saigon, where his girlfriend was, but he felt he needed to get away from the pollution. While Joanne was in a shop, buying water or something, I made conversation: did he retire to Asia to make his money go further? Yes, he said, partly, but mostly because young women find him more attractive here than in the US. Apparently he was pushing seventy and his girlfriend is twenty-one (I have a life-time supply of Viagra, he confided). Later I told Joanne about this and she simply said "men are dirty dogs".

I hated the place, so I decided to catch up on the blog and spent the whole of the second day there online. Didn't quite catch up as the free internet place (a rarity in Mui Ne) decided I was taknig advantage and kicked me out! The town just got worse and worse. For breakfast we had what would normally have been cheap food for the locals; it was worse than anything like it we'd had, and it cost twice as much! In the tourist places (almost everywhere else) the food was served with knives and forks! I had to ask for chopsticks the first time it happened because it seemed too unnatural not to use them; by the second place I'd given up.

Wherever you are in Mui Ne your nose is assaulted by a periodic stench. Now, most of Vietnam smells a bit, and as you move around a town or the country, you get occasional wafts of fish. Everywhere. I think a lot of it may be down to people drying, or storing dried, squid etc in their homes. Maybe they make fish sauce at home. But it's never too unpleasant. Mui Ne stinks! This is an industrial version of the same smell. Rotting, rancid, reeking, revolting. And you are hit with it every time a lorry goes down the main road, which is about every ten minutes maximum; and since there is NOTHING but the main road, you are always there to smell it.

I think an avocado shake was the only nice thing I consumed there, and given that food is so central to my experience (have you noticed?) this was another big let-down. The second night there this came to a head: struck by acute food poisoning in the middle of the night; the "aubergines stuffed with funny tasting half-cooked pork mince" the prime suspect. You'd think the name of the dish might have forewarned me! Dune trip cancelled. Too ill to blog more. So I just read a bit in the sun; Joanne was burnt the day before so couldn't even do that. So we did nothing! Didn't see the sand dunes which seem to be the only thing to see; couldn't afford to go windsurfing which is the other big attraction; and there just isn't anything to the town. We confirmed this by renting bicycles for a day and discovered, just like it lacks any soul, it also lacks any centre. This also made me resolve not to hire any more bicycles: they have no gears and they are made for small Asians, so you can't get any decent speed up at all (imagine a BMX the shape of a touring bike), and it kills my knees because of short distance to the peddles. Mopeds only from now on!

Mysteriously, the food poisoning seemed to disappear just in time for leaving the horrible place.

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on February 15, 2009 from Mui Ne, Vietnam
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon
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Around Da Lat

Da Lat, Vietnam

A bit disillusioned with Da Lat itself, we decided to hire a bike again, after knocking back some very insistent "Easy Riders", who take you on motorbike tours around the area; out of our price range again. We headed off to Tiger Falls, which should have been the easiest and closest to get to of the many in the area. We thought we'd be able to get there without the decent map we couldn't find, because the direction in the Lonely Planet were quite good, but not long after we hit the road I realised that neither the speedo not the odometer worked. The speedo's not a problem, since these bikes can't really break the speed limit, but without the odometer, we have no way of following the Lonely Planet's direction. Regardless we found our way to the neighbouring village of Trai Mat, where we noticed a Pagoda, marked on the map, but not mentioned in either guide book. We nearly didn't bother because we'd seen several of them already, but this one was absolutely gorgeous -- and free! I think it must be a newish one, therefore of no historical interest, therefore not of tourist interest; but it was still beautiful... and free! Now we reckon we don't need to see any more pagodas as this one was so impressive; a bit like never needing so see another Catholic church after St Peter's in the Vatican.

After a bit of searching we found the turn off to Tiger Falls and took the bumpy, loose road to the waterfall. At one point we almost turned around when we noticed that the ground to the right of the road was burning; and then we noticed that the ground to the left of the road too. A bit like a forest fire. But we pressed on anyway as it was starting to rain a bit, and it didn't take long to get through the smoke. The falls were a bit disappointing; you can see stuff like that, but better, all over Scotland. Same same but mosquitoes instead of midgies. The had a story behind their significance, but it all seems to centre around making the large game, that used to live in the region, extinct.

Next stop was the cable car. I didn't really care where it went, but the guide books talked about the stunning view. Then, at the cable car station, disaster struck! One of Joanne's fillings came out! We decided to wait for Saigon to deal with that.
The views on the cable car were OK, but nothing compared to, say, the Aonach Mor cable car. And, strangely, the cable car seemed to owe its existence to a reservoir. OK, it's quite a big reservoir, but a tourist attraction? There were loads of shops, and stalls, and restaurants, and boat trips on the reservoir, and some gardens, and temples. And so on.
They are obviously very proud of this reservoir, and see it as a great tourist asset. It's just a body of water. Really you can see much better bodies of water all over Scotland. At this point Joanne said "maybe there's not point coming the highlands of Vietnam if you are from Scotland". Maybe. But Scotland doesn't produce coffee, which is one of the reasons I wanted to go there, but we hadn't signed up for the Easy Rider trip, so we weren't going to a coffee plantation anyway; good maps are impossible to get hold of. Anyway time for another local speciality: egg, (soy, of course) milk, and soda. It's exactly as it says, and not that disgusting.

Next up, the "Crazy House". Doubled its price since the November guide book, and not worth the money. The architect is the daughter of Vietnam's second president, which is apparently why such monstrosity has not been bull-dozed. The guide describes it as a cross between Gaudi and Alice In Wonderland. I'd say it's more of a cross between Disney and Alice In Wonderland. They're still building it too, which I suppose is why they needed to double the entrance! It's what happens when an architect falls too much in love with reinforced concrete. And animals.

I got rid of another book that day: Tales of Power by Carlos Castaneda in the Peace Cafe. I also had two more local specialities: durian ice cream, and a drink made from salted apricots, and lemon, hot.

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on February 12, 2009 from Da Lat, Vietnam
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon
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