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Wedding Gifts

Glasgow, United Kingdom

Lots of people have been asking us about a "gift list". We don't have a gift list, partly because we already have most of what you normally put on it, and partly because we won't be able to cart them all round the world with us.

Instead, what we are hoping is that people will donate something towards the account we've set up at STA Travel. The RTW plane ticket is paid for, but it would be wonderful if we could afford some extra excursions while we are travelling. Most of the time we will be living very cheaply, so a pre-paid excursion would be a massive treat.

You can put something into this account by phoning STA Travel on George Street (0871 468 0622) or emailing Robert.Warburton@statravel.co.uk and asking if you can pay something towards booking number 685737.

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on November 26, 2008 from Glasgow, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon
tagged Gift, Wedding, List and STA

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Wedding Music

Cape Town, South Africa

Just another quick entry for those attending the wedding. We're struggling to come up with music for the DJ to play, so, to help us out, we are asking for everyone to send us up to 5 requests: favourite tunes for dancing if that's what you plan to do; or just for sitting and listening to while you get sloshed, otherwise.

Of course we reserve the right to pick and choose etc etc :-)

The sooner the response the better. The DJ needs time to download them after all! -- and the "broadband" isn't up to much here.

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on December 23, 2008 from Cape Town, South Africa
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon
tagged Music and Wedding

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Wedding Gift Fund Closing

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

First, we'd like to say thank you to everyone who's given us something as a wedding present. We really appreciate it and we will get around to thanking you all individually...

Anyway, we need to start thinking about what we are going to use our STA fund for, so we'll be closing the account in about two weeks. So, if you were going to put something in it, but haven't got around to it yet... you are running out of time! Details in one of the first blog entries.

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on February 19, 2009 from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon
tagged Gift, Wedding and STA

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