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Los ist da was, wo wir sind

Leben ist, wo Tati und Max sind. Bzw. nicht unbedingt Leben. Aber zumindest was los. Nachdem wir endlich in Phnom Penh angekommen waren und was gegessen hatten (Frühstück? Mittag? Abendessen?), haben wir uns ganze 5 Tage genommen, um die Stadt gründlich auf den Kopf zu stellen. Phnom Penh...

permalink written by  MaxTheDay on October 27, 2012 from Phnom Penh, Cambodia
from the travel blog: MaTi in Südostasien

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{{Phan Sopheak}}

permalink written by  Chanborn on August 1, 2012 from Phnom Penh, Cambodia
from the travel blog: Chanborn's Travel Blog

Varasuunnitelma toteen

Tarkoitukseni oli lahtea Kampotista suoraan kohti Vietnamia, mutta ennen Vietnamin oleskeluoikeuden alkua piti viela tappaa aikaa muutama paiva, niin suunnistinkin kohti Kambodzan paakaupunkia. Lahdin bussiasemalta taksikuskin mukaan, mutta 4 likaista ja epamaaraista hostellia myohemmin en...

permalink written by  rosabella on May 15, 2012 from Phnom Penh, Cambodia
from the travel blog: Kaukana kotoa: Siperian halki ja matkantekoa Itä-Aasiassa

Phnom Penh

The capital of Cambodia, and the main reason we wanted to visit was to see & understand what happened to the country under Pol Pots regime. This meant unfortunately a visit to S21 and the Killing Fields was inevitable. Neither of these trips were enjoyable. In fact they were truly horrific. To...

permalink written by  mich_and_dan_moors on October 5, 2011 from Phnom Penh, Cambodia
from the travel blog: mich_and_dan_moors's Travel Blog

Yummy yummy seafood with Kampot pepper

The owners of Mekong Sunrise guesthouse were kind enough to arrange free transport for us to the bus stop, and then we were able to get straight on the bus, easy travelling once again. We took the bus to Phnom Penh then had to wait for 1 ½ hours for the next bus to Kep. It didn’t take long to...

permalink written by  chrischarly on August 25, 2011 from Phnom Penh, Cambodia
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly's Passage through SE Asia

... and that's it!

So after a proper break in Europe, I had another 7 weeks in Cambodia in the rural wild west in Oli village or also called: Thmar Pouk. At the first hospital meeting shortly after my arrival the staff made clear that they would like me to help implementing the Ministry of Helth Infection...

permalink written by  katja-horsch on August 24, 2011 from Phnom Penh, Cambodia
from the travel blog: ...and that's it!

The limping tour

Today we got our walking (make that limping - my foot was still huge!) tour of Phnom Penh, starting off at the Royal Palace. Our guide was a fount of information but honestly, it was so insanely hot (especially since we were all covered up as per the palace rules) it was difficult to keep track...

permalink written by  lucy3119 on August 13, 2011 from Phnom Penh, Cambodia
from the travel blog: Cambodia 2011

Snake - the cure for balloon feet?

This blog entry should be a short one - I spent most of the day in bed with my big, swollen foot up on a pillow. Even the TV refused to take pity on me, jamming up and blasting out music at top volume until I could drag myself out of bed to turn it off. I would have expected nothing less from...

permalink written by  lucy3119 on August 12, 2011 from Phnom Penh, Cambodia
from the travel blog: Cambodia 2011

Volunteering cut short

My last and best day at the school, helped finish The Amazing Mural and got to take my class out for their 'sport' lesson which actually involved the kids sitting around me and teaching me to count in Cambodian, which I forgot within about 30 seconds of learning. I will miss the "Hello...

permalink written by  lucy3119 on August 11, 2011 from Phnom Penh, Cambodia
from the travel blog: Cambodia 2011

Covered in paint

Another day of reciting words from the alphabet for Class C. I should probably have explained that there are two different Class C's, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, each with different students in them, although a handful of students do come to both classes when they can. Each...

permalink written by  lucy3119 on August 10, 2011 from Phnom Penh, Cambodia
from the travel blog: Cambodia 2011

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