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Kambodzan menorikkain rantakohde

Yhdentoista tunnin yobussimatka; suolet suoristava hyppyytys kuoppaisella tiella alusta loppuun asti toi minut Sihanoukvilleen, Kambodzan suosituimpaan rantakohteeseen. Kaupunki oli vasta herailemassa kuudelta aamulla, nain taas yhden auringonnousun. Olen nykyaan usein hereilla siihen aikaan...

permalink written by  rosabella on May 7, 2012 from Sihanokville, Cambodia
from the travel blog: Kaukana kotoa: Siperian halki ja matkantekoa Itä-Aasiassa

Shady Sihanokville

There's a really great beach here that seems to be at it's liveliest in the evening. It's lined full of restaurants selling fresh fish & shack like beach bars, and every other establishment seems to sell 'happy' pizza, (better known as marijuana topped pizza) so it's not surprising that its a...

permalink written by  mich_and_dan_moors on October 2, 2011 from Sihanokville, Cambodia
from the travel blog: mich_and_dan_moors's Travel Blog

The perfect beach!

After a couple of days in Snooky I decided to move on and try and find a better beach. I brought a boat ticket to Koh Kong which is a couple of hours from the mainland. It was one of those really awful boat journeys where you seriously start considering what your going to do if the boat goes...

permalink written by  lizziecarver on February 17, 2011 from Sihanokville, Cambodia
from the travel blog: Backpacking... it's not as fun as Insurance

Snooky- a bit like shagaloof but in Cambodia.

Last week I had a brief stopover in Phonm Pehn to see the killing fields. I had been feeling under the weather so after doing some cultural stuff I decided to do what all girls do best, shop and pampers myself! I got a haircut for $3.50 where the lady continually showered me with compliments,...

permalink written by  lizziecarver on February 14, 2011 from Sihanokville, Cambodia
from the travel blog: Backpacking... it's not as fun as Insurance

Call it Serendipity

I finished at the farm on friday! My final week was fun, the last day was the best (except for it being the last day)! In the morning we scrubbed the floor of the "al fresco" dining area - not so fun when we first started but great once we'd turned the whole place into a soapy skating rink!...

permalink written by  JillR on June 1, 2010 from Sihanokville, Cambodia
from the travel blog: And now for something different...

Snorkeling Fail

Because it was too awesome to contain in one post, this will be the first in a series of stories about my recent trip to Cambodia with Ellen. We flew into Siem Reap, spent a couple days there seeing Angkor Wat and a floating village (more on that later), and then headed south to Sihanoukville...

permalink written by  alli_ockinga on August 11, 2009 from Sihanokville, Cambodia
from the travel blog: I go Korea!

Relaxen am Strand

Relaxen am Strand...das war eigentlich das, was wir uns fuer heute vorgenommen hatten...dann mal schnell zum Fruehstueck, Badesachen an und ab zum Strand...nach 15 Minuten kam ein heftiger Regenschauer mit Sturmboen herunter, also suchten wir erstmal Schutz in einer der vielen Strandbars...nach...

permalink written by  ninandi on May 17, 2009 from Sihanokville, Cambodia
from the travel blog: ninandi's Travel Blog

Pnom Penh und Weiterfahrt ans Meer

Uberpuenktlich war unser Tuk Tuk Fahrer heute frueh da, nach einem kleinen Fruehstuck sind wir dann auch los, Wat Phnom, Koenigspalast, Rundfahrt an verschiedenen Stationen sowie das Tuol-Sleng-Museum, auch unter S21 bekannt, was zu unseren bisherigen Besichtigungen schoener Tempelanlagen und...

permalink written by  ninandi on May 16, 2009 from Sihanokville, Cambodia
from the travel blog: ninandi's Travel Blog

Fahrt nach Sihanokville

Die Fahrt von Phnom Penh nach Sihanokville lief ganz fluessig, die Strecke ist fuer kambodschanische Verhaeltnisse gut ausgebaut, und jedes Fahrzeug, kleiner oder langsamer als der Bus, wird einfach weg gehupt...wir hatten im Bus einen Logenplatz, direkt ueber dem Fahrer, und konnten das Treiben...

permalink written by  ninandi on May 16, 2009 from Sihanokville, Cambodia
from the travel blog: ninandi's Travel Blog

Sihanokville, reunion with Sean and Kia

We made it on a bus from Phnom Penh to Sihoukville and found Sean and Kia! Zack and I are staying in an awesome beach bungalow. It has a little private front porch with two chairs, a table, and a hammock! It's fun seeing old friends from Korea here at the beach in Cambodia. We went and had...

permalink written by  zachel on April 22, 2009 from Sihanokville, Cambodia
from the travel blog: Zack and Rachel's Asian Chronicles

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