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Missed communication

Saturday 22nd- Tuesday 25th Jan We arrived in Valdivia early afternoon and started our way into its central business district, which was of course to be near the ‘Plaza De Arms‘. Before we could leave the bus terminal we were approached by a lady who promised a room that was ‘comfortably...

permalink written by  Pete+Rochelle on January 31, 2011 from Valdivia, Chile
from the travel blog: Round the world!!!

Kurzer Abstecher

An den vergangenen 2 Tagen habe ich einen kurzen Abstecher nach Valdivia gemacht. Ist eine mittelgroße Studentenstadt nah an der Küste. Dienstag Mittag angekommen und in einem echt schönen Hostel eingecheckt, das so aussah wie ich mir ein Hostel vorstelle. Tolle Atmosphäre durch das alte Haus....

permalink written by  barthzie on January 27, 2011 from Valdivia, Chile
from the travel blog: Southamerica tryout


abebaserdbdsfb sdfsdf

permalink written by  jensogcaro on January 4, 2009 from Valdivia, Chile
from the travel blog: På må og få i Syd Amerika

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