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Welcome to India!

Darjiling, India

After a 19 hours trip from Kathmandu, we're finally in Darjeeling.
The journey was quite (not too much) fun.

We took the bus in Kathmandu at 4p.m yesterday. The first hours were nice, very nice view of Kathmandu valley, though Capucine was a bit frightened by the quality of the road, the amount of vehicles, the speed, the rain, the "whenthehelldoeshesleeps" driver... Until the night came. Nothing to watch anymore, the boring part starts. It's quite impossible to sleep on such a small sit, my legs hurts...etc. Few stops along the way for a quick snack, smoke, p..ping... and then finally we arrived in Kakarbhitta fourteen hours later, i.e. at 6 a.m, completely wasted from that long trip.
From Kakarbhitta(Nepal) we hired a rickshaw driver to drop us to Panitanki (India), making a quick stop at the border line for passport checking and few paper-works. I can't forget the face of the driver when he saw the amount of luggage that we had, haha :)
Well we're now in India. As soon as the rickshaw stopped, we and our luggage were already taken by bus drivers, destination Siliguri.
In Siliguri, we changed some money and learned that the only way to go to Darjeeling is to take a shared jeep (Mahindra or Tata) who can normally host 10 people, but this number can go up to 14-15, sometimes more :) So two hours and a half later, we're in Darjeeling.

It's 1p.m, we're exhausted, welcome to India!

permalink written by  vinzlj on July 1, 2010 from Darjiling, India
from the travel blog: Nepalindia
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merci pour la description après coup :/

permalink written by  Blandine on July 18, 2010

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