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We're about to go to israel!

San Francisco, United States

Sooooo we're here at the airport waiting for our flight to take off. Minor glitch, the flight was scheduled at 7:15 but is now scheduled for 8 AM so had to wake up extra early for nothing :). An early thank you to ronald for taking my mom and I to the airport at the crazy hour of 4 AM! Thank you also to all those who gave input on the itinerary, to the lady i met outside of SFO the other day who had just come in from israel--who advised me to bring hand sanitizer, wipes and seat covers, to my mom who is willing to travel with me and to all my friends/family who have put up with me doing my woohoo [weird arm dance move] in rejoicing the fact that I was going on this trip. Thank you most especially to our Almighty God for giving us the means and ability and the desire to take such a trip. :)

[if I was saying this outloud i think caucus voice might have actually surfaced right there]

Anywhoos we're here at the waiting area, mom is practicing her airport sleeping skills with her new neck pillow and I'm trying to make use of the 45 minutes of free wifi SFO offers and get this blog going.

So for this trip we have [sorry if i incorrectly counted and told you guys before] 11 days of Israel and 1 day in Zurich.

a few days jerusalem [old city and the new city]
masada/dead sea...go see where the dead sea scrolls were found!
galilee/north area (tiberius, tagbah, nazareth, sea of galilee]
coast area (haifa, ceasarea, acre, capernaum)
tel aviv
and one odd half day going to hopefully Hebron [hopefully]
day in zurich as part of the long overnight layover

It's been a crazy few weeks leading up to this trip [with preparing for the district kadiwa activity and lots of people visiting and busy days at work] and so I've been doing a lot of my planning here and there but hopefully we'll be able to cover as much as we can in the short amount of time we actually have in Israel.

It's definitely one of those trips that you don't really know whether or not you'll be able to repeat it so I definitely want to maximize everything by trying to cover much. I've left a little room for adjustments on the trip in case we want to include some other things onto the itinerary. I had initially included Petra and may still opt to do it...its just it takes time away from Jerusalem which I definitely want to make sure we have enough time to see everything there. But we'll see.

Anywhoos I hope you guys join my mom and I on our adventures. I'm going to try to document it as much as I can with pictures, videos and random stuff.

permalink written by  dimpsum on October 31, 2010 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: My israel adventure
tagged IsraelMomJerusalemGod

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