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Barcelona, Spain

Fri.May 27. Docked in Barcelona.This is a very large port with several big ships docked.Had a quick tour of the city by bus.Saw the church designed by Gaudi,the Sagrada Familia (Sacred family)Extremely ornate,just the front finished.

Gaudi died in a car accident in 1926 and a designer who admired Gaudi's work took over.He is doing the back in a simpler style,representing the Passion and Crucifixion of Christ.The church was visited and consecrated by Pope Benedict but it wont be finished for decades.
We drove past Las Ramblas,the main shopping street which has a statue of Christopher Columbus at one end.

We then went to a winery,saw a film and got on a train for a tour of the vineyard.They are very "green".The cellar roof is just above ground level and is painted white to reflect the sun so less energy is used to keep it cool.The train went into a pitch dark building where we saw slides projected onto a wall.There were 3 porticos projected on the wall with different slides in each,telling the history of wine in the region.It was very well done.
Tomorrow is a day at sea and I have asked my stewardess to bring my 3 suitcases in so I can begin packing.We have no more formal nights so I can pack my formal clothes.

permalink written by  edoyle on May 30, 2011 from Barcelona, Spain
from the travel blog: World Cruise
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