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World Cruise

a travel blog by edoyle

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Preparing to set sail

San Francisco, United States

Boarded late afternoon on the 13th.Party for round the worlders.
Had a stroll from the dock next day as the people doing segments were boarding.
Weather sunny and warm.

permalink written by  edoyle on January 14, 2011 from San Francisco, United States
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Hilo, United States

Arrived in Hilo on my birthday.Took a trip to Kilauea Volcano.Interesting to see craters within the huge caldera.
Went to a macadamia factory and a pineapple factory.

permalink written by  edoyle on January 19, 2011 from Hilo, United States
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Honolulu, United States


Arrived in Honolulu which means sheltered bay.Visited macadamia nut factory and Dole pineapple Plantation.
Special reception at Iolani Palace,official residence of Hawaii's last two monarchs.
Had my picture taken with an Elvis imoersonator,who didn't look much like Elvis but sounded really like him.

permalink written by  edoyle on January 20, 2011 from Honolulu, United States
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Continuing in Hawaii

Lahaina, United States

Arrived in Maui,anchored offshore and tendered in to meet our excursion buses.Went on the Iao valley and Ocean Ctr trip.In the valley there are Japanese,Korean,Chinese and Portuguese gardens for the many immigrants who worked in the sugar cane and pineapple industry.
In the Ocean Ctr.we were in a plexiglass tube with fish swimming around and above us.It was quite an experience to have a stingray swim a few inches overhead looking at its white underside and mouth opening and closing.
We now have 5 days at sea until we reach Moorea.

permalink written by  edoyle on January 22, 2011 from Lahaina, United States
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Anchored in Opunohu Bay

Teavaro, French Polynesia

Moorea is the tallest island in French Polynesia.The best known peak is Mouaron,better known as Mitchener's Bali Hai.
Took an off road safari,somewhat hairraising.We could look down on the bay and our ship.
We drove through coconut and pineapple plantations on the way back.
Took a picture of red ginger,the native flower,which I have yet to upload,and bird of paradise.
We sail for Papeete which is only about an hour away.

permalink written by  edoyle on January 28, 2011 from Teavaro, French Polynesia
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The Society Islands

Papeete, French Polynesia

Tour "In Paul Gauguin's Footsteps"Tahiti is the largest island in Fr.Polynesia and they use the Polynesian franc.It is a self-governing French region.
Visited the Gauguin museum and the house he built and where he died.The museum is a series of small buildings in a square.Because of the heat and humidity the original paintings are locked away,we saw replicas.
That evening local dancers performed on board.

permalink written by  edoyle on January 29, 2011 from Papeete, French Polynesia
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More Fr.Polynesia

Povai, French Polynesia

Bora Bora is probably the best known of the Polynesian Islands.I think Moorea is more beautiful.Took "Le Truck" around the island,quite a bumpy ride,Le Truck is an opensided
vehicle with a top.Many houses are built over the water and have cone shaped thatched roofs.One was pointed out to us as belonging to Jack Nicholson and of course Marlon Brando is famous there.
We stopped at "Bloody Mary's",a well known spot for food and drink.As it was Sunday the place was closed but open to walk through.Bloody Mary gave her name to the character in South Pacific.I photographed some of the famous names on a plaque,of those who visited there.
The heat and humidity are oppressive.I really missed Holland.
An interesting custom is that people bury their relatives in their front yard.I don't know what happens if they want to sell!
Scorpions are common so people have chickens to eat them and they have cats to keep down the rat population.We saw a few dogs that all looked scrawny.The climate is not for any creature with fur.

permalink written by  edoyle on January 30, 2011 from Povai, French Polynesia
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga

We had 3 days at sea,crossing the International Date Line so we lost Feb.2
We had a fun ceremony to celebrate the event with King Neptune and his retinue.
We also had some good lectures,including one on the Hubble space telescope.
We arrived in Tonga to tremendous heat and humidity.It is very poor and backward but the people are very friendly and welcoming.
We saw many beautifully decorated cemetaries,one had a brightly coloured blanket on the ground surrounded by multiple vigil lights.
We have 2 more days at sea and then we anchor in the Bay of Islands,New Zealand where I hope to go kayaking.

permalink written by  edoyle on February 4, 2011 from Nuku'alofa, Tonga
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Bay of Islands

Russell, New Zealand

Many small islands a great resort area.
I went kayaking in the Waitangi river in a 2-man kayak.I was in front,the heavier person is always in the back,and he was a man who has been sailing since childhood and who has done a lot of canoeing but not kayaking.There is a difference in the paddle.We rested every so often,I much more often.We went by mangroves and saw flocks of pied stilts,a bird similar to a cormorant.
We had our picture taken by our guide in front of a Waterfall.We pulled to shore and had some coffee and cake,after which some kayakers decided to return on the bus.Dave and I decided to paddle back.One shoulder was quite sore after that.

permalink written by  edoyle on February 7, 2011 from Russell, New Zealand
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North Island

Auckland, New Zealand

Docked in Auckland.Had a tour of the city.Lovely trees and flowers,great boating.The city is on a narrow peninsula where it is just a short distance from the Pacific to the Tasman Sea.There was talk of building a canal across but it would be too expensive so now if you want to bring a boat from one side of Auckland to the other you have have to sail around the top of the North Island.
We visited a Manuka honey factory and had a taste with some fruit.The honey is prized for its antibacterial effects,both internal and external.
Very hot,always glad to return to the ship for a shower.
Looking forward to seeing more of New Zealand which is such a beautiful country.

permalink written by  edoyle on February 8, 2011 from Auckland, New Zealand
from the travel blog: World Cruise
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