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San Francisco day 15

San Francisco, United States

This is one of those days where it starts out shitty with rainy clouds and windy breeze and I HAVE to go to the hostel and retrieve my luggage from the storage. I could only HOPE that it would stop to rain, but no way, I have to suffer my way through the windy shitty raindrops of San Francisco city. this really sucked. I bough an umbrella on my way to the hostel cause it was to cold and I really wasn't prepared for this kinda weather. I though the bay area would always be sunny and nice and good and warm like to gay guys cuddling. But it isn't. Winter is near and the cold and mist is taking over, and all I have is a jacket in light material and a girls scarf. Anyway, I got my luggage and was suppose to meet up with Nikita who never showed up, It didn't matter to me, I'm am a patient non angry guy so I just got my bart ticket and went towards richmond. I was suppose to get off downtown berkley, but missed it with 2 stops, so had to go all the way back again, So my schedule was really behind. I got there with my suitcase and I finally got rid of it. I took remaining things in my bag and hit the road. Hollie had arranged free backstage tickets to a Diplo show. For those who don't know who he is, go to youtube and search "Diplo block party".. it is so cool.
The funny thing is, the guy who arranged the backstage passes was this cool columbian guy named Justin. Justin and Diplo grew up together and are pretty good friends. Now justin is a porn photographer and videographer, that is where Hollie gets in, Justin was the videoguy for one of Hollies scenes. The first time I heard of Diplo was when my good friend Fred Fidel showed me some of his music videos and block parties online. Pretty cool with the sick hotdog/pizza mannequins. I got a lot of footage backstage and on stage. And what was cool is that Hollie Stevens and Justin put on the mannequin suits and went onstage and danced their asses off. It was pretty funny..
Before the Diplo concert I went to this cheezy corean bar and had a few beers (the price was awesome, 3 dollars a bottle). This bartender really tried to hit on me as soon as she found out that I was making films and documentaries. She really needed a job and said that she can act and all that stuff. But hey, when in Rome, I told her I could make her a star, drank up my drink and when to meet hollie without handing out any sort of number exchange or card or whatever...

Great Photo
permalink written by  Lamignan on November 4, 2008 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: California
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