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Winding Down

New Plymouth, New Zealand

And it's a good job we were on a Mission to chill out for a couple of days on account of the sheer amount of things to do in New Plymouth which amounts to... well... sod all really. There's a big mountain but I think Andi would have hung me with my guts if I'd suggested we both go and have a look at the view from the top.

Oh, and there's a Wind Wand of course which is a pole that bends in the slightest wind.

I shall leave you with that so as you have some time to contain your excitement.

I dropped Andi off at the airport in the early evening and began the drive down to Wellington stopping on the way at a campsite a mate had circled in my map book, saying it was lovely and right by the beach. Indeed it was by the beach. It was also deserted apart from a tiny house on a hill, I was more freaked out than that time me and Andi had pulled into Mill Creek.

I wandered down to check out the beach then back to the car when I happened to glance up at the little house. Was that someone at the window? Were those curtains drawn before?

I jumped in my car and headed down to the next basic campsite on the map, keeping an eye in the rearview mirror for anyone brandishing a chainsaw.

And in the event I do get hacked to death in my sleep and there's nothing else to read for a while, check out some photos from the trip instead: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ohfuckkit/sets/72157613070820166/detail/

permalink written by  Koala Bear on January 27, 2009 from New Plymouth, New Zealand
from the travel blog: Tiny Little NZ Road Trip
tagged Bollocks

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"Do you need a mop?".......... I shit you not, I am am still moist just thinking about that thing in all it's huge awesome-ness!

Too funny!

permalink written by  Andi on January 31, 2009

Yep, I'll be needing that mop please.

permalink written by  Antipodeesse on February 2, 2009

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Koala Bear Koala Bear
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