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New Plymouth Day 2

N.P. Day II (6km, 430km total) - We were woken up early this morning by Puppy - the tiniest, furriest, squirmiest little dog in the world. It was a very cute alarm clock. Shad and I made breakfast for whomever was around to eat (we ended up serving six). I made swedish pancakes and Shad put...

permalink written by  aeonhunterinnz on December 20, 2009 from New Plymouth, New Zealand
from the travel blog: AeonHunter in New Zealand

New Plymouth

NEW PLYMOUTH (36km, 424km total) - Today we had a very short ride into New Plymouth. Paul was headed off on bike to Wellington the same day, so he joined us for about the first 30km. There was an unlucky attempt at a winery visit (it was closed for a private function), but otherwise it was a...

permalink written by  aeonhunterinnz on December 19, 2009 from New Plymouth, New Zealand
from the travel blog: AeonHunter in New Zealand

Wot, no photos? Oh yes there are!

Day - 27 Monday 18th May 2009 A calmer night last night, and we woke to a great view over Pukerua Bay with dappled sunshine on the breakers. Once we'd packed and sorted ready for travel later in the day, we popped over to Margaret & Ashley's where we met friend Prue and had a nice chat about...

permalink written by  Saros on May 18, 2009 from New Plymouth, New Zealand
from the travel blog: The Hairy Animal 2009 World Road Trip

Winding Down

And it's a good job we were on a Mission to chill out for a couple of days on account of the sheer amount of things to do in New Plymouth which amounts to... well... sod all really. There's a big mountain but I think Andi would have hung me with my guts if I'd suggested we both go and have a...

permalink written by  Koala Bear on January 27, 2009 from New Plymouth, New Zealand
from the travel blog: Tiny Little NZ Road Trip

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