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First Day in Morocco (#2)

Marrakech, Morocco

After a quick flight (thanks to Tylenol PM) we made it into London Heathrow...we soon discovered the drama that occured during our flight. Due to the heavy traffic and heightened alert in all airports we headed staight to London Luton airport. Many hours later we found ourselves curled up on the floor of the airport getting some shut-eye with our fellow backpackers...thankfully for us we had brought some comfy fleece sleeping bags along (still didnt hit 4 hours of sleep but at least we were warm).
Now we are in Marrakech...spent the day perusing the market (having such a hard time not buying everything in sight but since its still technically Day 1 we are trying to hold back). Its a busy city full of both locals and tourists, regular calls to prayer, and an overwhelming array of yummy things to eat. Our week here promises to be one of relaxation (partly thanks to our air conditioned room and our plan to visit one of the local hammams).

permalink written by  katandheidi on July 1, 2007 from Marrakech, Morocco
from the travel blog: Katharina and Heidi go Backpacking
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hey, great to actually see you two and what the location looks like! Am glad you safely arrived and didn't get too stuck in England with all the security stuff. love, mom and papa

permalink written by  Carla Friehe on July 1, 2007

hey, great to actually see you two and what the location looks like! Am glad you safely arrived and didn't get too stuck in England with all the security stuff. love, mom and papa

permalink written by  Carla Friehe on July 1, 2007

Kat, can you please keep updating this so we know you're okay? Phillip got accepted into Wheaton yesterday...he hasn't told us what he is going to do. love, mom

permalink written by  Carla Friehe on July 3, 2007

Hi Katandheidi!
It was so fun getting to see you both off from LAX terminal 4. Our flight ended up delayed an hour. When we finally got to Port-au-Prince the next day, we switched on CNN and saw all the excitement in Glasgow & London. We immediatly thought of you two. Glad you got through that mess ok.
Andrea sent us this blog link. How do you have time to do this blogging AND sightsee at the same time???
Great photos!
Hi Carla!


permalink written by  Paul Lebel on July 3, 2007

Heidi and Kat - this is amazing that we can "see" you on your trip. Lots of fun for us "family back home" to follow you in this way. Glad to know you're safe. Keep your eyes peeled for pickpockets and stalkers!
Love, Mom/Claudia

permalink written by  Claudia Aanderud on July 3, 2007

I'm so jealous!!! It looks like you're having tons of fun and that the shopping is paradise!
Keep uploading the pictures...and comments.
...and who are those guys next to Kat? do tell!!! :-)

permalink written by  Pami on July 4, 2007

it's so great to see where you've been and what you've been up to!! i must admit, i am quite jealous. :) stay safe and keep the updates coming! love you and miss you, Christy

permalink written by  christy on July 5, 2007

Have an awesome time! I'll be thinking about you guys every leg of the trip.

permalink written by  Jeff Barrett on July 5, 2007

Yay!So fun to see your pictures! I am glad you made it there alright! I love you two!!!

permalink written by  Carli on July 6, 2007

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