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back in bkk

Bangkok, Thailand

after 25 hours of travel time, four movies, one oddly sore knee, several mysterious meals including one of the most interesting and congealed omlettes i have ever "experieced" and loosing the entire day of monday somewere along the way, we arrived in bangkok. the new airport is very cool, but apparently was riddled with problems that stemmed from corruption on every level. how surprising for thailand.....
numerous freeways and lots of gasping later, we landed right at ryan's stoop. i am convinced our driver had super powers derived from somehwere above and his seriously cool sunnies, because i'm certain it was nothing short of a miracle that we found that one little house in this giant city....on the first try.

super great to see the little rascal-he hasn't changed a bit-and meet his lovely lady, mala-she's gorgeous, sweet, funny and keeps ryan in line. we enjoyed some seriously tasty and delightfully spicy thai (obviously) food in a spot that i loved the last time i was here. during the day it's a ferry stop (like a bus stop but for the boats that cruise the river) but at night it's a restaurant and bar. the breeze off the river was wonderful becuase it's freakin' hot here, and as we ate, drank, and laughed it just felt great to be east.

after dinner we took bjorn to see the craziness that is kao sahn road. while the infamous backpacker street is still a freak scene flooded with faces and accents from all over the world, bars packed with road-worn travelers drinking 'buckets' of sangsong and cheap beer watching foot ball or some american movie, drum circles on the corner, and people peddling all sorts of wares, including several "ping pong" shows, it seemed as though it wasn't as crazy as i remembered. maybe it's cause it was a weekday on the off season, or maybe it's cuase my imagination got the better of me over the years, or maybe it's just cause i'm getting old, but it seemed like this unique street had mellowed and gotten a bit more chic and a lot less funky. but all the same, it is definately one of the most unique places that i have ever been on this planet and i'll revel in whatever freakiness it has to offer.

this morning, as we ate noodle soup from a cart on the side of the street, shaded by giant triopical trees, the air was thick with humidity and the unique smell of thailand (burning leaves, poo, and something tropical). i couldn't help but feel extatic to be back, and excited for all the adventures to come.

sorry that i didn't get to give enough proper goody-byes to so many, but i know that i am thinking of all of you and wishing you were here.

i'll keep you posted.....

permalink written by  kyla_k on April 25, 2007 from Bangkok, Thailand
from the travel blog: South East Asia and Beyond
tagged Bangkok and Airport

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From HKG to BKK with mk

Bangkok, Thailand

Hello all! Apologies for the brief lapse in blogging. Where to begin?

Hopefully you read Viv's account of the rest of our Hong Kong adventures. I can't thank the Chan family enough for their gracious hospitality. I ate, and ate, and ate. (See picture of our Saturday night feast!) And, I got to ride Space Mountain at Disneyland Hong Kong. It doesn't get much better than that.

Next stop: Bangkok, where I am now tearing up the town with Mike. We've seen incredible temples (Wat Phra Kaew, Wat Po, and Wat Arun) as well as the Grand Palace.

We've eaten multiple helpings of mango with sticky rice and have sampled delicious curries. We've ridden in a tuk-tuk, a longtail boat, a municipal ferry, and some taxis that rival NYC (apparently lanes and markings for directions of travel are merely suggestive here). We relaxed with a Thai massage, multiple dips in the hotel swimming pool, and a few Singha beers.

One highlight of our time here was a surprise discovery that classmate Kurt Dorschel's itinerary overlapped with ours, so we met up with Kurt for "One Night in Bangkok" (sorry, couldn't resist). Better yet, we met and dined at Bed, a swanky Bangkok restaurant and club where patrons actually sit in beds to eat and drink. Accordingly, I've posted the picture of myself in bed with Mike and Kurt.

(Let the snarky comments begin!)

We have one more day tomorrow of sightseeing, market shopping, and street-food eating tomorrow -- and though fried bugs are a delicacy here, I doubt we'll be that adventurous.

On Thursday we'll part ways at the Bangkok airport, and then it's time to head to Australia for my Reunion with Carl, Joc, Viv, Maddy, and Dave!

More to come... :)

permalink written by  GoBlue on May 22, 2007 from Bangkok, Thailand
from the travel blog: J-Mac's Junket
tagged Bangkok

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We have Arrived in Bangkok!

Bangkok, Thailand

After a looooong flight here, we safetly arrived in Bangkok. Boy is it HOT!

permalink written by  steveandclaire on June 29, 2007 from Bangkok, Thailand
from the travel blog: Steve and Claire in Asia
tagged Bangkok

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The Adventure begins!

Bangkok, Thailand

Monday 10 December 2007
Kao San Road - Bangkok

We left the cold and grim London behind on thursday to start our 3 and a half months adventure, and now after being here for only a few days, we both agree that this was one wise decision! We both love this place! Then again, i must admit that it is pretty difficult not to.

The flight here was excellent, with the authentic Thai airways. Starting the trip off on the right note, everything was excellent, until the pilot showed of his landing skills, or rather his lack there of! Both of us felt as if our ears would bleed, and resulted in us being half deaf for the few days that followed. From the airport, we caught a local bus to the center of town, from where together with two aussies, jet lagged and all we had a leisurely walk to kao san road. Which is better known here as the gateway between europe and asia. Which i cannot argue on as I have never seen so many tourists and shops in one place. The strangest thing is that if you wonder just a block or two away from here, the chances of you bumping into a western tourist are slim to none! I really dont understand it.

getting to thailand was a first, as was the jetlag that came with it. Which has resulted in our days being warped completely. The first day here we didnt quite want to get straight to bed, so we hit the streets and wandered aroudn a bit. that lasted till about 15:00, when we decided to have a power nap. From this moment we slept like logs, only to be wide awake again at 04:00. This is when we decided to go and hit some tourist sites... Well, at least walk around a bit. The day was excellent and we had our first too good to be true Tuk Tuk deal. How these work is that they drive you around for a ridiculous cheap price with the condition that they take you to some shops too... (where they get their commision from), so on day one we ordered tailored suits! They are awesome though, but we were suckered into it! Conned if you will, but no harm done, Then once we got to the open market, shich was the initial idea, the only way to get back cheaply was to once again make some shopping stops... This time at the famous jewelers. No more purchases though. The rest of the day was spent meeting fellow travellers and a nighjt out on the town. partying is something that you can do here without boundries! This place is surreal, awesome!

That night we had a bit of a quarrel, and sorted out the unspoken irritations and misunderstandings we had towards each other. Which resulted in a night of serious talk without sleep. However, once we had gotten everything of our chests and and had our "peace pipe" (the cuban cigar we bought at heathrow) we decided that our night shouldnt change our plans for the day. So we bought 2 red bulls each, packed our cameras and set out to the famous floating market at Damnoen Saduak. What we didnt know was to get there we had to bus for 3 hours. But it was well worth it. It turned out to be an excellent day outing, and once back in bangkok, after having tried some local fruits boght on the water, we had a well deserved power nap. That brings us to a chilled evening and a once again chilled out day today. Today is a public holiday, so all embassies etc are closed. We had to alter our itinerary slightly to cater for the vietnamese visa. So the plan now is to do that admin tue and wed, and then head up to sukhothai on thursday. Which is when the real adventure starts.

This place is surreal, the food is awesome (We tried some crickets... they are actualy pretty good, especially with a beer. Next in line are cockroaches, locusts, maggots and well you get the pic) and the amount of lady-boy encounters is scary! Always have to keep your witts about you around here! Bangkok, transforms at nigt with people offering "Ping Pongs shows" and "boom boom" on every corner! Its everything you imagine. The best converstation I have heard so far while wandering down the raod has been between 2 british guys: "I cant believe you told that lady boy that I like her man, thats not cool!! thats not what friends do to each other man. not cool!"

Anyway, that is all for now. Some pics will follow shortly.

permalink written by  ourindochina on December 9, 2007 from Bangkok, Thailand
from the travel blog: The Indo China Adventure (incl Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia)
tagged Bangkok

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the journey begins

Bangkok, Thailand

ok, our journey begins with a 8.10am flight. Eve had a little drama on her way to the airport and i was thinking she wont make it to the flight! -gasp-
but she did so it's cool.
we stopped here in Bangkok, for transit.
it's almost 4.5 hours of free time in the Bangkok airport and it's totally boring there.
WiFi/internet cost a fair bit there so we didnt go online, the shops didnt really interest us and everything there seems pretty expensive.
we sat in 3 different cafes before deciding on the final 1.
we each ordered a drink and sat there for like 3 hours, half the time stoning away... i even managed to take a nap sitting there.
impressed with myself for possessing such skills that i never knew i had! haha
anyway, we were glad to be boarding our next flight to London... personal screen, the movies, music and games... cant wait!

permalink written by  wangyng on March 26, 2008 from Bangkok, Thailand
from the travel blog: Hello Europe!!
tagged Bangkok

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Bangkok, Thailand

Asi es... Hemos tenido que dejar atras esa preciosisima isla llamada Koh Tao...Por alla atras quedo perdida en el mar...
Hemos llegado hace nada a Bangkok, nos quedan 3 dias de vida por aqui, esperamos aprovecharlos bien (sobretodo con las compras jejeje)...
Yo, muy mal, he vomitado todo mi desayuno apenas unos minutos despues de subirme al catamaran...Que pena! Era frutita con yogurth y muesli, os lo imaginais? JAJAJAJAJAJA...
Aun sigo mareada, todavia siento que me muevo solita, y eso que casi alcohol ni he bebido...como ya la mayoria sabeis el Carlitos y yo estamos haciendo trabajos forzados para ir a buscar un baby...ojala que llegue pronto! Le queremos pronto! En fin, nosotros seguimos trabajando y ya os informaremos de cualquier cambio corporal...

Chuuuussspy!!! Muchas gracias por dar señales de vida! El Carlitos se acuerda mucho de ti! A ver si es cierto que nos vemos al volver a casa

Un besazo!


permalink written by  Noemi y Carlos on August 7, 2008 from Bangkok, Thailand
from the travel blog: NUESTRO VIAJE POR ASIA Y ALGO MAS...
tagged Bangkok

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Bangkok, Thailand

Hooola a todos!!!

Chuspy!! Muchas gracias por acordarte de estos vagabundos!

Luisita! Tu hermano a leido tu mensaje y le tuve que dar un par de bofetones para que dejara de llorar...Ademas, ya todos sabemos que tu eres su preferida...(pelota! que no te llevaremos nada de regalo! jajajaja)

Saaaandraaaaa Mensat: Tu tranquila amiga, Brucelas no cambiara, manten la paciencia, hay mas tiempo que vida. Por cierto, Carlos echa mucho de menos a Edgar, por favor saludalo mucho de nuestra parte (y dile que le envidiamos la comida española que ha de estar disfrutando de lo lindo, mientras que nosotros puro "flied lice" jejeje (traduccion: fried rice)

Maria, si lees el blog un dia de estos, espero que estes disfrutando mucho de China, ah! Y enviame alguna postal.

Y bueno, el Carlitos y yo dejamos este bellisimo pais, y lo dejamos para ir a ver que jodidos hay en India; mañana nos marchamos a primera hora a Calcuta. Carlos que es tan comedido ira a ver a los moribundos y ayudar a huerfanos y leprosos jajajajajajaajajajaaaaaaa Ay! ya me mira con una cara el pobre! jajjajajajajja No, no, no es verdad, el Carlos es muuuuy español y como dicen en su tierra: nadie da duros a cuatro pesetas...Essooss españoles! Son muy suyos! Entonces no creo que hagamos mas voluntariado que para nuestro propio beneficio.
Ya les enviare una foto de la cara que ponga Carlos tan pronto ponga un pie en India (como que me lo estoy llevando mas a fuerzas que de ganas)
Yo la verdad es que tengo muchas ganas, he deseado conocer India desde hace ya casi 9 años, espero que no me defraude o que yo no defraude por alla, nunca se sabe. Ahora que si decido quedarme no os olvideis de mi! Enviarme de vez en cuando ayuda humanitaria (se aceptan desde un golg GTI hasta unas bambas nike y si fuera posible una blusita de Custo Barcelona, mi diseñador favorito en Europa)

Os mando un besito a todos y vosotros No me enviais nada??
P.D. Anexo encontraran mi cuenta bancaria jejejeje


permalink written by  Noemi y Carlos on August 9, 2008 from Bangkok, Thailand
from the travel blog: NUESTRO VIAJE POR ASIA Y ALGO MAS...
tagged Bangkok

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Almost there now....

London, United Kingdom

Just 19 days to go until we fly from London to Bangkok. We booked our flights using EVAAIR on the 12th Oct 2008:


The outline plan is to spend 3 days in Bangkok, to acclimatise, relax and secure the necessary visas for Cambodia and Vietnam.

More than likely we will fly from Bangkok to Siem Reap and get our Cambodian visas on arrival. We will also consider getting eVisa online:

For Vietnam you are required to get an entry visa before departure or a pre-approved entry visa (visa is issued on arrival at Vietnam’s International Airports) supplied before arrival in Vietnam. There is a Vietnamese Embassy in Bangkok at
83/1 Wireless Road
Bangkok 10330
City: Bangkok
Phone: 0-2251-5836 - 8
Fax: 0-2251-7203
Web Site: http://www.Vietnamembassy.or.th/index.php
Email: vnembassy@bkk.a-net.net.th
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 08.00 - 11.30 and 13.30 - 16.30 Hrs.

permalink written by  mleahy on November 4, 2008 from London, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: Bangkok-SiemReap-HCMC
tagged Bangkok and Visas

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Dreadlocks and Ladyboys

Bangkok, Thailand

Finally completing the intensive traveling (and jetlagged) part of my trip is a godsend, and being able to relax without having to necessarily go anywhere or do anything has been great. That being said, many interesting things have happened, from my Ringat-less, fraud-protected-credit-card scare, to a longboat/bike journey through the city, to excursions throughout the diverse megaplex of Bangkok.

I have seen more dreadlocks on white-people and more ladyboys in Bangkok than I have ever seen in my entire life. As a sprawling megaplex (I Like that word), Asia's #1 backpackers hotpoint, and the center of Thai Art, entertainment, and high-society, Bangkok is a youthful, exuberant city with something for everyone. It is a more dynamic city than I have ever seen, and on every street there are people struggling, living, cooking, caring, flirting, selling...everything.

Instantly the amount of Westerners, the cheapness, and the hip-ity of Khao San Road overwhelms most travelers as they sprawl out on the promenade, weaving the complex maze through tourists, shops, sellers, masseuses, and tuk-tuks. Khao San Road(above) is the first stop for travelers and the #1 backpackers hotpoint in the world. The amount of westerners in this area is overwhelming, and between the run-down bohemian style of the area, added to the warm scents, alternative bookstores, wacky t-shirts, hip hairdoos and casual strolling, you get a wonderfully wacky cross between Greenwich Village and Venice Beach, creating a dynamic entrepot of culture and life.
The cheapness of everything too is overwhelming, something giving way to a particularly different feeling of being a king or queen or such. 2hour massages for $12! Dinner for $2-5! Cool t-shirts and books for $5! Exchange rates are (once-again) wonderful.

Although Bangkok is cheap, their history and culture is as rich as gold. This golden Reclining Buddha, is the largest Buddha in the world in terms of length, and it is absolutely MASSIVE. It is hundreds of years old and part of the larger Wat Pho Temple complex, which includes hundreds more golden Buddhas, some of which contain the ashes of noblemen. The three great pillars pictured above are markers for the tombstones of three kings, and their is immaculate ornamentation, stone-work and gardens all throughout the temples acres of grounds.

Some particularly cool statues of lions I saw...

I must take my leave for dinner now, but I will post the 2nd post pertaining to Bangkok shortly, hope you enjoy!

permalink written by  JohnJack_Crestani on January 21, 2009 from Bangkok, Thailand
from the travel blog: I Meet the SouthEast
tagged Buddha, Thailand, Bangkok, JackCrestani, Khaosan and Watpho

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Dreadlocks and Ladyboys (Bangkok Part 2)

Bangkok, Thailand

Through all the dazzle and glory of Bangkok's economy and culture lies massive amounts of pollution and Western influence. The photos above were taken from a longboat on Bangkoks main river, Chao Phraya. Los Angeles has nothing on this! The taste of pollution and raw sewage in many places are enough to give the average person headaches.

Although the boat tour through the city led us through some of the most pollution infested areas of town (Chinatown and industrial areas), once we got towards the suburbs of the city I was able to experience scenes, normal people living, that you would never get in the touristy and city areas. Interestingly (to me at least), the suburbs of Bangkok are surprisingly integrated in their mixtures of social classes, especially up against the model of US cities. Rich estates and their gardens reside next to farms, peasant shops and makeshift housing peacefully. An upper-class house averages around $200k, about half is the land. Their gardens sit right next to subsistence farmers, who live almost completely unaffected by modernity, and only sell meager amounts of their crop to the market if they have extra left over.
Riding my bike through the elevated sidewalks/roads which snake around the suburbs, kids would shout friendly 'Herro's to me, as I am guessing they don't often see white faces, something completely different from the city. Life is calm here, and not much seems to have changed over the centuries in these parts.

Western influence has affected full-force the high-society and upper/middle classes of Thailand, and although I am standing in front of a special walk for chinese new years, it is a part of a megamall that is perhaps the greatest symbol to Western influence in Thailand. Siam Paragon, a recently built megamall features multiple McDonalds, Dolce & Gabbana, Quiksilver, H&M etc, etc, etc. It is completely and absolutely indistinguishable (creepily so...) from a USA mall scene...except all the people are Asian. From flirtacious and gossiping teenagers, to desperate housewives, to young adults on dates at the movies, to prep students finished with school, and every other mall stereotype, it can be found here 5000 miles from Los Angeles.

This was the only place where I felt really awkward, like I didnt belong. My school group was not part of the actual makeup here, this was no tourist site, and they didn't specifically need our money. The art installations and center-mall galleries were absolutely stunning on a scale not seen in America. Hands down nicest, cleanest, richest mall I've ever been to...and I am in a 3rd world country. (Side-note: I actually walked into the mall during a Thai movie premier happening there which added to the feeling of being in my native Los Angeles, very glitzy)The one quite different aspect from American malls is the presence of many white-Thai couples here on dates.
The amount of prostitutes in Bangkok (in the downtown area near the nice hotels, not where the other backpackers and I were staying) is absolutely insane. Tens of thousands of women come from all over SE Asia to be sold for about $30 to Western customers coming from mainly around Europe, Australia, America and the Middle East. The amount of creepy old white men walking around with their Thai 'girlfriends' is stunning, mainly because it is such a common sight. Places like Starbucks, mid/high-end hotel lobbies (nice hotels are around $100-600/night) and street promenades are very populated by such dates. Although it is sad that women feel the need to sell their bodies, I feel it is also an equally bad problem that generations of men have been raised unable to successfully bed a woman, or achieve a happy relationship, that they must resort to a 3rd world country for a relationship.

Overall, Bangkok has been quite a trip, it is a fast-paced, multifaceted city full of delights, joys, beer, women, tourist attractions, culture, cheap goods, and something for anyone and everyone. I highly recommend a visit to Bangkok for all, it is an incredibly safe city (the laws protect foreigners more-so than the native Thai), and I never at once felt at unease.

At the same time, I am glad to be out of the smog, traffic, sellers and commercialism and out in the country now.

permalink written by  JohnJack_Crestani on January 25, 2009 from Bangkok, Thailand
from the travel blog: I Meet the SouthEast
tagged Temple, Buddha, Thailand, Bangkok, Watpho and Dreadlocks

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