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Isla del Sol

Isla del Sol, Bolivia

Isla del Sol is a three hour boat ride from Copacabana. On there are ancient Inca ruins and some spectacular views. A seven kilometer hike takes us from the north end to the south end. I´m slowly aclimating to the high altitude here, 13000 ft (3800 m). The Inca Trail is just a few days away so it´s nice to have some practice. The only sour note to this trip is the three checkpoints on the island where we had to pay a couple of dollars to continue. The amount wasn´t that big a deal but the principle of the thing ticked us off!

On the boat ride back we saw a floating island, which was suppose to be made of reeds but we could tell it was made of a wooden base. The reed boats on there were pretty interesting, though.

Later that night we enjoy a fantastic trucha (trout) dinner and watch the sun set over the lake.

permalink written by  paco on October 21, 2009 from Isla del Sol, Bolivia
from the travel blog: High-Altitude Peru
tagged Bolivia, Copacabana, LakeTiticaca and IslaDelSol

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Border Crossing II

Yunguyo, Peru

On the way back to Peru, we now have our second illegal border crossing to contend with. Helen (English) crosses in the usual way while Jason and me (American) kind of casually tiptoe our way back to Peru, since our passports say we should already be there anyway. A policeman sees us but doesn´t seem to care enough to stop us.

We take the bus back to Puno, have lunch, and then it´s a much longer haul (8 hours) to Cusco. We get the first place we can find near the neighborhood of San Blas.

permalink written by  paco on October 22, 2009 from Yunguyo, Peru
from the travel blog: High-Altitude Peru
tagged Bolivia, Peru, Cusco and Copacabana

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Preparing for an Antarctic expedition

Tampa, United States

The last two weeks have been filled with multiple phone calls to and from GAP Adventures, plus hours spent on Expedia.com. Finally all the details have been worked out, payments received, air and hotel reservations confirmed. I am so exited: I am going to Antarctica!

In two weeks I will be on a plane from Tampa, FL to Buenos Aires, Argentina and then on to the southern most city in the world: Ushuaia. I will spend five days exploring Tierra del Fuego National Park and visiting the glaciers near Ushuaia.

Here in Forida we have a lot of people, AKA snowbirds, from the east coast and Canada that come south for the winter. My trip gives a whole new meaning to "going south for the winter". I ran into a friend the other day who thought I was going to Key West, FL when I told her I was going as far south as I could go for Christmas. Hard as it is for us Floridians to believe, there is something south of Key West (and I don't mean Cuba)!

permalink written by  dorisdavies on November 30, 2010 from Tampa, United States
from the travel blog: End of the earth to the top of the world
tagged Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Gap, MachuPicchu and Antarctica

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