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Los Preparativos

Burgos, Spain

Bueno, pues este es nuestro blog, en el que vamos a intentar describir nuestro viaje por Peru.

Somos Iván y Lara, una parejita española los dos con 32 años, que empezamos nuestro viaje el día uno de septiembre de 2007. A los dos nos gusta viajar en plan mochilero, a nuestro rollo y sin agobios. Pasamos de los viajes organizados totalmente por ejemplo y nos gusta buscarnos la vida por los lugares que visitamos. La intención es visitar el norte de Perú y luego hacer la típica ruta del gringo, desde Lima hasta Cuzco.

El billete nos ha costado 475 euros gracias a que lo hemos comprado con puntos de la Travelcard (sino cuesta unos 750). Vamos a viajar con Ibería y nos da miedo solo pensarlo. Ya sabeis, asientos hiperincomodos, comida vomitiva, azafatas y azafatos con mala educación emblematica, retrasos, perdidas de maletas...vamos todo las desgracias aereas habidas y por haber juntas en nuestra compañía nacional. En algo teniamos que ir a la cabeza de Europa: TENEMOS LA COMPAÑIA AEREA MÁS PATETICA DE TODAS. Todavía nos acordamos del viaje a Venezuela de febrero. Los azafatos parecían dispuestos a matar a cualquiera que pidiese otro vaso de agua.

Para gastar en Perú llevamos aproximadamente 1200 euros cada uno. Podemos gastar algo más si es necesario pero tampoco mucho y claro esta, preferimos gastar menos. Hemos cambiado el dinero a dolares y cheques de viaje y llevamos unos 1000 dolares en metalico y el resto en cheques de viaje tambien en dolares. Además llevamos nuestras Visas por si ocurre algún imprevisto.

Finalmente, disponemos de todo un mes para viajar por Perú. Empezamos el viaje el día uno de septiembre y lo acabamos el día uno de octubre.

Bueno, ahí van nuestras experiencias durante este mes. Esperamos que os sean de utilidad a aquellos que vayais a viajar a este país en el futuro.

permalink written by  ivanmax on September 1, 2007 from Burgos, Spain
from the travel blog: NUESTRO VIAJE A PERU
tagged Backpacker, Peru and Viaje

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DIA UNO - Volando de Madrid a Lima (bueno casi...)

Burgos, Spain

Hoy viajamos a Perú. Nos levantamos a las seis de la mañana para coger el autobus de Burgos (de donde somos) a Madrid. Todo va bien y estamos en Madrid a las diez y cuarto. Pillamos el autobus a la terminal cuatro. Para aquellos que no lo sepan hay un autobus que va directo desde la terminal de autobuses de la Avenida de America. No se os ocurra ir en metro!!! Es una tortura porque hay que cambiar mil veces y el autobus os deja en la puerta de la terminal. Cuesta un eurito y tarda como 20 minutos.

Bueno aquí empieza el día curioso...llegamos a la terminal cuatro con tiempo aunque tampoco demasiado. Despues de una larga cola en el mostrado para "chequear" el equipaje llegamos delante de la señorita del mostrador...

- Hola, vamos a volar a Lima

- UYYY...a Lima...me parece que va a haber overbooking...

- Nooooo...en serío?

- Si...y además me parece que va a ser totalmente imposible que voleis si no hay una cancelación masiva....hay 17 personas por delante vuestro.

Bueno, como era de esperar los simpaticos de Iberia empiezan jodiendonos...nos chinamos un poco pero tampoco mucho...sabemos que hay indemnizaciones jugosas de por medio y al fin y al cabo tenemos un mes para viajar por Perú. Nos mandan a hablar con otro tipo que nos dice que ni nos molestemos en intentar montarnos en el avión.... Es muy enrollado y se pasa un rato hablando con nosotros de chorradas a pesar de que hay una cola detrás nuestro bastante grande...al final el tipo nos dice que nos pone en los asientos de la puerta de emergencia del vuelo del día siguiente. Estos asientos son los mejores de la clase turista del avión...mucho más sitio para las piernas que en ningún otro sitio...el tipo además nos dice adonde ir para que nos pagen y nos manden a un hotel... Bueno, esto va muy rápido!!! En nada de tiempo nos pagan 1200 euros en metalico (siiiii...1200 euros en metálico, vamos mas de lo que hemos pagado por los billetes) y nos mandan a un hotel de cuatro estrellas al lado de Barajas. El hotel es el típico antro sin personalidad pero bueno nos acaban de pagar 1200 euros y solo nos vamos a retrasar un día... que más da...Dedicamos el día a cancelar el vuelo a Tarapoto que teniamos desde Lima, a tomar cañitas y a descansar. Lo peor de todo es tenernos que quitarnos de encima 1200 euros...un domingo y con todos los bancos cerrados. Al final tenemos que llamar a una amiga de Lara que vive en Madrid que pasa a recoger la pasta. No queremos llevarla a Perú porque sino vamos a parecer un banco andante...

Nos damos un paseito por el pueblo de Barajas que no parece ni Madrid y cenamos de tapas en una terracita...a las doce en la cama y con ganas de empezar el viaje (de nuevo...)

permalink written by  ivanmax on September 13, 2007 from Burgos, Spain
from the travel blog: NUESTRO VIAJE A PERU
tagged Backpacker, Peru, Madrid, Lima, Viaje, Iberia and Vuelo

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Finally the first "no news"

Lima, Peru

Today was the "real" first day of holiday! After a short stop of 3 days in Buenos Aires, now I´m in Peru in Lima and leaving tomorrow morning for Cusco. As expected, it seems not easy to upload pictures so as soon as I find a good place, pictures will come.
Today was anyway only for typical touristic pictures with monuments.

One thing is sure: I will not starve (mourir de faim!) in Peru. There are a lot of interesting things to try.

Things I saw today: Plaza de armas, palacio del gobierno, catedral, palacio episcopal, plaza san Martin, Convento san francisco (visit highly recommended!) and ...
the not touristic at all (therefore very good for me) mercado central where you find basically everything (including a 20 kilos bucket of dulce de leche!)

permalink written by  thetourist on October 22, 2007 from Lima, Peru
from the travel blog: No news, Good news! in Peru & Argentina
tagged Peru and Lima

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Caution - Booking internal Flights in Peru

Pucallpa, Peru

I’m currently in Peru, and the other day I wanted to book a flight from Pucallpa to Lima. As it was raining (a lot) so avoiding a hike into town, I logged on to the LAN Peru website (www.lan.com), and discovered when I tried using my UK credit card, the price was UK Pounds 88, looking at what it would cost using a US$ credit card the price was $88. So the UK price was DOUBLE….I could also assume that it would be similar for the Euro Zone……so Caveat emptor!

So if you are planning to book internal flights before you arrive in Peru, you would save a heap of money by doing that when you get to Peru.

Good Luck


permalink written by  Ayahuasca_Retreat on April 12, 2008 from Pucallpa, Peru
from the travel blog: Peru Travels - Ayahuasca and Shamanism
tagged Flights, Peru, Ayahuasca, PlantSpiritShamanism, Lan, LanPeru and HowardGCharing

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First day in Peru

Puno, Peru

I find myself just after midnight in the Lima airport. I just barely made the connection in Houston, but I have learned my backpack has not. Do I stick around another day or do I press on and let the airline take care of it? I opt to press on.

I fly on to Juliaca, then take a cab to Puno and find out later I spent way too much on cab fare. I meet up with my buddy Jason to learn he just had his laptop stolen. Apparently misery loves company!

I check out the town of Puno, which is on an estuary of Lake Titicaca. It´s oddly liberating not lugging around a lot of baggage when in a new place. I´m super-tired and the high altitude is starting to get to me, but oddly enough I am enjoying myself!

permalink written by  paco on October 18, 2009 from Puno, Peru
from the travel blog: High-Altitude Peru
tagged Peru and Puno

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Still hangin´ in Puno

Puno, Peru

I talked with the airline who lets me know my bag is in now at the Juliaca airport. Me and Jason hop on the local bus into town, and then onto a sketchier bus to the airport. The one guy there tells us to come back six hours later, because the fellow with the key to the luggage area won´t be in until the next arrival.

No worries! We´re just exploring the not-so-touristy town of Juliaca and find it´s kind of refreshing seeing a new country off the beaten track. Later that afternoon the keymaster shows up and I get my bag. Unfortunately it´s too late to leave Puno once we saunter back into town.

permalink written by  paco on October 19, 2009 from Puno, Peru
from the travel blog: High-Altitude Peru
tagged Peru and Puno

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Border Crossing II

Yunguyo, Peru

On the way back to Peru, we now have our second illegal border crossing to contend with. Helen (English) crosses in the usual way while Jason and me (American) kind of casually tiptoe our way back to Peru, since our passports say we should already be there anyway. A policeman sees us but doesn´t seem to care enough to stop us.

We take the bus back to Puno, have lunch, and then it´s a much longer haul (8 hours) to Cusco. We get the first place we can find near the neighborhood of San Blas.

permalink written by  paco on October 22, 2009 from Yunguyo, Peru
from the travel blog: High-Altitude Peru
tagged Bolivia, Peru, Cusco and Copacabana

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Exploring Cusco

Cusco, Peru

The guys running the hostel are jerks so we opt to find a better place in the neighborhood. San Blas has a great view of the city, with narrow cobblestone streets and steep roads that in some cases only hold enough room for pedestrians.

We take care of our plans for the Inca Trail and start to enjoy the city. Plaza de Armas is the main square with two huge cathedrals and a giant plaza where all sorts of activity happens.

Everyone tries to catch up on email and we finally get some do-nothing time.

permalink written by  paco on October 23, 2009 from Cusco, Peru
from the travel blog: High-Altitude Peru
tagged Peru and Cusco

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Inca Trail Prep

Cusco, Peru

More exploring of Cusco by going down to the market where all sorts of local food and crafts visited by locals and tourist alike.

We take care of the rest of the arrangements to start the Inca Trail on Sunday. After renting sleeping bags and walking sticks we head to the first briefing for our trek, where we meet our guides and the rest of the campers with whom we´ll be spending the next four days.

permalink written by  paco on October 24, 2009 from Cusco, Peru
from the travel blog: High-Altitude Peru
tagged Peru, Cusco and IncaTrail

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Inca Trail - Day One

Aguas Calientes, Peru

We start the day waking up at 4:00am to meet up with the crew at Llama Path who put us on a bus and hit the road for a two-hour drive to Piscacucho where we have breakfast and start off on the trail.

We check out some of the ruins across the river and some more again when cresting the first big hill before settling down for lunch.

We find a big tent already set up by the porters in which there are tables and place settings, from which we receive a five-course lunch that was pretty tasty after the long morning. I can´t say as I´ve ever had a complicated meal like that while camping!

The skies open up and we have to pull out our panchos to keep our packs dry as we continue on the trail. By day´s end we have finished 14km and climbed 600m (2000 ft).

Another five-course dinner is greatly appreciated and we do our best not to think about the day-to-come, where things get hairier.

permalink written by  paco on October 25, 2009 from Aguas Calientes, Peru
from the travel blog: High-Altitude Peru
tagged Peru and IncaTrail

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