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A Nearer Baguio

Tagaytay, Philippines

If you are looking for a cold place nearest to the city, I would suggest that you visit Tagaytay. Unlike Baguio which is located Miles away from the city, Tagaytay provides a very convenient getaway. And of course it costs less than going to Baguio City.

Tagaytay is situated in Batangas, near the famous Lake Taal. Tagaytay is not as cold as compared to Baguio, but its gentle winds and fine weather make it perfect for relaxation. There are a couple of clubs that provide great accomodation and recreation, such as Tagaytay Highlands. Some of the famous activities that you can do in Tagaytay are the followign: horseback riding, camping, dining, and even casino. When in town, it is a must to vist Mount Taal, which is a volcano in the middle of the Lake.

Tagaytay is one of the most accessible places that offers cool weather and great sights.

permalink written by  On Foot on February 24, 2007 from Tagaytay, Philippines
from the travel blog: On Foot
tagged Lake, Cool, Camping, Mount, Tagaytay, Taal, Baguio, HorsebackRiding and Gambling

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Spontaneous camping in the North Cascades National Park

Marblemount, United States

Spontaneous: seriously the best word to describe this trip. Due to avalanche conditions, my trip to climb and snowboard Mt. St. Helens in a dress on Mother's Day was scratched. So, last minute email, a few hours of driving, and voila, fifteen of my friends show up in North Cascades National Park for camping. Now, this isn't your every day car camping. This was driving abandoned logging roads in Pontiac Grand Prixs, hiking 150 yards, carrying coolers of beer, middle-of-nowhere hard core camping. What? That doesn't sound hard core to you? It wasn't. Seriously, I smoked a two pound King Salmon filet and made couscous for dinner. Not. Hard. Core.

But it was ridiculous. After way too much drinking, a story about kidnapping a duck and a rabbit by our illustrious friend, Kyle, we all passed out in our little tent city (this was 7 tents in a 20'x20' area) and woke up feeling like a million bucks Sunday morning. Then, drove another 15 Miles down the road for a hike along Thunder Creek. This hike was intense, let me tell you. We started at our cars, walked across the parking lot (50 ft) to the dock at Diablo Lake. There, we decided it was time for a sunbathing break. After a couple hour break and pictures of a sun halo rainbow, we decided we were ready for the long journey home. So, after a harrowing 50 foot journey back to the car, we started up and headed home.

Beers Tasted (+ for favorites):

  • Tecate

  • Coors Light

  • Miller Lite

  • +Stone Arrogant Bastard (Thanks, McCormack!)

  • permalink written by  ChrisPro on May 10, 2009 from Marblemount, United States
    from the travel blog: Seattle to Philly: National Parks and Breweries
    tagged Camping and NorthCascades

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    Camping at Bataan

    Bataan, Philippines

    Camping at a friend's farm at Tala Bataan. There were so many bugs here! It is my first camping trip ever and I have proven to myself that I am not a camping person. Mosquitoes and bugs ain't my thing... :P

    permalink written by  flaircandy on May 16, 2009 from Bataan, Philippines
    from the travel blog: flaircandy's Travel Blog
    tagged Camping, Philippines and Bataan

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    WE DID IT!

    Reno, United States

    Today we woke in Reno, Nevada at a Motel 6. A hot shower and quiet room was exactly what we needed. Sylvia was pleased to find that "we're still making money" as she went online and caught up with the business end of things. Ben and I were exploring the stairs of the hotel and re-organizing the Tahoe. The GPS unit is giving us guff and I struggled with that for a bit. I noted that we'd used about a pint of water so far in the HHO cell and that my adjustments to the vacuum relief valves were right on and now were operating perfectly. I don't know if I would be so excited about the HHO unit if it were difficult to make or to maintain. People (including myself) have better things to do than worry about their cars all the time.

    As I was checking out of the hotel I asked about "those drive-through wedding chapels you hear about" - yes, the clerk says - here, go to Silver Bells chapel and tell them we sent you. Silver Bells? I just put Ben's silver bells from Christmas back into his toybox, hmmm. We go to investigate and find Richard and Sharon (BOTH our mother's names and Sylvia's step-father's name is Richard as well) and that Sharon (who is deaf) would be marrying us. So far so good, then Ruth comes to drive us in the limo to get our license (Ben has two great grandma Ruths) our first limo ride (all three of us). Afterward, Ben falls asleep and we smile our way through a simple ceremony that brought a tear to my eye. Photos of the Heddwyn's and we're off again!

    A good drive South to Lake Topaz where we say hello to a few seagulls and play by the water. The weather was perfect! After an hour of stretching we get back into the Tahoe and sing our way to SR 120 and, just before we get into Yosemite, we stop for the night at a campground where we pick out a site nestled in a copse of trees. I have to admit I was a little put-off by the Bear Boxes - one at each camp site to hold your food. Should a bear decide to come down for food it would supposedly be deterred by the box. I put our food into it but I had to ponder... if I were a bear, the box would irritate me so bad I would have to wake someone up so they could open it for me. Then I may notice that their car is a box too...

    anyway... sleep tight...

    permalink written by  heddwyn on June 30, 2009 from Reno, United States
    from the travel blog: To Costa Rica
    tagged Lake, Camping, Reno, Married and Bears

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    Go Camping

    Sydney, Australia

    If you are so excited about camping and just go your way out to the woods, It will be a disaster. Planning is crucial. It would be a lot of fun if you Know the place and know what to bring. If you are a beginner it is suggested that you pick a safer place, perhaps an established campground so when things go wrong you can easily catch your self to a place where you can ask for help. Or a place where there is signal to notify anyone in case of an emergency. If you are the type of person who would want to have en encounter with some creatures then you should know better. Consider the weather, you wouldn't want to stay under your tent under the rain's torture. And you wouldnt to produce a campfire inside your tent. Don't start your campfire anywhere, consider the direction of the wind and settle your campfire away from your tent. Develop a list of things to bring, it is better to be organized that be a total mess. After all it is not a bad idea to write down the things you need. Some campgrounds offer camping equipments so you do not have to bring as much as your back can carry. Of course you'd have to rent it. The most important thing to carry aside from your tent is an emergency kit. Campers are hikers too, observe wearing clothes that will protect your skin against bruises, insect bites and snakes. Camping is the best way to be independent and it's like having the total independence over a large backyard. Preparing meals can sometimes eat a lot of your time so do prepare foods that are easy to prepare while having it heavy on the stomach. There have been incidents that you may encounter campers who may be rude and probably would want to have some fun their own way. So most of the time it is advisable that you let somebody know about your camping whereabouts.

    permalink written by  greengirlsydney on July 6, 2009 from Sydney, Australia
    from the travel blog: camping
    tagged Camping, Precautions and Campfire

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    From Mono Campground to Windspirit

    Winkelman, United States

    We decided to camp for a while so we head up into the Los Padres mountains behind Santa Barbara. We tried Lake Catchuma, but the campground was rather packed, and we learned that touching the water is not allowed, even though people are allowed to drive their boats on it (no fun!). So we left and found the ranger station. He helped us pick a place to go. Kevin liked the idea of hot springs, so we made our way to Mono Campground.

    What a drive over the mountain tops! It was scary, and thankfully Ben slept through almost all of it, but the view on both sides was amazing. The drive ended up taking over 2 hours even though we probably only went 20 or so miles. We tried to find the spring, but decided to save it for the next day so we could set up camp before it got dark. We were so far out! The campground was a short walk from the truck so it was a lot of trips back and forth.

    Very weird night - very loud crickets, strange sounding birds, and... screaming? Kev and I both experienced some heart pounding that night, but Ben slept pretty good. We hiked to the hot spring the next morning, but it didn't turn out to be very interesting. The day was hot and dry, as was the environment. Not being much of a desert person, I wasn't thrilled about staying another night. We explored the area around our campground a little, and found a dam built in the 30's. Kevin climbed up and over it and got a little spooked by the hollow tunnel throuh the inside, but didn't get any pictures (doh!).

    When Ben finally settled down for a nap, I convinced Kevin to pack up and go. We headed into Santa Barbara, while Ben slept through the rough drive again. Finding the campgrounds all full and facing quite a bit of indecision (along with disappointment over the hydrogen cell having overheated and being out of service), we eventually decided to head to Arizona to visit a community I had found on the internet. Windspirt community was hot, dry, and didn't have a lot going on during this summer (accoring to Don via phone conversations with Kevin). Hot and dry did not sound appealing at all, but we didn't have other plans either. We drove to Banning and stopped at a hotel to get some sleep.

    We drove 2-3 hours to Pheonix, did some shopping, and found a hotel next to a water park. We had planned on going to the waterpark to have some fun, but Ben was having tummy issues (probably thanks to the smoked mozerella pasta salad I ate the night before), so when he traded his discomfort for an early nap, we headed to Windspirit.

    We were warmly welcomed by Don Clark and Deena, and given a tour. It's a really neat place! We are planning on staying about a month. We might consider staying longer but for worrying about Ben turning over a rock to find a scorpion, or falling into cactus thorns. Not a very baby-friendly environment. Very hot, and dry, it's true.. but the community has lots of trees and shady trails, swamp coolers for the buildings, and even an above ground pool which Kevin and I cleaned and filled up for all to enjoy. It is leaking however, so we need to patch a few holes. We had a choice between an old bus converted into a home, and a small "dome"/hexegonal house. We chose the little dome. It's really cozy and cute. All 3 of us barely fit on the mattress together, but it's working out fine. There are red cardinals that live here, which is quite a treat! I was always enchanted by the pictures of them in books, and they are so beatiful in person! It's really relaxed around here - not a lot of work to do in the summer heat (some days are 105+), so we pass the time however we can between meals, enjoying the quiet and laid back nature of the place. Kevin is enjoying having some like-minded people to talk to, and helps out at night digging ditches for the water lines Don is putting in. We have only seen one scorpion so far- I shook it out of the shower curtain in the bath house. It was a bark scorpion, of which the venom can be dangerous to children, so I've been being extra careful keeping an eye on Ben. Today (July 29) we are trying one of the solar ovens. We prepared some potatoes and veggies, and around 5 or 6 it should be a nice steamy caserole. They have composing toilets in place, an outdoor shower which Kevin and I really enjoy, a well, and lots of fruit trees and gardens; we are still not sure what grey water systems they have in place if any (not sure why we haven't asked). The people here are very nice (Don, Lee, Blue & Shura, Juanita, and David), and we are enjoying their company. The other day we witnessed a horny toad snacking on some ants. He was not shy at all - I had never witness a creature like him before, it was neat! Ben eventually got really close and he scurried away, but for the most part he didn't seem to mind our presence at all.

    The Suburban unfortunately is having some issues. Kevin thinks it is the fuel pump and has headed into town today with Don and Lee following to leave it with a Mechanic. Hoping for the best! Not sure what happens next - planning is difficult at this point. We are in a sort of limbo. But we are making the best of it.

    Our camera's battery charger is missing - not good! We won't be able to take pictures until we either find it or get a replacement.

    permalink written by  heddwyn on July 29, 2009 from Winkelman, United States
    from the travel blog: To Costa Rica
    tagged Camping, Windspirit, DesertCommunity and Hydrogen

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    Welcome To Bart's Fishing and Travel Adventures

    Banff, Canada

    I hope you will enjoy reading about my fishing, camping and travel experiences and tips. Please visit often for updates.

    permalink written by  barth762 on November 25, 2009 from Banff, Canada
    from the travel blog: Fishing Adventures
    tagged Hiking, Fishing, Travel, Camping and Kayaking

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    Björkängen camping

    Varberg, Sweden

    Nice camping

    permalink written by  quadt on January 20, 2010 from Varberg, Sweden
    from the travel blog: Sweden
    tagged Camping

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    Aviano, Italy

    All right- the Adventure begins! I woke early this morning to pack a bin full of my stuff to go in the camper. All the toys, tents, and sleeping bags have already been packed. Now I'm at school getting ready for the day- and then it's off we go. I'm testing out this website at the same time for an upcoming project for my humanities class where they are going to do virtual travel logs, visiting famous cities, sites, and museums.

    permalink written by  pameladell on May 31, 2012 from Aviano, Italy
    from the travel blog: Heading to the beach
    tagged Camping and Kayak

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    Making Our Way to the Heart of America Greyhound Gathering

    Edwardsville, United States

    1 more stop and we'll be in Abilene, Kansas for the Heart of America Greyhound Gathering. The Gathering starts Thursday at Sterl Hall and goes til Saturday. There will be hundreds of greyhounds to meet and lots of fun things to do. If you're near the Abilene area, come join us for some Greyt Fun!

    permalink written by  Terri Malloy on June 23, 2014 from Edwardsville, United States
    from the travel blog: Greyt RV Adventure's Travel Blog
    tagged Travel, Camping, Fun, Dogs, Campground, Adoption, Rescue, Rving, Greyhounds and Fundraising

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