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Hai Zhi Bing 海之冰 for a gigantic ice dessert

Hai Zhi Bing (a 3 storey ice desserts shop) 海之冰 in Gushan 鼓山, Taiwan

2007-07-25 15:48. arrived at Gushan Ferry Pier 鼓山輪渡站, began walk East to Hai Zhi Bing (a 3 storey ice desserts shop) 海之冰 in Gushan 鼓山

2007-07-25 16:53. Done eating the delicious, huge giant 10-person-sized bowl of Ba Bao Zhou 八寶粥冰 at Hai Zhi Bing 海之冰, a 3 storey ice desserts shop.

2007-07-25 17:17. Ferry departed from Gushan, heading back to Cijin shore. One Navy transport ships seen in the harbour.

Hai Zhi Bing - Ice Dessert Shop in Gushan area on the opposite shore
鼓山渡船头 海之冰

About 100 m walk east from the Gushan Ferry Pier, at the first Y-fork of the street, it is the three-storey corner store.

Gushan Ferry Pier
鼓 pronounced: gu3

permalink written by  monex on July 25, 2007 from Hai Zhi Bing (a 3 storey ice desserts shop) 海之冰 in Gushan 鼓山, Taiwan
from the travel blog: 2007 Overseas Compatriot Youth Taiwan 5th Study Tour (2007海外青年台灣觀摩團第5梯次)
tagged Ice, Dessert, HaiZhiBing and Gushan

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Moroccan's Spirit

Marrakech, Morocco

We decided to escape winter month in England to somewhere not too far; reasons are
1 you know kid on the plane only last 2 hours before they fed up and started to annoyed you.
2 coming close to Christmas now, end of the year, not much left to spend.
3 France, Spain, cold cold, where else, I have to use my travel knowledge to the limit.

Now i can't afford Dubai or any middle east countries as they are now footballer playgrounds, North Africa sounds hot to me as part of Sahara Desserts Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco are the big 3.

We pined down to Morocco now and have to choose between Agadir and Marrakech. To be fair, we love beach holiday and never spend a holiday without beach unless i went back to Chiang Mai, Thailand, my home town to visit my family. For some reason, we gave it a go, Marrakesh for 1 week in December 2011 anywhere else would have been better than England. Why not?

Got there it was lovely

permalink written by  neverending on December 12, 2011 from Marrakech, Morocco
from the travel blog: North Africa
tagged Mountain, People, Holiday, Morocco, Family, Snow, Winter, Summer, Dessert, Hot, Marrakech, French, Friendly, December, PanoramicView, SnakeCharmer and MintTea

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