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KYU dinner, dorm room, settle in

Kao Yuan Unversity, Taiwan

2007-07-09 16:00. Arrived at KYU (Kao Yuan University 高苑科技大學)

2007-07-09 22:52. Gecko sighted.

First day of the tour. After being picked up at Gang Shan slow rail station I arrived at KYU (Kao Yuan University 高苑科技大學) for check-in and payment of the NT$ 6 500 fee. No events on this day because KYU staff, counsellors are still busy picking up people from all over the world arriving at different times and different locations. Must be a logistical nightmare. Events and the journey around this island will actually start tomorrow. Nice welcome packages with towels and even metal chopsticks found in our rooms.

Amazed to see that all the counsellors were wearing jeans. I still think it is too hot in Taiwan to wear jeans.

Watched a gecko quickly dart up a wall, something I don't think I've seen before in person.



No.1821, Jhongshan Rd., Lujhu Township, Kaohsiung County 821, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Fax :886-7-6077788


permalink written by  monex on July 9, 2007 from Kao Yuan Unversity, Taiwan
from the travel blog: 2007 Overseas Compatriot Youth Taiwan 5th Study Tour (2007海外青年台灣觀摩團第5梯次)
tagged KYU

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First time back at KYU 高苑科技大學 after two weeks

Kao Yuan Unversity, Taiwan

2007-07-21 19:53. BA Kao Yuan University 高苑科技大學, rested for the night.

In the following few days we went to locations near KYU.

permalink written by  monex on July 21, 2007 from Kao Yuan Unversity, Taiwan
from the travel blog: 2007 Overseas Compatriot Youth Taiwan 5th Study Tour (2007海外青年台灣觀摩團第5梯次)
tagged KYU

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Activites Day at KYU - Chinese instrument, a dance, calligraphy, wrap dumplings, tea, rehearsals, laundry

Kao Yuan Unversity, Taiwan

2007-07-22 08:12. Got breakfast

2007-07-22 09:45. Classroom/auditorium. Old Big explained the locations for the different learning activities. Chinese musical instrument the Zither- Guzheng 古箏 was here in the Classroom, Taiwanese Taike dance on the second floor, Chinese traditional toys outside, calligraphy was in another classroom somewhere else. Resting in dorm rooms was also an option but the downside was that there was no AC as electricity was turned off.

2007-07-22 13:33. Tea demonstrations started. This was after the dumplings lunch, which we wrapped ourselves.

2007-07-22 16:42. Back in dorm washing some clothes, trying unsuccessfully to remove stubborn bubble gum stains.

2007-07-22 18:47. Chatting outside residence lobby.

2007-07-22 20:07. Around dinner, learned basic phrases from the Indonesians

2007-07-22 20:23. Laundry pickup

2007-07-22 21:01. Classroom/auditorium, practicing for Taiwan Night (the final evening of 28th) performance, each bus had to prepare. We had about two songs.

2007-07-22 23:10. Back in dorm room

2007-07-22 23:22. Helped A with roll check

2007-07-23 00:30. Aping/counsellor's dorm room with four laptops, got my digital camera back after they'd finished copying photos up to that point, to be used for the souvenir book/DVD they were making.

2007-07-23 00:38. Headed back to dorm room.

permalink written by  monex on July 22, 2007 from Kao Yuan Unversity, Taiwan
from the travel blog: 2007 Overseas Compatriot Youth Taiwan 5th Study Tour (2007海外青年台灣觀摩團第5梯次)
tagged Camera, KYU, Dumplings and Guzhen

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Breakfast and bus leaves

Kao Yuan Unversity, Taiwan

2007-07-23 07:44. Started breakfast

2007-07-23 08:30. BW

2007-07-23 08:46. BL

permalink written by  monex on July 23, 2007 from Kao Yuan Unversity, Taiwan
from the travel blog: 2007 Overseas Compatriot Youth Taiwan 5th Study Tour (2007海外青年台灣觀摩團第5梯次)
tagged KYU

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KYU for rehearsal, evening

Kao Yuan Unversity, Taiwan

2007-07-23 19:25. BA KYU

2007-07-23 20:08. Helping move musical instruments into classroom/auditorium for rehearsal

2007-07-23 20:21. Staff opened all classroom doors after I told a senior staff member about the white fog and distinct odour in the classroom, which was disinfectant that had been sprayed earlier that day.

2007-07-24 00:40. After last dorm visitors gone, sleep

permalink written by  monex on July 23, 2007 from Kao Yuan Unversity, Taiwan
from the travel blog: 2007 Overseas Compatriot Youth Taiwan 5th Study Tour (2007海外青年台灣觀摩團第5梯次)
tagged KYU

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breakfast and leave KYU

Kao Yuan Unversity, Taiwan

2007-07-24 07:49. Breakfast

2007-07-24 08:45. BL

permalink written by  monex on July 24, 2007 from Kao Yuan Unversity, Taiwan
from the travel blog: 2007 Overseas Compatriot Youth Taiwan 5th Study Tour (2007海外青年台灣觀摩團第5梯次)
tagged KYU

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KYU lecture auditorium rehearsal

Kao Yuan Unversity, Taiwan

2007-07-26 20:39. Arrived some time earlier, and practiced in the lecture auditorium classroom. We signed the t-shirt of someone who had to leave the tour early.

2007-07-26 23:09. Roll call.

2007-07-27 00:51. Last of the visitors to our room left.

2007-07-27 01:17. Chat in room and sleep soon afterwards.

permalink written by  monex on July 26, 2007 from Kao Yuan Unversity, Taiwan
from the travel blog: 2007 Overseas Compatriot Youth Taiwan 5th Study Tour (2007海外青年台灣觀摩團第5梯次)
tagged KYU

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Back to Kao Yuan University 高苑科技大學, last laundry, dorm chatting

Kao Yuan Unversity, Taiwan

2007-07-27 21:43. BA Kao Yuan University 高苑科技大學

2007-07-27 23:18. Roll call, then prepared laundry. Laundry wahsed about 40 minutes followed by drying for about 40 minutes. Chatted with the Australians and other visitors.

2007-07-28 00:21. Checked on our clothes in the laundry room.

2007-07-28 02:21. Sleep.

permalink written by  monex on July 27, 2007 from Kao Yuan Unversity, Taiwan
from the travel blog: 2007 Overseas Compatriot Youth Taiwan 5th Study Tour (2007海外青年台灣觀摩團第5梯次)
tagged KYU and Laundry

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Performances and Last Night at KYU

Kao Yuan Unversity, Taiwan

2007-07-28 08:38. Breakfast.

2007-07-28 09:21. In auditorium classroom.

2007-07-28 11:07. Filling out the feedback forms for KYU and the OCAC. Handed this in to recieve the souvenir book and DVD they had prepared.

2007-07-28 13:03. Done buffet lunch. Photos, signed books.

2007-07-28 13:48. About finished with the book signings, maybe twenty or so people left in the cafeteria.

2007-07-28 15:57. Found roommate sick in bed with fever. Counsellors recommended the usual sweat-it-out treatment. He still came to the evening events and got better after the tour.

2007-07-28 16:02. Followed everyone outside for a surprise mystery activity, which turned out to be a water balloon fight against our team leaders.

2007-07-28 20:02. In the auditorium classroom. Dinner was finished some time earlier. An entire evening of performances by counsellors, staff, and each bus group.

2007-07-29 04:29. Back to my dorm after visiting other dorms and confirmed tomorrow's departure transportation details with Cash.

Kao Yuan University 高苑科技大學

permalink written by  monex on July 28, 2007 from Kao Yuan Unversity, Taiwan
from the travel blog: 2007 Overseas Compatriot Youth Taiwan 5th Study Tour (2007海外青年台灣觀摩團第5梯次)
tagged LastNight, KYU, Buffet, LastDay, Performances and Singing

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Breakfast, Leaving KYU

Kao Yuan Unversity, Taiwan

2007-07-29 08:27. Last breakfast of the tour.

2007-07-29 08:32. Buses arrived, got on the bus assigned to the Kaohsiung Aiport route. Last hugs and goodbyes.

2007-07-29 09:12. Bus arrived at Gang Shan train station, to drop off a couple of us before continuing to Kaohsiung Airport.

End of this excellent three-week youth tour of Taiwan by OCAC and KYU.

permalink written by  monex on July 29, 2007 from Kao Yuan Unversity, Taiwan
from the travel blog: 2007 Overseas Compatriot Youth Taiwan 5th Study Tour (2007海外青年台灣觀摩團第5梯次)
tagged KYU and Leaving

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