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Breakfast, Leaving KYU

Kao Yuan Unversity, Taiwan

2007-07-29 08:27. Last breakfast of the tour.

2007-07-29 08:32. Buses arrived, got on the bus assigned to the Kaohsiung Aiport route. Last hugs and goodbyes.

2007-07-29 09:12. Bus arrived at Gang Shan train station, to drop off a couple of us before continuing to Kaohsiung Airport.

End of this excellent three-week youth tour of Taiwan by OCAC and KYU.

permalink written by  monex on July 29, 2007 from Kao Yuan Unversity, Taiwan
from the travel blog: 2007 Overseas Compatriot Youth Taiwan 5th Study Tour (2007海外青年台灣觀摩團第5梯次)
tagged KYU and Leaving

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Perjalanan Panjang

Jakarta, Indonesia

Hari ini adalah Hari H, saya berangkat ke Doha.... maksudnya untuk bekerja mendulang Dolar, tapi tujuan lain juga adalah untuk melakukan perjalanan... traveling saya dalam hidup saya.... kali ini adalah perjalanan panjang, dengan waktu yang tak terbatas dan entah kapan saya akan pulang ke Indonesia untuk menetap....

permalink written by  Nina on August 12, 2005 from Jakarta, Indonesia
from the travel blog: My Sojourn
tagged Leaving

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Ready For Take off

Clatskanie, United States

Ready to start our journey from the familiar to the unknown. We will cross the continental United States with a starting point of Clatskanie, OR and a randomly predetermined destation of Savannah, GA.

permalink written by  clatskanietogeorgia on October 1, 2009 from Clatskanie, United States
from the travel blog: Astoria to Georgia
tagged Leaving, TakeOff, Clatskanie and Launch

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Starting Out

Minneapolis, United States

In just a few hours, I'll be leaving the States for South Africa. Disclaimer: I will be back in Minnesota in time for the State Fair.

As for my trip, everything's packed. I've said my goodbyes (I'll miss you all). Now the only things that stands between me and Cape Town are airport security and hours of waiting. So fly to Heathrow tonight, layover for most of the day, and then fly straight down to Cape Town. Once I get there, I'll try to post as regularly as I can. Time for one last goodbye: Bye Minnesota! See you in a couple months!

permalink written by  Whitney on May 30, 2011 from Minneapolis, United States
from the travel blog: South Africa
tagged Leaving, Minnesota and StateFair

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