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Plzen - student town

Plzen, Czech Republic

i need to talk about d bus.. we so arrived in style to Plzen... NOT! we were at d bus station, waiting for our bus while looking at all other buses, thinking "maybe ours will be like that new 1, or that 1 over there with Wifi! dat'll be so cool!" then when our ride came, our jaws dropped! it really dropped!! it was this old bus that looked like it belongs to d 80s in Singapore! not d most comfortable or nicest smells! but we made it!

Plzen is pretty much a small student town. so things are not so expensive compared to Prague. our host Miguel is a Young medicine student from Portugal. correction... our host is a cheeky smart alec who has d answer to everything! it was fun thou to see eve n him squabbling over d littlest things! we also attended 1 class with Mig. d lecturer was kind enough to let us sit in... althou i suspect his intention was to make fun of us by asking us questions on acute appendicitis (d topic of lecture that day)...

mig n us each cooked a meal for each other. no i didnt make curry this time cos it was really making me sick! i cooked stirfry veggies with oyster sauce n beef slices n steam egg. a nice n simple meal. mig loves d egg so much he insisted i gave him d recipe... which are juz eggs n water n some salt to taste....

d Synagogue n d memorial left d deepest impression i guess. d memorial has loads of Stones. each Stone has d name of 1 victim of d Jewish massacre. it was a lot!

we only stayed 2 nights but it was really fun n i really enjoyed d stay n Mig's bringing us around. he invited us to go to Portugal as well. so now i have a definitely place to stay in Portugal! yeah!!

permalink written by  wangyng on May 6, 2008 from Plzen, Czech Republic
from the travel blog: Hello Europe!!
tagged CzechRepublic and Plzen

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