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Thine Vatican

Rome, Italy

Ok this is going to be abit short but I'll insert pictures for you. Vatican. Girls, no showing anything above the knees, no bare shoulders, they must be fully covered, no mid riff and I'm sure you get the idea. Guys, no shorts no wife beaters etc... Never mind all the naked statues everywhere or toga's or guys in what looks like a short dress or kilt. I don't get the need to dress a certain way just to go see god related ideals. So, I wore my kilt :) I made it through the proper dress check point but was grabbed later for it. Asked me what it was, and after I told them it was a kilt they asked if I was Scotish. Now what would you say to that? Of course I'm Scotish I just talk like a Texan. So they waved me on through. The only other "issue" I had was at the security checkpoint. After waiting in a fairly long line we get up to it and the only item not allowed showing on the sign was a swiss army knife. What's the one thing I have in my pocket? My new, very nice, somewhat costly swiss army knife. Well it was a test of humankind, I placed my knife on the guard rail that was used for herding everyone into the place in hopes it would be there when I got back out. I look down and apparently, I'm not the only pock knife weilding person here as there was another laying there as well. Yes, my knife was still there when we got back. Guess the Vatican brings out the good in some people. And here I thought Flipside was the only safe place. Flipside.. look it up, It's outside of Austin Texas.

Ok picture time:

Feel free browse the rest of our pictures to see everything. It was a decent experience, tons of history, Sistine chapel was cool but long, Pope says to tell everyone back home Hi, and it was a nice day.

The following days we went to stay along the coast at an awesome resort in our own little bungalow and enjoyed the beach.

Whew what a great time. Ok off to Tuscany!!!

permalink written by  Slade's Elucidation on August 4, 2008 from Rome, Italy
from the travel blog: Slade's Elucidation
tagged Basilica, Rome, SistineChapel and Vatican

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