My Stuff
United Kingdom
after our bus experience to Oxford, we are NOT going through that drama or stress again. so we made sure we got the the bus station well in advance, and made sure the information desk person gave us all the information at one go and not in several segments!
we actually plan to see Brighton but only managed to find a host in Worthing (as mentioned in my last blog entry). the bus is going to Worthing n makes a stop at Brighton. our bus ticket only gets us to Brighton. we started to think we should get to Worthing and do a day trip to brighton the next day. luckily for us, the bus driver allowed us to stay on the bus and get off at Worthing without charging extra!
yes! there's nice people in London too despite hearing sooo many cold tales!
our host David came in a taxi to pick us up! he also gave up his bedroom for us and slept in the living room cos he said he is a gentleman and will NOT let ladies sleep on a couch! i actually feel bad about that but he insisted in his pirate-speaking way and it was a done deal, no negotiation!
we manage to take a quick orientation walk around and see the Pier before sun set. the beach is more pebbly than sandy and seems to be great for surfing.
Me at The Pier at Worthing
we saw a number of kite surfers on the bus ride and it was quite amazing (especially when we wont be able to see much of this in Singapore!)
we then head back for a nice dinner courtesy of our host and spent the evening watching tv, drinking wine, listening to music and chatting about travelling experiences.
o yes, i forgot to mention that i was sick for the past few days being jet-lagged, travelling, trying to get used to the weather and that time of the month all happening at the same time, my body decide to go on strike!
so the only full day i have in Worthing/Brighton, i was sick in bed, trying to sleep it off. Eve went on to Brighton alone and when she got back, told me it was ok I didnt miss too much. phew!
our 2 nights stay was cut short as we decided to spend a night at the airport due to an extremely early flight (7.40am!). the morning train to the airport was cutting a bit too close to our flight time and we didnt want to risk it!
waiting to board the train to Gatwick Airport from Worthing
so...... here's my 1st time sleeping in an airport!
it was just past midnight when we arrived. there were already many travellers sleeping in the lounge area. some were nicely tucked in their sleeping bags... we each took a bench and started our night at d airport. at this time i remembered the lazy chairs/day beds we see in Changi Airport and learn to appreciate it more! being able to occupy 4 seats is not bad but of cos the day bed would be MUCH more comfy...
anyway, i was still rather conscious with many people walking around (and of cos bright lights!!) n i couldnt sleep. i reckon i only slept ard 4.30 am cos i was way too tired! (recovering fr a flu is quite quite tiring!)
we got up and checked in around 6am and all went smoothly.
we then head for breakfast at McDonalds (where else!??) before boarding.
the plane ride is juz an hour and we'll be in Brussels Belgium. Chocolates & waffles (& beer of cos!) here I come!!
written by
on April 2, 2008
United Kingdom
from the travel blog:
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