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PBRs and Mini-corn dogs

Tonight, I'm drinking Johnia Waaker Black Label. No typos there, it's genuine egyptian whiskey. Aged almost six weeks. Tastes much like the local hootch in Thailand. I'm doing my rescue diver course at the moment. Underwater Combat would be a better title for this thing. For two days now,...

permalink written by  Jason Kester on June 11, 2003 from Dhahab, Egypt
from the travel blog: Middle East, 2003


Last anybody heard from me, I was about to hop a bus out into the Libyan Desert in search of an Oasis or two. I'm happy to report that I survived the experience. Farafra, Egypt. Aptly named, and about the second most remote place in the whole country. There's a little village, a couple...

permalink written by  Jason Kester on June 5, 2003 from Dhahab, Egypt
from the travel blog: Middle East, 2003

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