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Lcvyufvhvyhukvgfyuhvhyuivb hygvyuv uhgbipñ

permalink written by  gerlong on June 21, 2011 from Milano, Italy
from the travel blog: Around the world......

4 giorni prima della partenza...

...anzi, 3 giorni. Bè, non sono nemmeno partita e ho già perso il conto. Ne sono già successe di ogni sorta PRIMA della tanto desiderata partenza (la KLM che cortesemente ci sposta i voli, l'università - Xibei dààààààxué - che non manda i documenti per il visto, la Telma dapprima brutalmente...

permalink written by  Ari, Fra, Telma - Autostop per Xi'an on July 17, 2008 from Milano, Italy
from the travel blog: Xi'an!

niente dire [lost for words]... literally!

23 November 2007 Our flight from London Heathrow to Milan Linate cost us 120UKpounds. Not bad really, considering we only booked the other day. This was our first time to book online on our own. It was unbelievably easy! This was also one of our easiest check-ins ever. Thank God! I don’t...

permalink written by  garcia on November 23, 2007 from Milano, Italy
from the travel blog: Got 2 see what's out there!



permalink written by  daiane on March 28, 2007 from Milano, Italy
from the travel blog: maggio moto

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