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Ciao Trove!

I almost succeded in not crying today, almost. It was the damn animals that did me in. Barbara is strong enough for two chicks so I didnt get teary when she said bye this morning before heading into town. Its when I went down to the out-door courtyard to give Fluffy a goodbye cuddle and Billy...

permalink written by  Slade's Elucidation on October 21, 2008 from Petroio, Italy
from the travel blog: Slade's Elucidation

Vendemmia Time!

Vendemmia, Italian for grape harvest. The vines are starting to turn hues of orange and red, and the grapes are juicy sweet. It's harvest time. Two days before the harvest was to start we pulled out all the bins, baskets, tubs, and tubes and gave then a good rinsing. Grapes don't like...

permalink written by  Slade's Elucidation on October 7, 2008 from Petroio, Italy
from the travel blog: Slade's Elucidation

Cellar Slave

Many of you have been wondering what the hell I've been up too here in the wilds of Tuscany. Vino baby, god I love this stuff, rather surprisingly so considering my original antipathy for everything related to wine. I've been cleaning out the Mariotties cellar, bottling previous vintages,...

permalink written by  Slade's Elucidation on September 17, 2008 from Petroio, Italy
from the travel blog: Slade's Elucidation

For Patrick and my other Morbid friends

A month and a half after the weed trimmer fiasco this is what im left with. Remember it used to look like this. The scar healed up fine, not to tight or anything. Under the skin things seem to still be sorting themselves out. I get wierd stabby and tingly pains and dont have the same...

permalink written by  Slade's Elucidation on September 8, 2008 from Petroio, Italy
from the travel blog: Slade's Elucidation

Fun Times at Trove

The past few weeks have passed by in a blaze of , well blazes for one. Barbara decided that the Calabroni (aka big fucking hornets that are creepily smart) had lived in the big stump by the house for too long and set the whole thing ablaze. It smoldered throughout the day, and come evening it...

permalink written by  Slade's Elucidation on September 4, 2008 from Petroio, Italy
from the travel blog: Slade's Elucidation


Ive been really bad about blogs and getting my pics edited and posted. We've had an awesome past 2 weeks and soon as i get some spare time to work at the computer i'll tell yall all about it. We were without the comp for a few days while we took a short trip to Firenze, and well, when you...

permalink written by  Slade's Elucidation on August 30, 2008 from Petroio, Italy
from the travel blog: Slade's Elucidation

All about Trove

Trove (Tro-vay) is a 600 or so year old Tuscan farm owned by Ugo and Barbara Mariotti. It sits between the towns of Castelmuzio and Petroio in the Trequanda district of Tuscany, Italy. They've owned the place for 35 years, though for a long while their time was split between Italy and...

permalink written by  Slade's Elucidation on August 17, 2008 from Petroio, Italy
from the travel blog: Slade's Elucidation

Tuscany, and a little place by the name or Trove

We've been a bit behind on blogs, and have actually been in Tuscany since Tuesday. Our hosts, Ugo and Barbara picked us up from the train station in Orvieto and we drove through the countryside taking the long route back to their house. You know how in movies Tuscany is always portrayed as ...

permalink written by  Slade's Elucidation on August 9, 2008 from Petroio, Italy
from the travel blog: Slade's Elucidation

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