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Kaksoistornien varjossa

Kaksi päivää Kuala Lumpurissa kului kuin siivillä. Petronaksen tornien väliselle kävelysillalle oli pääsyliput myyty loppuun ennenkun ehdin lipunmyyntiluukulle, joten Ansa Viritetty -elokuvan jalanjäljillä en päässyt seuraamaan kuin aukiolle ihastelemaan taivasta kurkottelevia...

permalink written by  rosabella on August 6, 2012 from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
from the travel blog: Kaukana kotoa: Siperian halki ja matkantekoa Itä-Aasiassa

Far too much food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Woke up, didn’t have breakfast as Michael said he would take us out again. Chris had gotten up before me and done a little shopping whilst I slept. Then went to a local noodle place, advertised as one of the top 10 things to eat ever in KL. So we thought we must try this too! So...

permalink written by  chrischarly on September 22, 2011 from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly's Passage through SE Asia

Another crazy day in KL

Today was our last full day in KL for a while and everyone except me went to the Heritage Walk, which was about 2 hours long before Chris came back to meet me and the others went up the KL Sky Tower. We decided not to go as we had been already and we met them at the...

permalink written by  chrischarly on May 7, 2011 from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly's Passage through SE Asia

And one again, in KL

After waking up, we went to a little food court for breakfast before everyone except me went on a walk. They had a great time and poor Chris even found a leech eating his ankle having made it through his socks! We then gathered up our things and left...

permalink written by  chrischarly on May 5, 2011 from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly's Passage through SE Asia

And back once again to KL

Today we headed back to KL to stay over just one night before we go and meet the others and the airport tomorrow morning!! We are so excited about seeing them, we cannot wait!! So we just spent another night in KL wandering the streets...

permalink written by  chrischarly on April 23, 2011 from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly's Passage through SE Asia

Pearl of the Orient

We docked in Port Klang,about 1 hr from [[Malaysia/Kuala-Lumpur]].I took the highlights tour.[[Malaysia/Kuala-Lumpur]],the name means muddy confluence,is a beautiful city with wide streets,high rises and lots of green space.I was surprised as i had no idea what to expect.The architecture has...

permalink written by  edoyle on April 17, 2011 from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
from the travel blog: World Cruise

Kuala Lumpur

Port Klang is the port for KL which is about a 2-hour drive away. Several years ago it had the tallest building in the world, the Petronas Towers. Then the tallest was in Taipei, the 101, and now it is in Dubai. We decided not to go to KL since we had already been there before.

permalink written by  rcodel on April 14, 2011 from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
from the travel blog: World Cruise - 2011

The King of Fruit

This evening the owner of the guest House we are staying at, Christine took us to a night market. It was great and Chris was in his element trying all the tasty treats Christine advised us to try. Then after we were all stuffed she took us to a durian restaurant where we...

permalink written by  chrischarly on April 11, 2011 from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly's Passage through SE Asia

Chilling in KL

Today was the practice day of The Grand Prix but we decided to miss it and instead sort out our visas for Vietnam and Indonesia. However this was a little more difficult than expected so intead we achieved virtually nothing all day and went out for dinner in the evening with a group of guys...

permalink written by  chrischarly on April 8, 2011 from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly's Passage through SE Asia

Back once again to KL

Today we sadly left Tioman Island and went back to Kuala-Lumpur in preparation for the Grand Prix. Travelling was easy but took some time and arrived in a huge thunderstorm and then headed out to the city to a bar with fantastic views of the city...

permalink written by  chrischarly on April 7, 2011 from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly's Passage through SE Asia

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