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Xcalak, Mexico to San Pedro (Ambergris Cay), Belize

January 29, 2009. Checking out of Xcalak proved to be a painless process. Of course, it always costs a few dollars to check in and out of a country, but the fees are usually modest, especially when you consider all of the fees which are attached to an airline ticket. We traveled all...

permalink written by  bobandglennda on March 10, 2009 from Xcalak, Mexico
from the travel blog: Sailing from Florida to Cenral America

Down the Mayan Coast II: From Bahia Espiritu Santo to Xcalak

We left early in the morning in order to get out to Banco Chinchorro before dinner time. It's 25 to 30 knotical miles from Bahia Espiritu Santo to Banco Chinchorro. Better sailing today and pleasant 80 degree temperatures. However, b y 3:00 o'clock we put on the engine to ensure our safe...

permalink written by  bobandglennda on March 4, 2009 from Xcalak, Mexico
from the travel blog: Sailing from Florida to Cenral America

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